

On a rainy Monday morning I got out of bed feeling really depressed. I had no job to go to so I decided to pack so stuff and head out to the beach house. A great idea! I jumped into the car and drove along the shore line to the house. I stopped in Cedar Key to get some groceries. Eric, the shopkeeper smiled at me when he saw me come in.

'Good morning Kathy. On your way to the beach house. I assume?' He said.

'Good morning Eric, yes. I'm running away from life for a few days.'

'It's a really nice house. My wife and I walked by passed it last week. A black prowler was parked on the drive way.' Eric said.

'Thanks Eric. Is he still up there?' Eric raised his shoulders.

'I should think so. I haven't seen him around.' He replied as he packed my groceries.

'Thanks again. I'll see you around.'

'Yes. Bye Kathy. Enjoy your stay. And it's been nice talking to you.' Eric said.

I waved and got into the car. (So Nick's up at the house.) I haven't seen Nick in months. He had been too busy recording his new solo album. It took me 10 minutes to get to the house. When I pulled up the driveway I didn't see any other car so I assumed that Nick left again. I parked the car around back and stepped out. The house always looked fairy tale like around this time of year. Flowers where in bloom and all the tree are green. These things reminded me on how much I loved spring.

I picked up my bag and the groceries and climbed up the front porch. (Nobody home.) after I placed the
groceries in the kitchen I went up to my room to unpack. There was a large bouquet of fresh flowers waiting on the nightstand by the bed. The note said:

Too bad your not here with me. Love, Nickolas.

The flowers smelled great. I unpacked and decided to take a long walk on the beach. While sea winds where brushing against my face I enjoyed the sun and the ocean. I untied the ribbon that held my hair allowing the wind to play with it. I changed right before I left Winter Haven. I was wearing a pair of white trousers, a baby blue shirt and some white sneakers. I sat down on a bench and started at the ocean.

Hours went by and it was already 8 o'clock when I went back to the house. I fixed myself a small dinner and served it to myself in the dining room. The keep myself from feeling alone I decided to play some music. While turning on the radio I noticed something strange. The CD-player contained a CD by George Michael, Jesus to a child. Nick was the only one that ever listened to that song, but even he only played it when he was feeling really depressed and lonely. So I figured that Nick came up to the house to feel depressed and to work out his problems. Although he showed me that he wanted me near, I knew he'd rather be alone. So in that case, I was happy that he left the house before I arrived at the house.

The clock chimed 10 times when I went to bed.


~*~*~*(The next morning)*~*~*~


Somewhere in one the bedrooms an alarm-clock went off and woke me up at 9 o'clock. I got out of bed grumpy and walked into the corridor to find out from which room the noise came. I went into Brian's room; nothing. AJ's room was quiet too. It wasn't Kevin or Howie so it had to be coming from Nick's room.

I barged into the room but froze to the ground the second I came in. Nick's room was a mess! Clothing everywhere, unpacked suitcases on the ground and footsteps coming from the bathroom. Nick walked into the room wearing nothing but a towel around his waste. He looked so amazing!

'I I I'm sorry Nick.I didn't know you where here.' I said in shock.

Nick smiled. 'I didn't know that you where here either. Where did you park your car?' Nick asked as if nothing was wrong.

'I parked my car around the back. But I'll go back into my room. I'm really sorry for barging in on you like that.' I said, turned around and left.

'That's okayI'll see you at breakfast.' Nick said. I heard him laughing in his room as I walked back into my own. Still a little shocked by my earlier discovery I stepped into the shower to wash it all away.

When I came downstairs half an hour later the table was covered with am amazingly looking breakfast.
'Nick. You've outdone yourself this time.' I said.

'Thank you. I do my best.' He replied smiling.

'I see you decided to put on some clothes..'

'Yeah, but I'll get undressed if you want me to' Nick said and started to unbutton his shirt while grinning mischievously.

'NO!' I shook my head and started breakfast. 'Your an insane man Nick Carter! You do realize that, right?' I said and smiled at him.

'Of course. Wanna shoot some pool later?' he asked.

'I don't play pool.' I replied.

'It's great. I'll teach you.' He offered and I excepted.as if he was gonna accept NO for an answer. We cleaned up after our breakfast and went into the game room.

