

The day we came back to the house was a sunny Wednesday morning. 'It sure is great to be back.' I said and sighed.

'Yeah, it sure is.' Nick repeated. 'I was getting so sick and tired of spending all day in bed. but the nurses where cute though.' I smiled at him and playfully punched his arm.

'Don't do that again.' I requested. 'I wouldn't go pushing my luck if I where you mister. You just go out of the hospital. And I can put you back in there any time.'

'I'm so sorry mistress..what should I do to serve you?' he asked and sat down on one knee.

'Oh, don't be silly. Get up. Let's get inside.' I said and pulled him up. We laughed about it and went inside.

There where voices coming from the kitchen but I couldn't hear who they where. 'Someone's inside.' Nick said.

'Yes, I noticed.in the kitchen.' We headed straight to the kitchen.

'Hello guys.' Kevin said smiling as he hung up the phone. Nick stood still to catch his breath as I walked forwards to hug Kevin.

'Hey Kevin.' I said smiling.

'What's wrong with you guys?' he asked. 'You almost looked scared!'

'Well, we are scared.' Nick said. I glanced into his direction and give him an angry look. Pleaded him to hush up with my eyes.

'You're scared?' Kevin repeated. 'Why?'

'We're not scared anymore.' Nick said.

'No, we where scared.for Nick. He justgot back from the hospital.' I explained motioning Nick to sit down.

'Why? What did ya do?' Kevin asked. Nick smiled and explained what happened. Well, his story.

'Solet me get this straight.you where drunk and then you bumped into the mirror.and pieces of glassgot stuck in your flesh.God! That must have hurt.' Kevin figured.

'It still hurts.' Nick said and carefully pulled of his shirt to show Kevin the marks on his back.

'Wow. Those are pretty big cuts.' Kevin said.

'Yes. Imagine what I felt like? I heard him scream, ran over to his room and found him.I thought he was gonna die! There was blood everywhere.' I added.

'Oh.but why didn't you call me?' Kevin asked. I raised my shoulders.

'To be really honestthat thought never crossed my mind.not even once.'

'Okay. Wake up everybody!' Kevin yelled the next morning.

'Man! Shut up!' Nick yelled.

'Yeah Kev! It's 8 o'clock! Go back to bed!' I cried.

'No, come on you guys! We're gonna do a lot of fun stuff!' Kevin yelled as he walked into my room. He opened the curtains and the window. 'Ah. Fresh air. Come on, out of bed with you.'

'No.' I said and turned over.

'Come on!' Kevin said and pulled the sheets away from me.

'Oh Kevin! Why?!' I asked.

'Where gonna have some fun. I've missed you guys!' he said and smiled as if he where a boy-scout ready to go out into the bushes. I heard some loud yelling coming from Nick's room. So I figured Nick didn't wanna get out of bed without a fight. But in the end *as always* Kevin got his way. We where both out of bed and fully dressed waiting in the kitchen for further orders.

'I sure hope we're gonna have fun'cuz if we don't! I will personally hold YOU responsible for my lack of sleep!' Nick said, who was grumpy.

'Yeah, yeah Carter. Hush up, will ya.' Kevin said and sat down. 'We're gonna go horseback riding. Up to Cedar Key then on towards Horseshoe Beach and back along the shore line.'

'Sounds good.' I said.

'I know. I've been planning this riding trip for days.' He said. 'I've been here a few days. Alone.'

'You poor baby.' I said smirking.

'Yeah great. But where are we gonna get the horses smart ass?' Nick asked.

'I've thought of that. We're gonna rent them. Eric told me about a riding-school that rents horses for a day. So I figuredwe could rent some horses there' Kevin explained. 'How about that?'

'Great.' I admitted.

'Yeah, it's does sound kinda good.' Nick had to admit.

Half an hour later we where in Cedar Key at the riding-school. 'Here are the horses. Pick one. But be careful, the horse has to fit your personality. This is very important.' The manager said. 'For the horse as well as for the rider.'

'Okay. Let's go get a horse.' Nick said. We walked into the stables to select the perfect horse.

A black stallion caught my immediate attention. 'Oh god Kevin! Look at him! He's so pretty!' I said amazed.

'Yes. He sure is.' Kevin said. 'That's Lightning. My favorite horse. But I don't think you wanna ride this one.' The manager said. 'He's very picky.'

'Let me try.' I begged.

'Sure. If you insist.' he said and opened the box. I walked in and allowed Lightning to sniff me out.

'He's checking you out Kat.' Nick said.

'Yes. I hope he likes what he sees.' I said.

'I don't think he could refuse.' Nick and Kevin said in unison. They looked at each other and started to laugh. But they where right. The horse and I had an instant love-affair.

'See. He loves me.' I said smiling as I saddled the horse.

'I'm surprised.' The manager said. 'He normally doesn't take orders from anybody but me. I guess he found another playmate.' I smiled and took the horse outside. Kevin and Nick had chosen a horse of their own. Nick's horse was a merry called Star and Kevin's horse was a stallion named Thunder.

'Thunder and Lightning are brothers.' The manager said.

'I figured.' Kevin said. 'I'll lead.'

'Yeah.' Nick said. He was still a bit grumpy but Star's presence made him seem nicer.

It took us 4 hours to get to Horseshoe Beach. 'My but hurts!' Nick kept repeating.

'Oh shut up! You knew that it could happenyou should have stayed home.' Kevin said.

'What?! You kicked me out of bed, dragged me over here to ride. And now you say that I should have stayed home! God, you're amazing!' Nick yelled.

'Let's stop in Horseshoe Beach to have a bit to eat. I'm hungry and the horses are tired.' I suggested. My suggestion went through and we stopped for an hour to have lunch.

'.but I'm having a great time.' Kevin said.

'Well I'm not.' Nick responded.

'I'm doin' okay. Lightning in a great horse. He listens and he doesn't stop to stare the whole time like yours, Nick.' I said and smiled.

'Aha, very funny.' Nick said and stuck out his tongue.

It was already dark when we got back at the house. We decided to have dinner in Cedar Key because none of us felt like making dinner. 'Well. I'm glad to be home.' Nick said. 'I'm goin' to bed.'

'Okay. But be careful Nick.' I said. 'Check your bed before you jump in it.'

'I will. Goodnight guys.' He said and went upstairs. Kevin and I decided to have a drink before going to bed.

'What will it be miss?' Kevin asked. 'Whiskey or a soda?'

'I'll have a whiskey please.' I replied.

'Two whiskey's coming up.' Kevin said and poured in the drinks. He sat down next to me and handed me my drink.


'No prob.' Kevin said. 'But tell me. Where did Howie go? And what happened around here?'

'Howie is in Jacksonville, doing business.' I replied. 'What happened around here? What do you mean?'

'You know what I mean. I found a note on the kitchen table. It said.ehhI know I've got it somewhere.' Kevin said and searched his pockets. 'Here it is.' It was another note!

'Could I see?' I asked and took the note from Kevin. It said: Soon you'll all be free It scared me because I had a feeling what he meant by free.

'Has Nick been fooling around again?' Kevin asked.

'No. He's been a good boy.' I said and smiled. I wanted to tell Kevin everythingbut I couldn't.I would jeopardize his safety.and mine.

'You know what Kathy.' He said annoyed. 'I'm goin' to bed.' He finished his drink in one sip, got up and went upstairs.

'Goodnight.' I called after him, closed the doors, turned off the lights and went to bed.

