

Nick was standing at the grill talking to Kevin and Howie. Brian was with Leigh Anne who wasn't feeling well.

'But don't you guys agree that Jasmine is acting a bit strange?' Nick asked who decided to share his doubts with the others.

'No. I think she's doin' okay.' Kevin said.

'That's a clear point of view Kev. Considering.we've only know the girl for what is it? Less than 2 days.' Howie added.

'Howie. I need your help.' Brian yelled.

'What is it Rok?' Howie asked.

'Leigh Anne is dizzy and she needs to lay down. Is there a room upstairs where I can put her?'

'Sure. I'll take her upstairs.' Howie answered. 'Excuse me gentleman. Duty calls.'

Howie helped Leigh Anne upstairs into one of the guestrooms. 'Here you go.' He said caring. 'Come back when you feel better.'

'Thank you Howie.' Leigh Anne said, turned around and fell a sleep.

On his way towards the stairs Howie suddenly heard a sound in one of the other bedrooms. So he went inside to take a look. The room was dark and smelled funny. (I guess Maggie hasn't been up here in a long time this place needs a clean up.)

When he walked into the room towards the window he suddenly heard a soft breathing behind him. Howie jumped up to find Jasmine standing next to him. She smiled. 'Jasmine! You scared me' Howie said under his breath. His heart was pounding in his chest.

'I'm sorry. I never meant to scare you.' Jasmine promised.

'What's wrong? Are you feeling sick?' Howie asked.

'No, I'm okay. Howie, can I trust you? I really need someone to talk to.' She asked and gestured him to sit down.

'Can't you talk to Nick about this.' Howie asked.

Jasmine shook her head and started to tell him a story about her best friend being killed by a robber. Something she never told anybody. 'It's so horribleI miss her so much..' she said and started a heart-tearing cry-scene.

Howie pulled her close to calm her down. 'Calm down Jasmine. I'm here now. Shhhit's gonna be okay.' He said while rocking her.

That's when she lifted up her head and kissed him. Howie got up from the bed a quickly as possible while pushing her away from him. 'What are you doing?!' he yelled. 'You love Nick! And HE loves YOU! You're a friend!'

'But I don't want Nick! I want YOU! Don't you get it?? I got involved with Nick to be close to YOU! I love you Howie.' Jasmine said as she got up from the bed.

'I don't love you Jasmine! Stay away from me!!' Howie yelled and ran outside leaving Jasmine behind.

Kevin was on his way to the kitchen when he saw Howie, white as a ghost, coming down the stairs. 'D! What happened to you? You look like you've just seen a ghost!' Kevin said smirking.

'That's NOT FUNNY Kev!' Howie yelled and sat down at the bottom of the stairs.

That's when Kevin realized that something was really wrong. 'What happened?' he repeated.

Howie took a deep breath and started to tell Kevin exactly what had just happened. '.And that's when she KISSED me!' Howie said.

'She KISSED YOU?!' Kevin repeated doubtfully.

'Yeah!' Howie yelled. 'What am I gonna do?!'

'Your gonna hafta tell Nick.' Kevin figured.

'I know. But he's not gonna believe me. He loves Jasmine too much to believe that she'd ever do something like that.' Howie was right. Nick wouldn't except the truth.

'He doesn't have a choice. He HAS to believe you.' Kevin thought.

'Who do you think he'll believe: his best friend or the love of his life?' Howie asked.

'His best friend.' Kevin answered.

'I don't think so Kevin. He won't believe me if I told him'

'D.. Relax. I'm gonna go find Nick and then you can tell him all about Jasmine.' Kevin said and left to get Nick. Howie was afraid. Afraid of Nick's reaction and afraid of the things Nick might do to him.

Kevin found Nick in the pool. He was splashing around with Brian, AJ, Amanda en a few others. 'Nick.' Kevin said and waved to get his attention.

'Hey Kev.' Nick responded as he was drowning AJ.

'Eh.your drowning him.' Brian yelled.

'Neh.' Nick said and surfaced AJ. 'AJ, your not drowning are ya?' AJ nodded and quickly swam away.

'Can I talk to ya Nick. It's kind of important.' Kevin said and pulled Nick out of the pool.

Nick grabbed a towel to dry of as he wondered what was on Kev's mind. 'Spill the beans Kevy-boy.' Nick said and sat down.

'There's somebody who needs to tell you somethinginside.' Kevin explained. They got up and went inside. Kevin brought Nick to the room where he had left Howie inbut Howie was nowhere to be seen.

