



Jewel and I walked a little longer before heading back home. I took her hand in mine. It was like we fit perfectly together. I never wanted to let her go. She was Bailey but more.

I was going to take her to my parents, well after I romantically ask her to marry me. I laughed at my own stupid joke like idea. Like she was going to say yes to marrying me after only knowing me a week. We
neared the house and seen AJ was still there. I broke into a jog with Jewel following close behind.

"You two seem to have hit it off great." AJ said as I walked into the house.

I smiled. "Why do you say that?" A teasing smile wandered on my lips.

"We saw you guys kissing from the porch." AJ laughed. Jewel came back in.

"Alex, did I ever mention what a great cousin you are?"

AJ laughed. "No but thanks." I laughed at them.

"Well Jewel, Nick I'm going to leave, My plane leaves in about an hour. Try to behave."

I punched AJ playfully in the arm. And gave him a friendly hug as he left. I watched Jewel hug him and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Have fun." She waved good bye.

Leigh and Brian walked down the steps, suitcases in their hands. "Sorry to leave so early but our flight tomorrow morning got canceled. So we have to leave tonight."

I smiled. "It's all good, you guys just have a lot of fun. Don't worry about me, I'll be good."

Brian walked up to me and patted me on the back. "Man let her cook while I am gone, because if you burn down my house... you are not going to be the godfather of my child."

I laughed. "Okay." I watched until their car was out of site.

"This is where we kick it into forth gear." I laughed and jumped onto the couch.

"You're cute when you talk big." Jewel teased sliding into my arms.

"What's this? Oh I'm cute! Man I'm goin nuts!"

Jewel laughed. Her smile was sparkling like her eyes. I kissed her, her lips were so soft and gentle.

"What'd I tell ya, it's a backstreet thang."

Jewel laughed and we continued kissing. I never wanted to let that moment go.




Nick and I walked along the sand a little longer before we went home. He took my hand and I could have melted it felt that well. He began to laugh but it seemed like it was at his own inside joke so I left it go. As we neared the house I seen Alex's bright jeep still in the driveway.

Nick broke into a jog; I smiled and followed him. As he closed the door behind us I heard Alex's voice.

"You two seem to have hit it off great."

I saw Nick smile playfully. "Why do you say that?" I watched as Nick turned to face Alex.

"We saw you guys kissing from the porch." Alex laughed.

I could have laughed myself but just let a smile twitch on my features. "Alex, did I ever mention what a
great cousin you are?" I joked.

Alex laughed, "No but thanks."

Nick laughed as Alex got up off the couch. "Well Jewel, Nick I'm going to leave, My plane leaves in about an hour. Try to behave."

Soon enough we found ourselves alone in the house and romantically kissing on the couch. " You're cute when you talk big." I teased and slid into his strong protection.

"What's this? Oh I'm cute! Man I'm goin nuts!"

I laughed. He made me feel safe. His lips were so soft; I never wanted to leave him I just wanted to be
cradled in his arms.

"What'd I tell ya, it's a backstreet thang." He whispered. It must have been true because I have never tasted kisses that were so sweet. He pulled away suddenly, "Jewel how old are you?" He asked suddenly.

I must have looked confused because he laughed. "Eighteen why?"

He smiled and tugged on one of my braids. "Making you a legal adult. Making it legal if you moved from your home into a home with a almost twenty year old man right."

I knew what he was hinting about but I fooled around with him. "What! You mean?"

Nick smiled "Yeah" I looked surprised "Really! Justin Timberlake wants me to move in with him."

He laughed and I hugged him. "No I'm not a Justin but I'm a Nick and I would love if you'd move in with me."

I smiled and kissed him. Long and passionately like it was never ever going to end. "You're eighteen meaning if I take you right now, I won't be charged for statutory rape."

I nodded. "That's right" I whispered kissing him more. He lifted me in his arms and took me up the stairs to his room. His kissed me over and over and I loved every moment.




I looked out the window and saw it was dark out. I lay in bed with Jewel cuddled close to me. I rubbed my fingers along her bare stomach as she slept. I watched her as she dreamed. She was so beautiful and looks like an angel. She opened her brown eyes and smiled at me. "What is it?" She asked.

"Nothing, it's just I still can't believe your real and with me."

She laughed. "Well believe it." She laid a hand across my chest and laid her head on my shoulder. I just indulged in this moment. I was having the time of my life.

"Jewel are you asleep." I asked a few moments later.

"No why? Is something wrong?" She asked sitting up. I sat up and turned on my bedside lap. She had the white sheet arranged over her chest. I was taken aback by her innocence.

"Would you want to meet my parents tomorrow?"

She smiled, "I'd love too."

I smiled and pulled her close. I tugged at the sheet. "Why are you covering up, it's not like I haven't just seen you."

She smiled. "I'm shy."

I turned off the light. "Better?"

"Much." I felt her slide into my arms. I held her tightly like she was going to disappear.



I woke up the next morning naked in Nick's bed without Nick. I wasn't worried. He was sitting in a chair by the door singing as he got dressed. Let me tell you, that song was really annoying.

"Mmmbop... I got clean socks. Yeah Mmmbop... Clorox rocks."

I sat up holding the sheet. "And you're a singer?" I threw a pillow at him.


I lay back down and pulled the covers over my head. I felt him climb onto the bed and pull the covers away from my face.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Morning girlie." He kissed me. "Come on lets go." He tugged me up to sitting position.

