

The next few days nothing happened. But when Nick and I began to believe the our "poltergeist" had leftwe received a rather disturbing phone call. Nick was taking a shower and I was in the kitchen serving breakfast.

RING RING Oh, it's that damn phone again! I got up from my chair to pick it up. RING RING RING

'Beach residence.' I said. No response.

'Hello..' Still, nothing but silence.

'Who is this?!' No one answered. Suddenly I heard a voice.

'.Leave the houseit's gonna get yourun while you still can' It whispered.

'Who are you?' I asked.

'.Leave.' it said again before the connection broke. Again fear came over me. Somebody was trying to scare us. And as far as it happened to me, that somebody was succeeding.

Nick came down half an hour later. I grabbed his hand and told him about the call.

'I was wondering who that was.' Nick said.

'The person told me to leavethat it was gonna get mewhat if he's right? What if there is someone or something after me? I'm scared Nick!' I yelled.

Nick wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. 'It's okay shorty. Relax. I'm with you now. And if they wanna get to you, their gonna hafta go through me first. 'Cuz I'm not letting anybody hurt my shorty. I'll protect you..with my life.' Nick promised.

I buried my head in his chest and closed my eyes. I wanted someone to tell me that everything was gonna be okay, and that someone was Nick. He promised me safety and showed me love. Two things I needed desperately at that point. 'Nick.' I whispered.

'Yes Kathy.' He replied.

'I love you.Nick.'

'I love you too Kathy.' He said and kissed me deeply.

'Nick. You're all I'll ever needand I wanna give you all the love you need.' I whispered and kissed him on his nose.

'You are all I'll ever need Kathy.'

Our happy moment was brutally interrupted by the phone. RING RING Nick tried to pick it up but I held him back. 'Kathy relax. What is it's something important?' Nick thought.


'No! Don't!' I yelled and pulled him back. The phone stopped ringing.

'Happy now. It stopped.' Nick mumbled.

'Why are you so mad at me Nick?!' I cried. 'I'm really scared!' I covered my face in my hands and cried.

'Oh Kat. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. Come on. You're gonna be fine.' Nick promised and hugged me.


Nick looked at me waiting for a response. But when that response never camehe answered the phone. 'Beach residence.' Nick said.

'Nick, this is AJ.' AJ said. He sounded as if he was in a hurry.

'Hey AJ. How are ya man?' Nick asked.

'Okay, but I've got no time for small talk. Is Kathy there?' AJ asked.

'Yeah man, hold on.' Nick said and gave the phone to me. 'It's AJ. He sounds upset.'

'Yes AJ. This is Kathy. What is it?' I asked.

'It's Amanda. She went into labor a few seconds ago! But it's too soon! You've gotta come help her Kathy! She's in so much pain!' AJ explained. He was on the verge of breaking down.

'Okay AJ. Here's what I want you to do okay. Sit down.' I said.

'Yes, I'm sitting.' AJ replied.

'Okay. Now I need you to try and relax. Stay calm. This is very important Alex. You need to be calm and relax okay? If you're uptight, then so will Amanda. And that's not good for the baby.'

'Okay. I'll try.' AJ said breathing heavy. 'What should I do?'

'I'm giving you the number of my friend Mary-Kate. I'm at the beach house, so I don't think I'll make it on time. It's gonna take me at least 2 hours. But you can trust her, she's great.' I explained and gave AJ the number.

'But Amanda doesn't want anybody else but you!' AJ cried.

'Listen to me AJ. Tell Amanda that she has no choice. It's a matter of life and death for the baby. I'm leaving right away. So she can either, hold the baby down until I get there.or let Mary-Kate help her. I suggested she does the last.' I explained.

'Okay. Hurry Kathy. I'm scared.you helped Brian through thisnow it's my turn. See ya later.' AJ said and hung up.

'He's worrying too much. If he calms down everything will be fine.' I explained to Nick. After that I called Mary-Kate and explained her everything.

'I'll help her and I'll try to wait.' She promised.

'Okay, but if the pain is too much. Don't hesitate to get the baby out. Okay? You can do this.' I knew and said goodbye.

'Your leaving.' Nick figured.

'Yes. I'm sorry honey. But Amanda and the baby need me.'

'I know. Take the prowlerhe's faster than your car.' Nick said and handed me the keys. 'Be careful'

'I will. Thanks baby. I love you.' I said and ran outside.

