

Kevin stayed with us a few days. And we did all sorts of fun stuff. We went horseback riding again, surfing, diving and we even took to boat out to sea. We had a great time. And the whole time when Kevin was with us.except for the note.noting happened. It was as if the haunted house calmed down for a few days. Nick and I where happy.safe. Until Kevin announced his departure.

'I'm really sorry. But I hafta go. I promised Kristen to be back in a few days. I only went up here to check up on you guys.' He explained. 'But with Howie gone. What could happen?'

Nick and I exchanged worried looks. (What could go wrong? My dear Kevin, you have no idea what's been goin' on in this house! No idea!)

'Well, goodbye Kevin. Say hi to Kris for me. And send her my love.' Nick said and carefully hugged Kevin.

'I will man. Be careful next time you drink too much.' Kevin said smirking.

'I will.'

'Give my love to Kris as well. I'll call her.to tell her that you're on your way home.' I promised.

'Thank you Kathy. Hang in there. The both of you.' Kevin said as he got into his car. 'Oh and, call me when Howie gets back.'

'We will. By Kevin.' Nick said. We waved until he was out of sight.

'time to go back inside.' Nick said.

'Yeah, are you scared?' I asked him. He looked at me and took my hand in his.

'As long as we're together.nothing can scare me.' he said and we kissed.

Our poltergeist decided to leave us alone for the next few days. No notes and no accidents. 'Do you think it's gone?' Nick asked. I shook my head.

'No. It's just waiting for another great opportunitylike with you last week. He was just waiting for you to get drunk and to be less careful. He caught you off-guard. That must never happen again..he almost got you killed.and I can't bare to lose you.'

'I know honey. And I promised to watch my step. He's not gonna get me' Nick said out loud.

Somewhere in the shadows the voice whispered: I wouldn't say that if I where youI'll get youdon't worryI'll get you

We both had a bad headache the next day. For some stupid reason both Nick and I had a few drinks too many the night before. And when we where really drunk we made love on the kitchen table. I fell a sleep and Nick carried me to the bedroom. This caused him a lot of pain in his back and with the headache he had.that's gotta hurt!

'Nick.' I whispered. 'How's your head?'

'Not good.' Nick said moaning. 'It feels like a bomb just exploded inside.'

'That sounds painful.'

'It is!' We stayed in bed until we felt better. For Nickthat moment never came. But me on the other hand, I was up a few hours later.

'I'll get you some aspirin.' I said and went downstairs. I brought Nick a glass of water and 2 aspirins.

'Thank you Kathy.' He said and swallowed both. He fell a sleep so I left him alone.

Nick's condition didn't get betterit got worse. I gave him 5 aspirins but his headache wouldn't go away.

'Should I call a doctor?' I asked.

But he shook his head. 'No. It's just a really bad hangover. That's all.trust me. I'll be okay.' I sat by his bedside the whole time. I even read him stories to make him fall a sleep. He fell a sleep and slept for hours.

I was sitting in a chair across the room peacefully reading a book when I suddenly heard strange noises. First I thought it was just the wind but when the noise became louder I thought I heard footsteps. My body was frozen to the chair. I tried to run but I couldn't. The footsteps came closer. But I couldn't determine whether they where inside or out. Finally I found the strength to move. I got up and rushed towards the bed.

'Nick. Wake up. There's somebody in the house! It's back Nick! Wake up.' I cried.

Nick opened his eyes and looked at me. 'Ah! Everything is blurred. Why did you wake me up?' he asked.

'There's somebody in the house! I heard footsteps! He's here Nick!' I cried.

'Be quiet.' He said and got out of bed. It took him all of his strength to get up and stay up.

'Are you dizzy?'

'Yeah. Pretty bad.' He answered and leaned on me to make sure we wasn't falling down. I helped him into his cloths and then we left the room. All the lights where out again so we had to be very careful. Nick thought we would be safe in the basement so we went there.

When we reached the first floor I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen. 'He's in the kitchen!' I whispered.