"Okay but I'm not leaving this room without one more thing."

He crawled beside me. "A kiss" I smiled.

"Actually I was going for pants, but that's good too." He kissed me again I loved it when he kissed me.

"Now I'm going to get a shower." I laughed as I pushed him on the bed and walked out with the blanket trailing behind me.




I stood in the kitchen watching out the window at the ocean waves. I felt someone tickle me from behind and I almost dropped my cup of milk. "You's a punk for hittin me behind my back." I turned to face Jewel in my bathrobe. I held her in my arms and kissed her cheek.

"You know what kinda girl I've always liked." I asked turning serious.

"What kind?" Jewel asked wrapping her arms around my middle.

I took her face gently in my hands. "I like the kinda girl who'll let me hold her real tight and kiss her." I kissed her.

"Then kiss her" and again. "And kiss her and kiss her and kiss her." I smiled and kissed her three more times. Jewel smiled.

"Come upstairs I need your help picking out an outfit."

I walked up to my room and looked at the three out fits laid out on my bed. The first one was tight green leather like pants with a green tank top midriff. The second was blue leather like pants and a blue tank top. And the third was a blue long sleeve sweater with dark blue Jean shorts. I had just noticed that Jewel had taken her braids out and her hair was wet and wild.

"Well?" She urged.

I finally picked the blue outfit. I wanted the green one, not only because it was green but also because it was sexy. But I guessed it would be too sexy to meet my parents in.

I waited for almost a half an hour downstairs playing a video game. Finally Jewel came down. "What do you think?" She asked. I was too absorbed in my game to look at her.

"I think that at the end of every rainbow theres a pot of Nintendo games!"

I heard her sigh. "No Nick, about how I look."

I paused my game and turned around. My breath was defiantly taken away. Her hair was brushed out and she had a blue bandanna on, he eyes were lined with diamonds and she had a sparkling tear drop in the middle of her forehead. The outfit suited her body perfectly. Her blue tank top showed a hint of her
belly button that was also lined with diamonds and a diamond belly ring to top it off.

"You look... Great." I said turning off the TV.

She smiled. "Great lets go."

I had only known her a day but I knew I wanted the rest of my life with her. I watched her climb into my Durango. I slipped my hand into my pocket and felt the velvet box that held my future. Even though I hardly knew her I knew I was doing the right thing.

I smiled as I climbed in and drove to my parents' house. I rang the doorbell and waited as my sister BJ answered it. She smiled and leaned against the door.

"Hey BJ your loving brother is here." I smiled.

BJ gave me a shocked look, "Really? Where?"

I rolled my eyes and hugged her. "What is it with women and sarcasm."

BJ laughed and invited us in. "BJ this is my girlfriend Jewel, Jewel this is one of my sisters BJ."

BJ smiled and shook Jewel's hand as she entered the house. I found the rest of my family out on the back deck, my father cooking hamburgers on the grill in an apron that read kiss the cook, my mother lounging under the big umbrella, my sister Leslie reading a book, and Aaron and Angel playing a game of monopoly by the stairs.

"Hello dear family." I called with open arms.

They all looked up for an instant then returned to what they were doing. "Okay I guess I was just born into a world of Sarcasm!" I yelled.

Jewel came up behind me and took my hand tightly. I could tell she was nervous.




I stood feeling out of place next to Nick. None of his family really acknowledged that I was in their home. I took his hand tightly. I wanted to leave, go back to his home where I felt happy and safe.

"Everyone this is my new girlfriend Jewel."

I saw his father turn around and wipe his hands on his cute apron. I smiled as he walked over.

"Well Hello, I'm Bob. Nick's father." He shook my hand.

"Hi I'm Jewel. Cute apron."

He looked down and laughed. "Glad someone thinks so."

Nick's mother opened her eyes. "Come on over here so I can get a better look at you." She said with a quiet accent that I couldn't quite place. I walked over and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jane, the woman who bored this young man." She smiled and I could tell where Nick got his charm.

"I'm Jewel."

She raised her eyebrow, "Name suits you," She said looking over me. "This young lady is Nick's sister Leslie."

The little brunette looked up from her book. "Hi, " She snapped her gum and continued reading.

I shrugged and listened to the other names Jane was throwing at me. "This one to my left is Nick's youngest sister Angel, and the little boy next to her is her twin brother Aaron."

I looked at the two and seen hardly any similarities. Angel looked up and smiled at me. "Hi, your really pretty."

I blushed. "Thank you"

Aaron stood up with his mouth hanging open. "Hi, I'm Aaron, Why are you with my brother when you can be with me?"

I was shocked but flattered. "Well if you give me a call in about ten years we'll work something out." I heard, Nick, his father, his mother and his sisters laugh.

"So will you be joining us for dinner Jewel?" His father asked.

"Yeah dad" Nick answered for me.

"Could you excuse me... I'm not feeling so well." Bob looked at me with concern.

"Okay. Nick show Jewel where the bathroom is." Nick took my hand and guided me into the house.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "Just nervous." I smiled weakly and hugged him.

When you go back out can you tell my dad and brother to meet me in the living room.

"Is everything okay?" I asked brushing a few gelled strands of hair.

He smiled reassuringly to me and took me by my waist. " Nothing at all. Just man stuff." I smiled.

"Okay I'll get them." He smiled and kissed the tip of my nose.


