

While lying on his bed Nick listened to the waves crashing on the beach. He was thinking about the accident with Howie and Jasmine. He hasn't spoken a word with Howie since and it's been more than 2 weeks. Nick got up from the bed and started to wander through the house. Jasmine went back to her parents house because she needed some time alone. And so did Nick.

He had been alone for more than a week and although he liked his peace, he also missed her very much. He missed her company and her stuff all over the house and the bedroom.

But eventhou.Nick started to consider the possibility that Howie was telling the truth. He felt really bad for hitting him. But he was too angry to call Howie. The doorbell woke him up.

'Hey Nick!' Brian said. 'I wondered how you where doing. I haven't seen you in 2 weeks. Can I come in?'

Since the fight Nick refused to speak to anybody. Even his best friend Brian was forbidden to stop by. So they all left him alone. Up until the day that Brian couldn't take it anymore. He had to see his buddy Nick.

'Come in Brian.' Nick said and opened the door. Nick went into the kitchen to fix them both a drink. They sat down on the couch and started to talk.

'We need to talk about that thing with D.' Brian said. 'You guys have been friends for years. There must be a way to work this out.'

'Yeah.' Nick said. 'We do. Can you tell me Howie's side of the story?'

Brian nodded. 'Before I start you hafta promise me that you won't get mad.'

Nick promised so Brian began. 'You remember that Howie brought Leigh upstairs because she wasn't feeling well? Well, when Howie was on his way down he heard a noise in one of the rooms. That's when he found Jasmine. She scared the living daylights out of him! Jasmine asked Howie if she could trust him and then she began to tell him a story about her best friend being killed by a robber.' Brian explained.

'That's strange.she never told me anything about that.' Nick said.

'Well anywayz, when Howie held her close to comfort her she kissed him!'

Nick jumped up and looked at Brian. He had a really hard time believe what Brian had just told him. 'Are you sureyou can't be! Jasmine would never lie to me! You're just saying this to make D look good!' Nick yelled. He was really angry.

'Now you listen to me mister! I've been your best friend .forever! and I've never, not even once, lied to you about anything! Why would I start now?!' Brian said.

Nick stared at his feet and sat down again. 'I guess you're right. I'm sorry. I never thought Jasmine would ever do such a thing' Nick cried.

'She also said that she loved Howie. And that she was dating you to get closer to him. She doesn't love you Nick.I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you.' Brian said and hugged his crying friend.

Nick went over to Jasmine's house to tell her that they where through. She gave in completely and she promised that Howie didn't do anything. That he was only trying to help. He afterwards said to everybody that she took it well.but in reality.Nick couldn't remember anything from that night..the things he did.the things he saidit was all a big blur.

Poor Nick cried for days before he had the strength to call Howie.

'Howard Dorough speaking.' Howie said.

'Howie.this is Nick.'

'Oh it's you, I hope you didn't call me to yell at me some more. 'Cuz then I'm hanging up.' Howie responded.

'No, please D.. Don't hang up. I called to saythat I'm sorry.Brian told me everythingI should have trusted you instead of Jasmine.I should have listened! And it was very wrong for me to hit you.I deeply apologize.' Nick pleaded.

'Are you sure?'

'Yeah. I'm really sorry Howie. Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?' Nick asked.

'Of course. We're friend right?' Howie said.

'I love you man.' Nick said and started to cry.

'Don't cry man. I love you too.'

'Ok. Talk to ya later. Bye.'

'Bye Nick.' Howie said and hung up.

A week later Nick received a card. It was a death certificateJasmine had died. Nick went completely ballistic! Eventhou she lied to him and hurt his feelingshe still loved her very much. Nick called Howie to tell him the bad news.

'.she killed herself?! When?' Howie asked.

'Last week. A day after I broke up with her! We killed her D!' Nick cried.

'Nick, calm down. We did NOT kill that girl! She caused her own death.' Howie pleaded.

'She killed herself because of us! Oh my god! Their gonna come looking for us!.for you! It's all your fault! If Jas wasn't in love with you she would have never cheated on me! We would still be together if it wasn't for YOU! She'd still be alive!' Nick cried.

'Nick, I want you to shut up and apologize right now! I am not responsible for her death! And neither are you!'

'Yeah. Sorry!' Nick said and hung up.




'My god! That's horrible! You can definitely say that Nick has had his share of bad luck.' I figured. 'I never knew Nick could be that hostile..Should I be scared of him..'

'No.he's harmless. But Nick's love life suffered badly from these events.' Howie said.

'Why hasn't anybody ever mentioned Jasmine? I know it's painful. But why didn't anybody tell me?'

Howie raised his shoulder and looked out of the window. 'We decided not to tell you because we didn't want you to worry.' Howie explained.

'But what happened after that? Did Nick go to her funeral? How did her parents react?' I asked.

'I accompanied Nick to the funeral. He wanted to go alone but we refused to let him go.' Howie explained.

'I understandbut still I think you should have told me earlier. Maybe I could have helped Nick.I never knew that he had another woman after Gabrielle. He was devastated.'

A cold wind suddenly rose from the sea as the messenger of bad news sending shivers down my spine and giving me goosebumps all over. 'I'm goin' inside Howie. It's getting cold.' I said and stepped out of the whirlpool.

As I turned around I could feel Howie's eyes piercing through my flesh. His eyes where locked onto me until I was out of sight. (Howie's giving me the creeps! Staring at me the whole time)

Covered with strange thought I went into my room. I took a hot shower and got dressed. 'I'll wear my favorite necklace as a finishing touch.' I said to the reflection in the mirror.

But I couldn't find my necklace anywhere. I looked everywhere but with any luck. (I'm positive that I left it on the nightstandmaybe it slipped off) I kneeled down next to the bed and found it. (I didn't leave it there)

Next to the necklace was a black not that said: Katherine.

I wasn't aware of it at that point, but this simple event was only the first of many horrifying others.

