

"Where were you Nick?" Brian asked. The guys were eating dinner in a small restaurant.

"With Sky, that girl I was telling you about," Nick replied.

"Oh yeah, the one you're 'connected' to." A.J. smirked.

"That's the one." Nick ignored A.J.'s look.

"Well next time, be on time." Kevin scolded.

"Why are we eating dinner this early anyway?" Nick asked.

Kevin sighed, "Because we have to go back and record later, we told you that already, Nick."

"Why are we recording so damn much anyway?" Nick grumbled.

"Because we want to get this album out on time, you dumb ass." A.J. snapped.


~*~*~*~*~*Later That Night~*~*~*~*~*


"Thank God we're done for the night!" Nick exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm beat. I'm gonna take a shower, then go to bed." Brian said, heading for the bathroom.

Nick lay down on his bed. He could hear Howie and A.J. arguing in the next room. It really sucked that they had to share rooms, but since it was a small hotel in the middle of nowhere, there wasn't a lot of space.

Nick closed his eyes and put his hands behind his head. He was so tired...So tired he could just fall asleep right now, still in his clothes and shoes, not even under the covers...

"Nick," Sky asked, "Where are we?"

"Shhh, just follow me." Nick said, taking her by the hand.

The two walked hand in hand down the long, dark, hallway until Nick stopped. "In here," he said, turning the knob on a door that had just appeared. They entered the room. "Oh my God!" Sky breathed, staring at the walls and celing of the room, which were covered in jems, rubys, emerlads, diamonds, and pearls.

"Yeah, it's amazing right?" Nick grinned at her,

"Like you." They leaned towards eachother, their lips only an inch apart when a loud voice boomed,

"Finally, you have arrived! You earthlings take such a long time of getting here."

"What was that?" Sky whispered.

"I don't know." Nick said.

"It was me, the master of--"

Nick woke up with a start. That dream had givin him a really weird feeling. He had to call Sky, right now...

