

A few days later I received another letter from Nick.

'Kathy! A letter from Nick just came in for you.' Amanda said and handed me the envelop.

'Thank you Amanda.' I said and went outside to read it.

My dear Kathy
I can't take it anymore... something in this place is haunting me. It's creeping in the shadows trying to strangle me in my sleep. But I won't let it get to meI'm always one step ahead of it. I'm sorry Kathy... but I can't die like that.The pain is too much. I love you dearly but the thought of never gonna be able to live a normal life with you... it's just too much. I'm not gonna take it anymore... Please, tell the others that I love them and that I'll be waiting till we meet again. I'm gonna end it all... I'm so sorry Kathy. I love you more than life itself. But I can't take seeing you in pain any longer. I won't take it. We'll meet again... one day. I'm sure of that. This letter means goodbye... farewell... I'll always love you wherever I go... Yours forever,
Nickolas Gene Carter

(He's gonna kill himself!) I got up and ran inside. 'Brian, read this.' I said and showed him the letter.

Brian sat down on the couch and read the letter. Tears started running down his face. 'He's gonna kill himself...' Brian figured crying.

'We have to go see him! We have to stop him!' I cried.

'It's too late Kathy...' Kevin said, coming from the kitchen.

'What do you mean...' Brian asked.

'I'm sorry Kathy... I just got of the phone with the director of the prison... Nick's in...' Kevin said and took a deep breath. 'Kathy... Nick he... he hang himself in his cell a few minutes ago.'

'Oh god no!' I cried. 'This is not true!'

'I'm sorry Kathy.' Kevin said and pulled me into a hug. I forced him away from me and ran upstairs. I ran into Nick's room and fell on his bed, crying.

'Why Nick?' I yelled. 'Why did you kill yourself? I love you...'

'It was too much...' Brian whispered. 'He couldn't take it anymore...'

'Brian... I love him so much...' I cried.

'We all love him Kathy... but he's better of this way.' Brian figured. 'He couldn't live with the fact that he killed someone.'

'I understand... but why... why didn't he wait until I had a chance to... to tell him how much I love him.'

'He knows that Kathy.' Brian said and wrapped an arm around me. 'He loved you too. But this was the only way for him... to end his pain... to find peace.'

'Yes, he's in a better place... with Howie... their looking down on us... joking and laughing about us... we'll meet again...' I knew.

We made arrangements for Nick's funeral. They brought Nick's body to his house in Tampa and we held the ceremony there. He was buried on a small cemetery near his house. His family picked a beautiful spot near the lake under an old oak tree.

'We'll never forget you Nick' I whispered and placed a picture at the foot of his gravestone. It was a picture taken at his house a year ago. Nick was sitting on a chair while holding his puppies, I was standing behind him with my hands resting on his shoulders. We all looked so happy back then.

'Kathy, are you coming?' Kevin asked.

'I'll be there in a minute.' I said and sat down at the grave.

'Alright. We'll wait at the cars.' Kevin said, turned around and walked away.

'Why did you leave me?' I whispered. 'Why Nick? I loved you so much.'

The wind blew through the leaves of the big oak tree. I thought I heard a whisper. I sat up and looked around.

'...Kathy...' the voice whispered. 'I'm here...'

'Nick!' I cried. 'Where are you?'

'...at the lake honey...' He whispered. I got up and fell on my knees at the side of the lake.

A reflection showed itself in the water. The reflection became more clear to me. It showed a face... Nick's face... He smiled at me. Trying to show me that he was alright

'Nick.' I whispered and turned around to see where the reflection came from. But there was no one behind me... I looked back at the reflection. He smiled again as a single tear ran down his face.

'Nick... I love you' I whispered.

'I love you too Kathy.' Nick's voice whispered. 'Goodbye.' The wind wrinkled the water and the reflection faded away. Anyone else in my position would have cried. But I didn't... I was happy... happy to know that Nick was in a safe place and that he was alright. I stood up and turned around to face the stone.

'I love you Nickolas. I'll never ever forget you.' I promised, blew a kiss towards the stone, turned around and walked away.

