


Sadness struck me a few weeks later. I started to realize that I was alone. The only man I ever loved left me.

'I'm so depressed.' I told Kristen on the phone.

'Don't be Kathy. Nick would have wanted you to go on with your life.' She said.

'I know... but I can't... I can't live without him...' I explained.

'You're gonna hafta live without him.' Kristen said. 'You don't have a choice!'

'Yes I do! I have one choice!' I cried. 'I wanna be with him Kris...'

'No Kathy... please don't!' Kristen begged. 'I know you miss him... but it's not worth dying. He wanted you to go on! We'll miss you.'

'I can't!' I cried. 'I... I'm sorry Kristen. I've got to go... bye.'

'Kathy...' Kristen yelled before the connection broke. 'Kevin!'

'What is it?' Kevin asked.

'She's gonna kill herself Kevin! Kathy wants to be with Nick.' She explained and started to cry.

'If she does it... it will be her decision.' Kevin said and hugged his wife. Knowing that I would do it... if I thought that it was the only way... Just like Nick, I was a fighter. Up until a surton point. And we both reached that point...

Kevin called AJ and Brian. And the three of them got into the car and drove of to my house.

'What are you expecting to find?' AJ asked as they stood at the front door of my house.

'I don't know.' Kevin said. 'I expect... to find her gone...'

Brian nodded and forced himself not to cry. He started pounding on the door crying my name.

'Brian. I've got a key.' Kevin said and pushed his cousin aside. He took a deep breath and opened the door. Brian pushed him aside and ran inside.

'Kathy! Kathy where are you!' he cried while searching through all the rooms.

Kevin walked up the stairs and opened my bedroom door.

'Brian...' he said. 'I found her.' Brian ran by passed him and fell down on his knees next to my bed.

'She did it...' Brian whispered and started to cry. AJ walked into the room and observed me.

'I don't think she did it.' he said.

'What do you mean?' Kevin asked.

'I don't think she killed herself.' AJ repeated. 'She died... cause of death... was loneliness.'

'You're right...' Kevin whispered. 'She didn't kill herself...'

'She's not strong enough to kill herself...' Brian figured. 'She could never do that to any of us.'

'She died out of loneliness.' The doctor said. 'There is no sign of any physical damage and the reports show that she didn't take any pills or poison. This is a cause of death that is mostly seen with elderly people. Never before have I seen it with someone this young'.

'She's with her love.' Brian whispered.

'Yes. She's happy now.' AJ figured.

They buried me at the cemetery in Tampa... next to Nick. Brian figured that they should give me a head start in my quest for Nick.

'We'll never forget you guys...' Brian whispered and sat down next to the gravestones.

'Nick and Kathy are together.' Kevin said. 'They're in a better place.'

'Yes, they are happy together. They have each other. Nothing can hurt them anymore.' AJ admitted. 'They're in the place, saints call: HEAVEN...'

The End