'Wait here Nick. I'll go find him.' Kevin said and left. Nick sat down on one of the chairs and started to think of the things he wanted to go before he turned 26, which was in less then 4 months. A loud cry woke him up out of daydreaming. Jasmine ran inside and fell into his arms.

'Honey. What's wrong? Talk to me, please.' Nick begged. Jasmine refused to speak so he held her close. Jasmine was shaking to make Nick think she was in shock.

'Oh baby. What happened? Who did this to you? I'll make him pay!' Nick said angry.

Howie, who was on his way inside, turned around ran up to his room.

Half an hour later Kevin went back to Nick. He looked everywhere but he couldn't find Howie. Nobody knew where he went.

'I can't find 'em Nick.' He said. 'What's with her?' Kevin pointed at Jasmine who was crying silently in Nick's arms. Nick raised his shoulders.

'I dunno. She refuses to speakagain.' Nick replied.

'She'll be okay.' Kevin thought and sat down beside her.

'What did that somebody wanted to talk about?'

'I can't tell ya. He needs to talk to you in private.' Kevin explained.

Nick raised his eyebrows and focused his attention back on Jasmine.

'Kevin! Baby, where are you?' Kristen yelled.

'I'm over here honey.' Kevin replied. 'Excuse me.'

'Sure.' As soon as Kevin left the roomJasmine began to talk.

'I was upstairs.in one of the bedroomsand then he came inhe pushed me onto the bedI tried to scream but nobody answered..then he.he raped me!' Jasmine said between sobs.

Nick had been listening and when she said that somebody raped herhis mouth just dropped.

'Who raped you?! Tell me and I'll kill him!' Nick said. He wasn't just angryhe was steaming mad! His eyes where shooting fire as Jasmine whispered a name.

'Howie.' She whispered.

'What?! Did you say.Howie did this to you?!'

Jasmine nodded.

'But he'd never' Nick stuttered in disbelief.

'Don't you believe me?!' Jasmine yelled hysterical.

'Stay here!' Nick yelled and ran outside to find Howie.

Howie was talking to AJ at the pool. Nick came outside, looked around and spotted them. He slowly walked up to them.

'Yo Nick!' AJ said. But Nick didn't respond. He stepped up to Howie and punched him in his face.

'Nick! What are you doing?!' AJ yelled.

Howie tripped and fell down as Nick punched him again.

'This is for raping Jasmine! I trusted you! How could you do that to her?!' Nick yelled.

'Raping Jasmine.' AJ repeated in shock.

'Believe me Nick! I didn't rape her! I never even touched her!' Howie begged and covered his face when Nick raised his foot to kick him. But luckily, AJ held him back.

'Nick. Calm down. Let him tell his side!' AJ pleaded.

'I don't need to hear his side!' Nick yelled. 'I'm leaving!' Nick went inside to get Jasmine and less than 5 minutes later they where gone.

AJ helped Howie up and Amanda took care of his bruises. Kevin came running outside and freaked when he saw Howie.

'Howie! What happened?' he asked. 'Who did this?' Howie looked at Kevin and that's when he knew.

'Oh my god!' Kevin said. 'It was Nick, wasn't it!'

'Yes.Jasmine accused me of rape!' Howie said.

'What? Oh god! And of courseNick believed her! I'm so sorry D.I should have done something..' Kevin figured.

'I'm breaking up the party. I wanna be alone.' Howie said. A few drops of blood found their way down to the floor. Nick got him really good; his lip was cracked and he had a big bruise underneath his left eye. You could tell by the look on his face that he was hurt. Not by the bruises by because of the lack of trust from Nick.

'I don't understand how Nick could do such a thing.' Kristen said.

'Me neither.' Amanda said. 'But ehh.where's Brian?'

'I'm here!' Brian jumped up from behind a tree giving everybody a heart-attack. He smiled until he saw the blood on the floor. He looked up and rested his eyes on Howie's face. 'Who did this to you?' he asked.

'Nick.' AJ replied.


'Nick says.Jasmine says that I raped her! I didn't do anything! But Nick believes her!' Howie explained.

'Oh that's awfulbutwhat happened?' Brian informed. Howie took a deep breath and explained what happened.

'I knew there was something going on with that girl! So she dated Nick to be close to you?' AJ figured. 'But why did she make up the whole rape thing?'

'Because of revenge! Howie didn't love her so she wanted to hurt him as much as he did her.' Brian explained.


