

Nick got up from where he was sitting on the ground, and walked towards the camera.

"Nick, don't touch it!" Sky cried.

Nick ignored her, his gaze fixed on the floating object. Slowly, he lifted up his hand, and extended his fingertips toward it. As they were about to touch it, the camera disappeared.

"Holy crap." Nick mumbled.

"Where'd it go?" Sky asked.

"It just...vanished." Nick said in disbelief.

Just when they thought things couldn't get any stranger, a car appeared where the camera had been.

"Wow!" Nick exclaimed, awe struck. "Look at this! This car is a beauty! Damn!" He ran his fingers over the car's royal blue exterior. "Sky, would ya look at this?" Nick said. "Sky?" he turned around when she didn't answer. "What's wrong?"

She looked terrified. "This is too much for me! Everything! Meeting a complete stranger whom I think I am 'connected to'...Getting stitches in my lip...Seeing a floating camera...And now a car appears out of thin air! This is just, really scaring me!" She began to tremble.

"Well, I can't help ya out, because I'm as confused as you are. But, now I know a way we can get back to the hotel." Nick said.

"I am NOT riding in that thing!" Sky exclaimed.

"Aw, come on Sky. You only live once. And this 'thing' as you like to call it, is a classic."

"Yeah, a classic death machine." Sky muttered.

"Come on! It'll be an adventure!"

"I'm not getting in that thing."

"Please, do it for me." Nick gave her a puppy dog look.

"That kinda thing won't work on me Nick...at least, not at this moment."

Nick sighed, slightly frustrated. "Sky, seriously, it's not a 'death trap'--"

"Death machine." She corrected.

"Whatever. It's just a nice, safe, beautiful, blue car. It's here to whisk you away, back to your royal palace...AKA the Destiny Hotel."

"I'm sorry...I--I just can't."

"Well then, how do you plan on getting back?"

After a slight hesitation she gave in "Fine, but if that car hurts me in any way, shape or form, I am suing you for your every last penny Nick."

He grinned at her, and opened the passenger door of the car, which she grudgingly climbed into.

