

Nick was sitting on the couch in the living room crying his eyes out. (Howie is deadKathy's probably dead too and I guess I'm next in line to receive eternal peace) Nick started thinking about the things he wanted to do or see before the killer would get to him. He got up from the couch and walked outside. Nick wanted to see the beach and the ocean for the last time in his life.

A icy ocean wind blew threw his hair as Nick found his way to the beach. It was a cold and fogy night. Nick walked straight to the water and sat down a few feet away from the spot where the waves where crashing onto the beach. His mind was empty. He could think of nothing else but Kathy. Nick blamed mostly himself for not being able to save her. If only he would have been home. (Maybe he would have killed me instead of Kathy! Why did I leave her?! I should have never allowed her to stay home! Why did I stay away so long?! I promised her to be back as soon as I couldI stayed away too long! It's my fault that she diedif it wasn't for meshe'd still be alive!)

Scary thoughts where racing through his mind. He banned them out and stared at the ocean. The water was rough and seemed cold.

The fog became thicker as the water level rose. Nick stood up and stared into the mist. Was it his imagination or did he see a girl coming towards him? Nick figured that his imagination was fooling around... or maybe she was real? He couldn't be making this up.

His eyes didn't deceive him. A few feet away from where he was standing stood a girl.a beautiful creature in a long white gown. Her long dark hair was blowing in the wind forming a veil behind her.

'Nickolas... Nickolas...' she whispered.

Nick started at her. He couldn't move a muscle.every part of his body felt cold.

'...Nickolas... Come to me...' he heard her whispered as she summoned him to come closer. Her voice was like a sad song brought to him by the icy wind.

'Who are you?' he asked. The young girl started into his eyes.

'Why Nick?' she asked. 'Why did you... .kill me?' The image kept whispering.

Every word she said felt like tiny needles sticking into Nick's ears. '...killed you?' Nick repeated. Then it suddenly hit him! '...Jasmine... is it you?'

'Why did you kill me Nickolas?' she asked again. She covered her face and started to cry.

'Jasmine... I didn't kill you!' Nick screamed. Tears kept running down his face. The image in front of him was the girl he killed... Jasmine.

'You killed me Nickolas!' she said harshly. 'You raped me.and then you strangled me... don't you remember?'

'NO...' Nick cried. 'I'd never...'

'...you forced your strong hands around my neck...'

'NO!' Nick cried again. 'I didn't!'

'...and then you squeezed all the life out of me...' she said and wrapped her hand our her neck pretending to be him.

'I...I didn't kill you Jasmine... I didn't...' Nick whispered and fell on his knees.

'Yes Nick! You did kill me!' she continued. 'And then you threw me in the back of your car ...And drove off to a lonely cliff...'

'NO!' Nick cried. 'OH GOD NO!' He started to remember everything. He saw himself toss Jasmine's body into the trunk of his car. Then he saw himself get in and drive off. She was right... he did drive off to a lonely cliff.

'You parked the car ...and lifted me out of the trunk...' she continued.

'I didn't mean...to hurt you...' Nick whispered crying.

'No! But you did! You killed me Nick! Why did you kill me?!' she whispered.

Nick closed his eyes and saw himself, standing at the edge of a cliff while holding Jasmine's body. He whispered a few words, kissed her forehead and threw her of the cliff.

'...you got into your car and drove away...' She whispered.

'...OH MY GOD...I killed you...Jasmine!' Nick cried and looked up to the girl.She was now standing in front of him.

'...you killed me!' she said and grabbed the gun. '...And now it's time for you to die!'

'...but Jasmine...I...' Nick whispered and started at her with tears in his eyes.

'NO!' I cried into the night. I woke up a few minutes earlier and found that the girl untied me. She must have thought that I was already dead. I forced myself outside with only one mission: Saving Nick's life!

'Where did YOU come from?' the girl screamed. 'You are DEAD!'

'Guess again!' I shouted. She aimed the gun at me and fired 3 shots. All 3 missed their target.

The girl cursed and bend down to refill her gun. I struggled with unbearable pains. 'NICK!' I shouted. 'NICK! Run!'

'KATHY?!' Nick whispered. 'But you're.you're DEAD!'

'Now you die!' the girl said to Nick. Nick closed his eyes and bend his head.

'Yes Jasmine. It's time for me to join you...' Nick whispered.

'JASMINE?!' I repeated. 'But she's dead! Nick! Jasmine is dead! She committed suicide years ago!'

'No Kathy.Ishe's right here.' Nick said and looked up to the girl, which he thought was Jasmine.

'No Nick! Listen to me!' I shouted. 'Jasmine is dead! She killed herself.'

'No Kathy...' Nick said again. 'I... I...'

'Yes Nickolas...' The girl whispered. 'Tell her what you did to me!'

'Did to her?!' I repeated. '...What is she saying Nick? What did you do to her.'

'I... it was me... she never... killed herself... I...' Nick whispered.

The truth hit me like a bullet shot from the girl's gun. Jasmine didn't commit suicide... it was Nick who took her life! 'You killed her?!' I asked in horror.

'Yes.' The girl said harshly. 'He raped me... then strangled me... and threw me of a cliff!'

Her words echoed through my head. Nick was a cold blooded murder! She was living proof. Living proof?!

'You're not Jasmine!' I shouted at the girl. 'Don't listen to her Nick! She's not Jasmine!'

'Huh?! What do you mean Kathy?' Nick asked and glanced into my direction.

'She's not Jasmine!' I repeated. 'This girl can't be Jasmine! Face it Nick! Jasmine is DEAD! You killed her with your own hands! How can she be standing here..'

'NO!' the girl shouted and pointed the gun at Nick. 'SHUT UP!'

'Because it's the truth!' Nick whispered. 'You're not Jasmine... you can't be!' He suddenly regained his memory.

'SHUT UP!' the girl screamed and fired 3 shots. All 3 bullets smashed into the sand next to Nick. I started to scream out of pain.the girl looked at me... and Nick jumped up throwing her to the ground.

'Get away from me!' the girl screamed. 'Get away! I'm gonna kill you!'

'Try!' Nick shouted and tried to throw the gun away. They fought together in the sand.

'NICK!' I screamed when I heard the gun go off. Nick forced himself on top of her and grabbed the gun.

'NO!' the girl screamed. They struggled for the gun. The girl grabbed it from Nick's hand and aimed it at his chest. It all happened so fast! The next thing I remember was 2 shots being fired.

'NICK!' I screamed and forced myself to stand up. I ran over to where Nick and the girl where lying.
'Nick' I heard a soft moaning and someone moving around.

'Kathy.' Nick whispered. 'You're here!'

'God Nick! You're alive!' I shouted and pulled the girl's body of off Nick.

Nick carried the body inside and placed it on the couch and went into the kitchen. 'She wanted revenge.' He figured. 'I can't blame her... I killed her best friend.'

'Yes. But why did Sylvana wait this long? It all happened years ago.' I said.

Nick raised his shoulders.'I don't know.' He answered.

'And why did she kill Howie? Didn't you say thatshe loved him.'

Nick nodded. 'Yes. Another thing Jasmine told me. Her and Sylvana loved Howie until death...'

'She got that right!' I said sarcastically. 'She took that part very serious! She killed him... out of love...'

'Yes... I believe... you're right... she killed Howie out of love' Nick repeated.

A tear ran down his face. And he started to cry.

'It's okay honey.' I whispered and hugged him. 'It's all over...'

'I... I love you Kathy.' He said and kissed me.