Nick turned around and pulled me into the other direction. Away from the kitchen. While we where running I heard the footsteps turn around and walk into the same direction as us.

'He's coming after us!' Nick whispered. 'We have to hurry.'

'He's closing in on us.' I figured when the footsteps seemed to bee only a few feet away from us. Nick tripped and fell down.

'Nickoh no.' I said and kneeled next to him. 'We have to get out of here.'

'Yeah. You go on. I'll be fine.' He said, rubbing his ankle.

'No. I'm not leaving here without you.' I said and pulled him up. Supported by me, Nick managed to get to the basement. We sneaked inside and hid behind a pile of boxes. I handed Nick a baseball bat that I found.

'Here. Incase you might need it.' I whispered.

He smiled. 'You're great.'

'I kno.shh. Here he comes!' I said and held my breath.

The intruder entered the basement. From our hideout we could see him clearly. He was smaller then Nick and he appeared to be confused. He was looking around trying to find us. He turned around and walked further into the basement. Nick slowly got out of his hideout and followed him.

Silence fell. I just realized that Howie left his phone number incase of an emergency. I knew that it probably wasn't gonna help and that he was never gonna make it in time but eh this is an emergency! I took out my portable and dialed the number. I waited a few seconds.. then there was a sound. A phone went off in the basement! (We don't have a phone in the basement)

All the pieces of the puzzle suddenly fell into place. 'Nick! No!' I yelled.

But it was too late.I heard a loud bang followed by a scream and then silence again.

'Kathy. Came you turn on the lights for me.' I heard Nick say. I got up from behind the boxes and walked over to the power cabinet. I flipped over the main switch and the lights where back.

I heard Nick whisper something. I didn't know what he said.but I think I knew what he was thinking..When I rushed over towards him my heart suddenly stopped beating. I was right! On the floor by Nick's feet was Howie's body.

'Oh god! It's Howie! Is he okay?' I asked and kneeled down next to him. 'I don't know. I smacked on his head with the bat you gave me.' Nick said holding the bat.

'Do you think he did it.is he our poltergeist?' I asked Nick but he wasn't sure.

'Well.I guess so! We thought he was gonebut what if he never left.then he's behind everything! It could be!' Nick said.

'Nick.I knew it was Howie.' I said without looking at him.

'Wha?! What did you just say!' he yelled.

'Calm down. When you where after him I tried to call him.you heard his phone! Then I figuredthat it was Howie. I screamed to stop youbut I was too late.That's how I knew.'

'Oh.okay.' Nick said and kneeled down. 'Let's get him upstairs.' We dragged

Howie's unconscious body upstairs to the living room and we lay him down on the couch.

Howie woke up a few hours later.with a terrible headache. 'Oh' he moaned. 'My head.it's killing me.'

'Yeah. That's because eh.' I stuttered.

'I hit youon the head.with a baseball bat.' Nick added.

'What?! Why? What did I do THIS TIME?!' Howie asked.

'We thought.you where a burglar!' I quickly said.

'A burglar?!' Howie repeated. 'And you expect me to believe that?!'

'Okay, okay.' Nick said. 'You deserve the truth.' Nick explained everything. He told Howie about the notes, the rabbit and all the other strange and scary accidents.

'Ohthat's terrible.' Howie said, some what shocked. 'Why are you still here? Why didn't you go home?!'

'Because we've been able to survive this thing.' I said. 'We don't wanna go home until we figure this out.'

'I'm staying too.' Howie said.

'No Howie. We want you to go home.' Nick said. But Howie refused.

'I'm staying!' he yelled. 'I have just as much rights to be here as you!'

'Yeah, but Howie.' I said.

'Not another word!' he said and barged out of the room. He was probably angry and confused by the hit on the head.

'What are we gonna do about him?' I asked Nick.

'I don't know. We can't force him to leave.' Nick replied. 'Let's just hope the ghost will leave him alone.'

I wouldn't count on that if I where youwhispered the voice in the shadow.

