


Nick and his girlfriend Jasmine had been together for almost 3 weeks. And he'd been keeping her a secret the whole time because he wasn't sure about their relationship. But then he finally decided to introduce her to the rest of the guys. There where at the studio around that time.

'Guys. I want you to meat my new girlfriend Jasmine. Jasmine, there are the guys.' Nick said.

'Hello guys.' Jasmine said shyly. The guys introduced themselves to the young girl.

'It's really nice to finally meet you.' Brian said and added on a sarcastic tone. 'Nick told us so much about you.' Nick never told anybody about this young girl he had meet 4 weeks ago on a party. Everybody was at the studio when Nick first introduced Jasmine except Howie, he came along later.

'Oh Howie. There you are.' Nick said smiling when Howie walked into the studio.

'What's up Nick?' he asked.

'I just want you to meat my new girlfriend. This is Jasmine.' He said and pushed a young girl into Howie's direction. Howie stretched his arm to great her but she didn't return the gesture.

'Hello Jasmine. How are you?' he informed. Jasmine shyly looked up to him but for some reason she refused to speak. Nick was getting a bit annoyed because of the whole situation.

'Jas, are you okay?' he asked and looked deep into her eyes as his hands rested on her shoulders.

'I'm okay.' She finally managed to say. So she does speak, Howie thought smiling.

'What's wrong?' Nick asked. She shook her head.

'There's nothing wrong sweetheart.' She promised. 'I wasjust a bit nervous. That's all. It's nothing, really.'

Brian was probably, next to Howie, the only one who noticed something strange about Jasmine. She didn't look like a shy girl although she acted like one. But Brian decided that he shouldn't upset Nick with false accuses. After all, Nick had gone through a rough time with his last girlfriend. He deserved every
bit of happiness he could get. And Brian had to admit that he wanted Nick to be just as happy as him and Leigh Anne. And Nick seemed to be happy with this girl so why would he worry?

Nick's life was perfect! He had a great house, enough money to stop working and a wonderful girlfriend who loved him. Or did she?

One day Nick, by accident, walked in on Jasmine while she was on the phone with one of her friends. They where talking about a guy. But Nick wasn't too sure that they where talking about HIM

'He's just so cute! His body is amazing.How I know? I bumped into their dressing room when I was looking for NickAnd he was partly NAKED! Oh man, he has the best body I've EVER SEEN!' Jasmine said. 'Yes. No, I've never done thatyou think so? Should I'

Nick decided to end the conversation by suddenly walking in.

'Hi honey.' He said and sat beside her on the couch.

'Oh..hi Nick. Gotta go Syl.Yeah, I'll call ya back laterYeah, bye.'

Jasmine said and flashed her most lovable smile at Nick. 'Hey baby. I didn't hear you come in. How was your day?'

'Fine. Who was that on the phone?' Nick informed.

'Oh, that was Sylvana. You know, my best friend who's practically my twin sister.she had guy-trouble. She called me for some advice.' Jasmine lied.

And Nick just knew she was lying!

Something told him that she wasn't completely honest with him. But he decided to put that aside for now and just have fun for a while.

'Wanna go out today?' he asked her. She nodded.

'Where to babe?' she asked. Nick raised his shoulders.

'I dunno. You tell me.' he said and smiled at her, already knowing what she was going to say.

They stepped into Nick's prowler and left for Disney. Jasmine's favorite place on earth!

Nick and Jasmine went home early because Nick had an important meeting in the morning.

'Goodnight sweetheart.' Jasmine said. 'I love you.' Nick's heart practically stopped beating when he heard her say those words. (Why is she doing this to me? Why does she want to hurt meI don't understand)

'Ilove you too honey.' Nick said, turned around and fell a sleep.

The next morning Nick left early. Jasmine was still a sleep when he left. He kissed her forehead as a tear ran down his cheeks. (Why Jasmine? I love you so much! How could you do this to me) He stepped into his prowler and left.

Jasmine got out of bed around 11 o'clock. She immediately noticed that Nick was gone.She picked up the phone and called her friend.

