

Nick got into the driver's seat, and started the car. The drive went pretty smoothly until Nick decided to push each and every button in the odd car, and see what they all did.

As he pushed the final button, the car began to float upwards.

"Oh my God! What's happening?" Sky shrieked.

"Woo hoo! We're goin' for a ride in the sky!" Nick cheered.

The car floated until they were among the clouds.

"Okay, okay, I just won't look down...I won't look down." Sky mumbled to herself.

"This is so cool! Look at how much better the view is from a car than a plan! Plans just suck! This is one of the most exciting things I've ever done in my life!" Nick said.

Sky turned to him, looked him straight in the eye and said, "You're crazy. Absolutely crazy."

"Why thank you." Nick grinnned at the exasperated Sky.

"Wow! We're here already!" Nick said a couple of minutes later. He steered the car towards the ground, and it landed without one bit of trouble.

As soon as both Sky and Nick had gotten out of it, the car disappeared.

"I am NEVER getting even within a foot of an object that appears out of thin air ever again!" Sky promised.

"Oh come on, you know you loved every bit of that ride."

"Yeah, maybe in your dreams where everything is perfect, but not in reality, pal." Sky told him.

"So, where should I meet you tomorrow?" Nick asked.

"Um, how about at the pool at noon?"

"Can't, sorry. We're recording until two."

"Then how about two thirty?"

"It's a date." Nick smiled at her, then went up to his hotel room, as Sky went to hers.