I felt really sorry for leaving Nick alone in the haunted mansion.but I had no choice. I just hoped that he felt the same way. Nick stood on the front porch and waved until I was out of sight. He turned around and faced the mansion. Now it was just him, the haunted house and it's ghost.

I arrived in Kissimmee around 1 o'clock. Which was exactly 2 hours later. I rang the bell and AJ opened up.

'Kathy! Am I happy to see you!' he said.

'How's Amanda? Any luck yet?' I asked.

AJ shook his head. 'Nothing. Mary-Kate told her to relax and after that she was okay. After that everything went back to normal.' He explained and brought me to the bedroom.

'Hey Amanda. Look who's here.' Mary-Kate said smiling.

'Kathy!' Amanda cried.

'Hi Amanda. How are you? Why is there still no baby?' I asked while holding her hand.

'I wanted to wait until you got here.it would have been such a shame if you missed it.' she replied.

'Okay. Well I'm here now so let it go. The baby wants out. And I think it's time to let it out.'

Amanda nodded and relaxed all of her muscles. Denise, who had been in the kitchen, came into the room.

'Hello Kathy. I'm glad you're here.' She said.

'I'm glad to be here too Denise. I wouldn't wanna miss it.' I replied smiling. Mary-Kate explained the last details to me. Amanda went into labor and with a lot of sweat and tears.less than 4 hours laterAJ was sitting next to her while holding his new born baby boy.

'Thank you Kathy. And you too Mary-Kate.' He said happy.

'No problem AJ. It was my pleasure.' I replied.

Even though the baby was born 2 moths early it seemed to be okay. 'He looks good. I'm curious about what the doctor's gonna say.' I said while examining the baby. The doctor came and examined the baby again.

'I'm very pleased to see that he's okay. Kathy, Mary-Kate. You girls did a great job. You helped another healthy baby into the world.' He said and shook both of our hands.

'I love my job.' Mary-Kate said smiling.

'And you two, congratulation with your baby boy.' The doctor said and shook hands with Amanda, AJ and Denise. 'He's gonna be a healthy young man.'

'Thank you doctor.' Amanda said. 'I'm very proud.'

'But ehhwhat's his name?' I asked.

AJ and Amanda looked at each other and than back at us.

'His name is Michael William James McLean.' Amanda said as she proudly presented her son who was sleeping.

'We took Mandy from Amanda and turned it into Michael. James is obviously my second name. And William.we both liked that name very much.' AJ explained.

'So his first name is Michael?' Mary-Kate figured but Amanda shook her head.

'His first name is William. But because Michael William has such a nice ring to it, we went with that.' she explained. We all got a chance to hold little William when he woke up.

'He such a sweet boy.' Denise said while holding her very first grandson.

'Yeah, he's a fine piece of work.' AJ said and kissed his wife. I was second in line to hold Will.

'William is gonna be a hansom young man when he grows up. You can tell by looking into his eyes.' I said and made everybody laugh.

'Of course he's gonna be a handsome kid. He's our son!' AJ figured.

'Yeah sure. But ehh.I have to go. I promised Nick that I'd be back soon.' I explained and handed William over to his mother.

'May I ask why you're in such a hurry getting back to Nick?' AJ curiously informed.

'I'll explain later but it's not what you think.' I promised, said goodbye and hopped into the prowler.

'Do you think there's something goin' on between her and Nick?' Amanda wondered.

'I don't knowbut there's only one way to find out' AJ said smirking.

When I arrived at the house around 9 o'clock that evening I immediately noticed something strange. Behind every window burnt light. Nick turned on all the light from the basement to the attic. I quickly walked up to the house. But I couldn't get inside because the door was locked from the inside and I forgot my key. I knocked on the door and rang the bell but nobody responded. I got frightened and started to consider the possibility that something bad might have happened to Nick while I was gone. Luckily I managed to stay calm. Otherwise I would probably have gone crazy.

Filled with curiosity and fear I walked around the house to the back door. When we bought the house Kevin suggested to leave a spare key in the pool house incase of an emergency. And this was definitely one. I ran inside to get it. It was exactly where we had left it. With the key in my hand I went back to the door. I unlocked it and went inside.

