

"The mental connection has taken place! Finally, I thought those stupid beings would never make it happen!" the master said to his servant.

"So, how long will it be until you take them?" the servant with the squeaky voice asked.

"Not much longer, not much longer at all. Maybe ... two weeks? I can't be sure just yet, but if all goes according to plan..."

"If all goes according to plan...?" The servant prompted.

"If all goes according to plan, the earthlings will be within my grasp before they tell a single soul."




After sitting on the bench for about a half hour, Sky said, "I think we should both just get some sleep. We can try to figure this all out in the morning. Okay, Nick?"

Nick swallowed hard, confused and frightened thoughts swirling about in his head. "Yeah, I guess that would be the best thing to do."

They stood up, stretched, and made their way back into the hotel building. "There's something weird about this place too," Nick commented. "I mean, there's never any people who work here around. Only that one creepy guy at the desk. And that's another thing, it's always the same guy. Plus, do you ever see any other people around? They claim the rooms are full, but the only people I've seen are the rest of the fellas and you. Plus, there's the name, The Destiny Hotel, what's that all about?"

"I know what you mean, about this place being a bit odd. I haven't seen any other people either, except for you guys and this short man with a big nose," Sky said.

"It almost feels like...like we're being set up or something. Like this whole place is a trap, and someone is out to get us."

"Do you really think you should be that extreme?" Sky asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Think about all that's happened to us within the past couple of days. I mean, physical connections, flying cars, mental connections... I think that I definitely allowed to be extreme, if what I think would even be qualified as extreme." Nick said, frowning slightly.

"That's a good point," Sky sighed.

"So, should I walk you back to your room?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, I guess," Sky yawned and started toward the elevator. Nick walked her to her room, and then went to his own. He slipped quietly through the door, and into his bed. He pulled the blanket up to his chin, and stared into the darkness. What's going on? he thought. Nick was so confused, it made him angry. Why was all this happening? Why couldn't he just find an explanation for it all, then things would be so much easier. He closed his eyes, and
prayed that he wouldn't have another one of those messed up dreams. But he needn't have worried, for this time he wasn't in for any dreams; Sky was.