'Are you sure you wanna try to teach me something? The last one who tried was committed in a mental institution. Guess I'm no easy learner.' I said again.

'Shut up Kathy! And let me teach you.' Nick said, who was getting annoyed. He was wearing a yellow-orange button shirt and a pair of long boxers. He looked amazing, just as he did this morning. We took our places on each end of the pool table as Nick placed the balls in position and showed me how it's done. I tried once.but I failed!

'Damn! You really do suck!' Nick said. I became furious and dropped the cue on the floor.

'Relax! I was just kidding! Man, you are stressed! No wonder you came up here.' Nick said and picked up the cue. 'Come on. I'll show you. You hold the cue and I'll hold onto you. Ok?'

'Sure. If YOU think I can do thisI'll give it my best shot.' I said and held the cue. Nick showed me how to hold the cue and then he stood behind me leaning his arms on mine.

He stood so close to me that I could feel every part of him body against mine. I couldn't help to notice that he was excited. And so was I. After I tried to shoot he placed his hands on my hips.'Your doin' okay.' He said.

'Thank you. Could you please help me again?'

He nodded and placed his arms on mine again. I knew that I was seducing him and by the looks of it, Nick enjoyed every second. He moved his hands and I scored. (We're a good team together.)

'I'm great!' I said excited.

'Yes, your really good.' Nick said with a soft and sexy voice. He moved his hands around my waste as he was kissing my neck. That felt good.

'You like this?' he whispered into my ear.

'Yes.that feels good.' I replied and turned to kiss him. 'Let's go to my room.'

'No. Let's do it here!' Nick suggested.

I nodded as he placed me on top of the pool table. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked deep into his eyes.

'Nick. Do you love me?' I asked him.

'Yes Kathy. I've loved you ever since the first time I laid eyes on you. Even with Mandymy love for you was juststronger.' He explained and kissed me deeply.

'I've got another idea. Let's get into the whirlpool.' I suggested. Nick smiled.

'That idea is even better than mine.' He replied.

'I know. Why don't you go heat up the poolI'll be right there.' I said and walked up the stairs to change. I dressed into a tiny bikini and a satin robe. As I was fixing my hair I heard Nick run up the stairs to change as well. I decided to wait until he was back down again. It took Nick less than 10 minutes to heat up the pool, run upstairs to change, run back down again and get into the pool before I got there.

When I walked down the stairs I heard romantic music coming from the pool house. (He's creating a mood.) I walked into the pool house to find Nick, already in the pool, with 2 glasses and a bottle of wine in his hand. He looked absolutely gorgeous!

'Hi there hansom.' I said as I walked up to the whirlpool.

'That's me.' he replied smiling. I climbed onto the edge of the pool and dropped the robe to reveal my bikini. He was stunned! Nick poured in the wine.

'I assume you want a glass as well?' he said.

'Of course. I love a good wine.' I replied as I got into the pool. He handed me a glass when I sat down next to him.

'A toast' Nick said.

'To a great day.' I added. He smiled and drank his wine.

Nick was doing something underwater with his hands and he suddenly gave out a loud cry.'No! I lost my watch! The one Brian gave me!' he yelled.

'Don't worry.' I said smirking. 'I'll find it for you.'

My hand went underwater towards his body. While looking deep into his eyes I touched his body pretending to be looking for the watch.

'I'm gonna hafta go a bit deeper...since your watch isn't up here' I announced and went to his waste.

'Okay.' He said trying not to laugh.

I pulled on the cord of his boxers with one hand as the other one went into his boxers. I was softly touching his legs as if I was searching.

'Oohhh..You're driving me wild' he said trying to regulate his breathing.

'I'm not doing anything.' I said using the innocence of a child. 'I'm just looking for your watch. That's all.'

'Here it is.' Nick said as he pointed at a table near the pool. 'I didn't lose it in the pool.'

Instead of stopping, like Nick thought I would, I kept my hand inside touching his gently. 'You lied to me..' I said with a vicious grin on my face. 'That's not very nice'

'Will you punish me?' he asked. I shook my head and took his face in my hands. I kissed him deeply as he wrapped his arms around me pulled me close.

We decided to keep it slow so all we did was kiss. I was laying comfortably in Nick's armsnot knowing what was gonna happen next