'Sylvana.it's me Jasmine. Yes, he's gone. Can you come over?' she said.

'SureI'll be there as quick as I can.' Sylvana answered.

Sylvana arrived around 12 o'clock. The girls hugged each other and went into Nick's office. After a few minutes they came across a picture book. Sylvana opened it and quickly looked through it. The girls started to scream of happiness when they came across a very special picture.

'Ah. Isn't he adorable' Sylvana said.

'Yeah, he's the cutest baby you've ever seen.' Jasmine admitted.

Jasmine knew that Nick was planning to get back around 2 o'clock so she made sure that Sylvana was gone before that time. She was sitting on the couch when he came home.

'Hello honey.' He said smiling. Happy to see her.

'Hi sweety. How was your day?' she asked.

'Perfect. Hey eh, Howie called. He's having a barbecue party at his place. And we're invited. He asked us to bring something to drink. We leave around 3 o'clock.' Nick explained and went upstairs to take a shower.

'I'll be ready.' Jasmine replied and went into the kitchen to find something to drink for the party.

They arrived at the party around 16.30. When all the other where already there. Nick looked around and spotted Howie at the grill.

'I'm gonna go say hi to Howie. Will you join me?' Nick asked.

'No, you go. I'll be over there talking to Kristen and Leigh Anne.' Jasmine said, quickly kissed Nick and left. While picking up the bottles of liqueur he brought Nick went over to Howie.

'Yo D! How are ya?' he asked. 'Thanks for inviting us.'

'No problem Nick. You and Jas are highly wanted guests.' Howie said and pointed out to the bottles. 'You planning to get drunk?'

'No, but Jas is gonna get drunkshe's acting really weird and I'm gonna find out what's wrong by trying to get her drunk'

'And then you hope she'll confess?' Howie added. Nick nodded and smiled.

'You never know. My master plan might even work.' Nick said and poured himself and his girl a drink.

'Good luck Carter.'

'Thanks man.'

Nick looked into the direction Leigh Anne and Kristen where standing to get Jasmine her drink but she wasn't there. Where did she go, Nick thought.

But then he saw Brian and he suddenly forgot everything. 'Yo Brian!' he yelled across the backyard.

'So, how long have you known Nick?' Amanda asked. Her and Jasmine where in the kitchen fixing up some snacks.

'I met Nick about5 weeks ago at a party. We hit it off really well and we where an item before the party ended. It was really fast.' Jasmine explained.

'I'm glad that Nick found a girl to love. After everything that happened with Gabrielle.it's so horrible. Poor little Sarah' Amanda said and gulped because of a lump in her throat.

'Everybody keeps saying that name. What happened to her?'

Amanda sat down and started to talk.

'She was Nick's old girlfriend. Gabrielle and Nick had known each other for a long time. Nick, at that time, was a bit younger than Gabrielle. And another thing; Gabrielle had a little baby girl named Sarah. They both loved the little girl to death. And Nick acted as the father. One day Sarah was playing outside and a few hours later, when Nick came to get her, she was gone! Gabrielle freaked and so did Nick. A day later they received a ransom note. Sarah had been kidnapped' Amanda stopped to catch her breath and drink some water.

'Then what?!' Jasmine said.

'Nick hired a detective to find her butwhen he didshe was already dead. They found her lifeless little body near a big lake a few miles north. That's when Gabrielle lost it completely! She couldn't live without her baby. And one night when she got into the car she had an accident.she died on her way to the hospital.'

'Nick lost his mind!' AJ added, who had been listening outside. 'It took us 6 months to get him back to normal.'

'He never told me.' Jasmine said.

'That's because he doesn't want to be reminded of his girlfriend and her baby. It hurts too much.' AJ explained before he gave Amanda an angry look for telling Jasmine.

'Well, that's it.' Amanda said. 'Now you know.' She got up and followed AJ outside.

'Why did you tell her?!' AJ asked.

'Because she's his girlfriend AJ! She had the right to know.' Amanda replied and went to talk to Leigh Anne.

