

Things have changed over the last few years. My relationship with the boys from back then has become stronger. Although we all live in different part of the country. AJ moved to Kissimmee, a few miles from Orlando.

But he didn't move alone, his pregnant wife Amanda moved with him. Amanda is due in less then 3 months. We're in touch almost 24 hours a day. Why? It's my new job!

I deliver baby's! I'm a midwife! My best friend Brian lives in Orlando with his lovely wife Leigh Anne and their baby girl Lucy. Of course, I was the one to deliver little Lucy almost 2 years ago. She's such a happy little girl.

Her uncle Kevin lives in a little beach place called Crystal River, a few miles upstream from Tampa. Kevin is married to Kristen and their hoping for Kristen to get pregnant, which isn't working very well.

Our business man Howie bought a huge house in Miami Beach, the biggest business center on the east coast. He's not really into dating, so he doesn't have a girlfriend or a wife. But Howie doesn't care. He likes being alone. Well, he's never really alone with all the staff running around the house day and night.

One boy left. Nick. He's probably the only one who never moved. He moved to LA with his parents in 1999, but he missed Tampa too much. So he decided to buy a house in Tampa and he never moved since.

Nick's story is a sad one. In 1997 he fell in love with a girl called Mandy. They where so much in love that Mandy moved into the big house. Their love lasted until 2002. Then they had a huge fight..Mandy packed her stuff, left the house and never came back. And Mandy is only the first of many girls who lived with Nick in the big house by the ocean. That leaves me.

Because of my job, and the fact that I like to stay close to my friends, I decided to move from New York to Winter Haven. A little town right in the center of Florida near Disney World. A few miles to the east and I'm with Kevin or Nick. When I take a plane and fly south I end up at Howie's place. I drive 30 minutes to reach AJ and it takes me an hour to get to Brian's house. So I'm in the center close to all of my friends and their problems.

But our lives are busy, too busy to visit or to take care of our friends. That's why we bought a house together. It's a beautiful beach house a few miles up from Cedar Key on the Gulf of Mexico. It's our get away from daily life. We sneak away and if we're lucky we bump into each other. And of course we spend a few days of our holiday's together up there. Just hanging around, talking to each other. Basically doing nothing. I think I spend most of my time at the beach house. I like it there. It gives me time to think and time to relax.

