

Two days later on a sunny morning Nick got into his car and left to buy groceries and supplies in Cedar Key. 'Are you sure you're not coming with me?' he asked again.

'Yes. You already asked me a million times! I'll be okay.Go! Before I change my mind.' I replied. 'And Nick, please hurry.'

'I will. Love you honey.' Nick said, closed the window and drove away.

I waved until he was out of sight. 'Okay. Now it's just you and me.' I climbed the porch and entered the house.

Nick asked me if I could clean house. The whole place was a mess. I agreed after a short argument.
'Please, clean the house.' Nick said.


'Please Kathy!' he begged. 'If I do itI'll only make it worse!'

'Well, you've got a point there..' I said and gave in. 'Okay. I'll clean up the place.'

'Thanks Kat. Love ya.' Nick said and smiled.. That happened an hour before he left.

I was dusting off the paintings in the living room a few hours later when I heard strange noises coming from outside. I dropped my things and walked outside. The thought of a trap never crossed my mind. The sounds came from behind the pool house. I slowly walked across the lawn towards it. As soon as I was passed the house.the noises suddenly stopped.

'Is anybody here?' I asked. But of course, nobody answered.

'Come on. You sound hurt. Let me help you.' I said. Still nothing. When I walked further to the bushes I could hear the silent squeaking of an animal. I kneeled down and leveled my head with the bushes. That's when I saw them.

A small dog *like the one Nick has* with 4 puppies where hiding in the bushes. 'Ahhhh.' I said and smiled. 'You're so sweet.' One of the puppies slowly came towards me and licked my hand. I carefully picked the puppy up and looked at it.

'So I'm getting scared of a puppy now.' I smirked. 'You're not gonna hurt me, are ya little one?'

'No, he won't!' a voice behind me said. 'But I will!' I turned around and faced a girl with a baseball bat in her hand. She swung it once, but I ducked so she missed. I quickly placed the puppy in the bushes and looked at her. While diving away from the bat I tried to get up.

'What do you want from me?!' I screamed.

'You're in love with a killer!' the girl screamed.

'And that's why you're gonna hurt me?! Why aren't you after the killer than?' I asked her trying to sound rational.

'I'm taking out everybody around him! You read my note! One down-two to go!' she yelled and swung the bat again.

'So it was YOU who killed HOWIE!!' I yelled. 'I loved that guy!' My anger was getting stronger than my fear. I walked towards the girl and tried to grab the bat but she got me first. She swung it again and landed it against the back of my head, knocking me out cold.

'See. I told you that I was gonna get you!' she said smiling as she dragged my body inside.

Meanwhile in Cedar Key...

'So you bought the house for a very low price?' Eric figured.

Nick nodded. 'Yeah. We went looking for some nice houses and then this one caught our attention.' Nick explained and smiled.

'And the rest is history.' Eric's wife, Annie, said.

'Yes. Instant love-affair. Everybody fell head over heals on the house.' Nick admitted. 'But it is a beauty. You should come by the house once. I'll be more than happy to show you around.'

'That would be really cool, Nick.' Eric said.

'I think we'll do that.' Annie added.

'But please, call before you stop by. Than I can make sure the house isn't a mess.' Everybody laughed at Nick's funny comment.

'Any gossip you would like to share with me?' Nick curiously informed.

'Yes. A lot.' Annie said and started to tell Nick about the things that happened the last couple of days. At one point Eric mentioned something interesting.

'A young lady came in my shop and asked if their was a gun-shop somewhere near.' He said. 'I told her that James Beck, next door could get her a perfect gun. She went over to Beck's and bought a big gun with a whole lot of bullets.'

This information was somewhat disturbing to Nick. He immediately thought of his "poltergeist". (Could it be that girl?!)

'Can you describe the girl?' Nick asked.

Eric nodded. The girl he described looked a lot like a girl he used to know. (The girl he's describing
looks like... oh god! She looks like JASMINE!)

'Is something wrong son?' Annie asked. Nick shook his head and smiled at her.

'I'm fine. Just as slight headache.' He lied. 'But I really should be going. I promised Kathy that I'd be back soon.'

'Than you're pretty late.' Eric said smirking. 'You've been here for more thanyou've been here all day!'

'Yeah. But we did have fun, didn't we?' Nick commented.

'That's right. We did have fun.' Annie admitted and added. 'Give my love to Kathy. And ask her to drop by sometimes. I found a new way to make delicious apple-pie.'

'I will tell her. I promise.' Nick said, took the bag of groceries from Eric and walked over to the car. (Kathy's gonna kill me! I stayed away most ofthe day! And I promised to be back soon... she's not gonna be too pleased.)

It was almost dark when Nick came home. Although he promised to be back soon... he couldn't just walk away when him and Eric where talking? That wouldn't be nice. He would just tell Kathy that he lost track of the time.

'Kathy. I'm home!' he yelled as he unpacked the groceries in the kitchen. 'Kathy!'

Nick kept yelling my name but nobody answered. Suddenly everything made sense. (Oh my god! He has her! What if she's deadlike Howie! Oh god! I hope she's okay!) Nick dropped what he was doing and started to wander around the house. He looked in every room and kept repeating my name.

'Kathy! Answer me baby!' he cried. 'Please Kathy!' Nick looked for hours and checked every single room in the entire house. But he couldn't find me anywhere. He was getting really scared by now. (She's dead! And he took her away! I'm all alone now!) I guess that thinking before acting, is something Nick never learnt. Tears started running down his face. Somebody killed the love of his life, or so he thought.

Somewhere in the house, I was waking up. 'Ahhmy head!' I moaned. The girl tied me up so I wouldn't get away or attack her.

'You're awake.' The girl said. 'And your sweet killer boyfriend is home... time to finish this.'

'No! Please, don't hurt Nick!' I whispered.

'He killed my best friend. And he's gonna pay for his deeds!' the girl said and took a gun out of her bag. 'He's gonna get what's coming for em! I'll make sure he does...You must understand, I can't let him get away with this.'

I nodded, speechless. She started loading the gun and after that she slipped the gun into her pocket. She started at me with eyes filled with hate. I knew that she was gonna kill me. I then figured that she had been planning our deaths since the day the strange accidents started.

'So what happens to me now?' I asked. The girl laughed mischievously.

'You must understand that I have no use for you.' She said, sounding like a diplomat! 'Which means...'
'...you're gonna die!' she added and raised her gun. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain.

The girl fired once, aiming for my heart. She missed.the bullet forced itself into my chest.The pain was beyond words. I've never felt anything like that.

'Oh god' I whispered before I passed out again.

'Two down... one to go...' The girl said and left the room, thinking I was dead.