After a 30 minute search I finally found Nick. He was in one of the attic rooms. Nick didn't hear me come in because he was listening to his Discman. The music was very loud so I figured it had to be Nirvana or Journey. It turned out to be Journey's Trial by fire. Nick sat on the floor with his back facing the door. I kneeled down next to him and tapped him on his shoulder. Accidentally giving the poor guy a heart attack.

'Kathymy god you scared me!' he said under his breath.

'I'm really sorry Nick I didn't mean to.but you scared me too, you know. All the lights where on, all the doors where locked and you where gone.' I replied in defense.

'Ok. I'm sorry..I just figuredif the house looks crowded.our poltergeist would stay away..' he explained while biting his lip as a little scared boy.

'That's okay. But.who says it's a ghost? It's just someone we know who's fooling around with us. God knows, it could be Howiegetting even with you for all the things you did to him in the past. It could easily be Howie or perhaps even Brian.' I said, not knowing that I was scaring him even more.

'Yeah.Let's go downstairswatch some TV?' Nick suggested.

'Sure. But first let's turn off some of those lights...unless you wanna spend a fortune on electricity costs?'

Nick smiled. 'Neh. That would be a big waste.'

'You got that right. That would be a waste of money, energy and timewhich could be spend in other places' Nick smiled again, got up and went down to turn off some lights. We where almost down on the second floor when suddenly all the lights went off. I gave a loud scream making Nick drop his Discman, which smashed to pieces on the floor.

'Damn!' Nick yelled and slowly started to walk down. With every step my heart began beating faster and faster.

'Okay. On the left is my room. Yours is on the right. And the staircase down is a few feet in front of us.' Nick said, grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room. 'Sit.' He said and pushed me onto the floor. 'You can't hurt yourself when you're not moving.'

'Nick.are you scared?' I whispered.

'Yes. I'm very scared. But if we can keep our heads cool we might be able to beat this thing.' He answered.

'Do you believe in ghosts?' I asked him.

'It depends. If you mean ghosts that haunt peopleI'd hafta say no. But normal friendly ghostssure, why not.'

'I believe in ghosts too but I'm having a hard time believing that it's a ghost we're dealing with.' I explained. Nick agreed. He stretched out his arm and found a bag in which he had a flashlight. He flicked it on and looked around the room. Everything looked normal and safe.

'Come on. The power cabinet's in the basement. We'll go there to turn the lights back on.' Nick instructed and got up.

We slowly moved through the house all the way down to the basement. 'Manit's dark in here.' Nick mentioned.

'No really?! And why do you think that is? Hello Sherlock, wake up man! Come back into the real world.' I said on a sarcastic tone. Nick smirked silently. We reached the power cabinet without any delay.

'There we go.' Nick said as he flipped over the main switch.

'And the lights are back.' I said smiling.

'Thank god that we have light again. The thought of you in front of a flashlight is truly shocking!' Nick said smirking viciously. I placed my hands around his neck and tightened my grip.

'If I wasn't so fond of you.I probably would have killed you by now. Why do you keep getting on my nerves?! What's so funny about that! Tell me, I'm dying to know!' I looked into his eyes but couldn't find a trace of evil in them.

'I'm kidding. I'm very fond.neh, I love you too much to make your life miserable.' He said.

We went into the living room and cuddled up on the couch. 'You never told me anything about AJ and Amanda. Boy or girl?' Nick suddenly mentioned.

He was right. I had totally forgotten about those two.three because of all the commotion going on.

'Yes, I forgot. They have a son. The baby's name is Michael William James McLean. He was born around 5 o'clock.' I explained. Nick smiled.

'Cool names. The same as my dogs.but still, cool names.' He commented smirking. 'Michael, right?'

'No, it's William. William McLean.' I said and repeated what Amanda explained when Mary-Kate said the same thing.

'Oh. That name is even better.' Nick said and added. 'If Angel was a boy my mum would have called her William as well.'

'That's cool. My grandfather was named William Harold.'

'And you? What would your name be if you where a boy?' Nick curiously informed. I smirked.

'Toby or David.' I answered.

'Thank god you're a girl! My name would have been.Rebecca or Jenniferso I'm very glad to be a boy.' He explained, whipping the imaginary sweat of his forehead.

'Why? What's wrong with Rebecca? I happen to like that name.' I responded.

'Well. I don't.' Nick said. 'But I'm getting bored. Let's go to bed.'

'Yeah. Let's do that.' I replied and went upstairs.

I slept in the same bed as the night before.together with Nick.

