

When Nick looked outside it was raining.

'That's strange.' He said. 'A few minutes ago there was a clear blue sky'

'Now it's raining.' I noticed. 'That's weird. But hey, nature is a weird thing.'

'Well, whatever. I'm starved. When's dinner?' Nick asked.

'I'm working on that.' I said. 'Go call Howie. And then you kids can set the table.'

'Okay mummy.' Nick said with a childish accent. He left the kitchen in a hurry.

'Howie! Howie! Come down!' I heard him yell. 'Dinner! Howie!' The childish accent made him sound like a 3 year old. Nick's behavior made me think of what his own children would be like.They'd be like him.

Half an hour later we where enjoying a home-cooked-meal made by me.'This stuff tastes great.' Howie said.

'Yeah, mummy did it this time.' Nick said, still using the accent.

'Oh hush up Nicky. Or I'm sending you upstairs.' I said pretending to be angry.

'No mummy.' He cried. 'I mean. Please don't.' Howie started a laugh so loud that tears where running down his face.

'Oh god! I can't stop!' he said laughing.

'Mum.' Nick said. 'Howie's gonna die if he doesn't stop laughing.'

The voice whispered: He's gonna die anyway We where all laughing and crying.

But then all of a sudden, Howie stopped and dried his tears.

'Okay. It's over.' Howie said and sat up straight. 'I'm finished.'

'Yeah, but I'm not.' Nick said and smiled. Howie smiling face turned into a grumpy one.

'Stop acting like a child and behave like an adult. You're almost 26 now. Behave!' he said.

'Howie. What's wrong with you? Why can't he have fun?' I asked.

Howie gave me an angry look and started eating. 'Dinner's getting cold.' He said between bites. We finished our dinner in silence.

Nick was shocked by Howie's sudden mood swing. (What's wrong with him? Why is he acting like this? I'll always be a child at heartBut he never said anything about it beforeI wonder what's bothering himI hope he's not still mad because I hit em on the headMaybe he is)

'I'm goin' to take a shower. And than I'm goin' for a walk on the beach. If you want to join me, make sure you're ready when I come down again.' Howie said and walked out of the kitchen.

Nick and I exchanged worried and angry looks. 'Ok. What's happening here?! Who bit him!' Nick asked.

I raised my shoulders. 'I bet it was the rabbit.No just kidding, I really don't know. I haven't seen him like this in a while.it's probably this house! Everybody starts behaving strangely.' I figured.

Nick nodded. We where talking about his pets when we heard Howie scream.

'NO! Stay away from me! HELP!' he cried. 'KATHY! NICK! HELP ME!'

'What's happening?!' yelled Nick. We rushed upstairs to see what was going on.

'Howie!' I yelled. 'Where are you?!' No answer..

'Let's check his room.' Nick said and barged in. There, lying on the floor in a puddle of his own blood, was Howie. A big kitchen-knife was sticking out of his ribcage. His face was pale and he was breathing heavily.

'Oh god Howie!' I cried and fell down next to him. 'Who did this to you?!'

'It.I.' Howie stuttered.

'Hush Howie. Spare your strength.' Nick said. 'Kat, we've got to get that out.' I nodded.

'Nick's right. We have to get the knife out of your body Howie. This is gonna hurt.' I explained, placed both hands on the handle and ripped it out with one pull. Howie cried and closed his eyes.

'HOWIE!' Nick yelled. 'Open your eyes! Please!'

'Oh my god! I killed him!' I cried and threw the knife away. I placed Howie's head in my lap and ran my finger through his hair. 'Oh Howie. Why didn't you listen?! Why didn't you leave when we told you to! Why?!'

'Kathy.' Nick whispered. 'He's not gonna live' Blood kept coming out of Howie's chestwound. I applied pressure to stop the bleeding but nothing helped. Howie opened his eyes and looked at us.

'.take care of her.Nick.promise me..Ilove you man.' he stuttered.

'I promise man. I'll make sure nothing happens to her.' Nick promised and grabbed Howie's hand. A tear ran down his face. 'I love you too man.'

'..Kat.I love you.' Howie whispered.

'I love you too Howie.' I replied crying.

'Don't cry.the pain is gone.I'm leaving.'

'No, please! Don't go.I need you!' I begged and pleaded Howie to stay but it didn't work.

'I love you guys..' he said and before he closed his eyes for the last time he whispered. 'See you guys.later.' The last breath escaped from his mouth. Those where his last words.

'Oh go Howie.' I cried and closed my eyes. 'I'm gonna miss you so much.'

'Me too.' Nick said who got up to hug me. 'Come here honey.' I placed Howie's head on the floor, kissed his cold forehead and fell into Nick's arms.

'I'm gonna miss him so much.' I whispered.

'We will all miss him Kathy.' Nick said. 'We all loved Howie very much.'

The next few lines flashed through my head.

If I die tonight
I'd go with no regrets
If it's in your arms
I know that I was blessed
And if your eyes are the last thing that I see
Then I know the beauty heaven holds for me

A tear ran down my face. Howie was in a safe place where nobody could touch him, haunt him or hurt his feelings.

'Nick.do you think... Howie's looking down on us.' I asked.

'Yes, I believe he is.' Nick replied. I buried my head in his chest and cried as if I wasn't gonna stop. 'Let's go.' When we turned around to exit the room we saw it. Another note was attached to the door with a small knife. It said: One down, two to goyou can runbut you can never hideI'll find youand when I doyou're all gonna die!

'You know what this means, right Kathy?' Nick said. I nodded.

'This means WAR!' I yelled. My voice echoed through the house as a beam a lightning.

Nick suddenly figured that he had to do something before he could go. 'I gotta get back to D..' he said. 'I gotta make sure he's comfy.' Nick turned around and walked back into the room. He carefully picked up Howie's body and placed it on the bed. Then, after he said a short prayer, he covered up the body with the bed sheets.

'That's more like it' he whispered and walked out of the room. I was waiting in the corridor sitting on the floor while holding the note. 'What are we gonna do Nick?! He already got Howie! Now he's after us!' I cried.

'Calm down Kathy.' Nick said and sat down next to me. 'If you mean leave... never! I'm gonna make the bastard pay for what he did to Howie! Nobody kills my friends, and gets away with it alive!' I hugged him. I felt safe again.but for how long? He would find us and in the end we would all die!

