

Nick stepped onto the yacht. It was one of those big boring parties that he hated. He'd much rather be back at his hotel room, just chillen' playing N64.

Nick had gotten the cast removed from his no longer broken leg about two weeks ago, and didn't think much about the mystery of it anymore.

He walked away from his fellow Backstreet members and headed over to the rail of the boat. He tugged at his shirt collar, and looked out at the water.

He ran his long fingers through his hair and a shimmer of blue caught his eye.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the shimmer.

It belonged to a girl, whose full length gown was covered entirely of blue sequins.

Her long straight hair was not blond, but a rare and exotic gold. Her eyes not an everyday blue, but as blue as the center of a flame.

Her gaze landed on nothing but seemed to take in everything at the same time. Her whole body was small and delicate, and her mind seemed to be in a different place all together, giving her a dreamy feel.

She fascinated Nick. He wasn't even sure why. It wasn't her looks that drew him to her like a magnet, no it wasn't that. It was way beyond that. Her soul seemed to be calling him, and there was no other way for Nick to respond.

"Sky?" the name popped out of Nick's mouth before he knew he was saying it.

"Yes? Do I...know you?" Sky asked, tilting her head slightly to the right. He was so familiar, but she knew she couldn't have ever met him.

Who could forget a face as adorable as this guy's?

"I--I don't think so but..." Nick was so nervous, he could barely speak. What was going on? Why had he even come over here? How had he known her name?

"Nick," Sky whispered suddenly.

"Do you know me?" Nick asked in a very quiet voice.

"No...but...I must..." Sky didn't understand this. How had she known his name? This was impossible, this whole conversation-if you could even call it that-couldn't be happening.

"This is freaking me out," Nick commented.

"Me too." Sky had that look on her face again, looking at nothing, but looking at everything.

"Why are you here?" Nick asked.

"My father's friends with Zack Gefferson, the man who's throwing this party."


"And aren't you going to tell me why you're here?" Sky smiled at him. Even her smile had that dreamy aura to it.

"I'm in a musical group...the Backstreet Boys," Nick added hastily, not sure if he should tell her.

"The Backstreet Boys...I've heard of you. My friend loves you guys. She's always talking about how cute the blond one is, and I'm assuming she means you."

Nick blushed.

"Well, I'm sorry to leave you so soon Nick but, I really do have to go explore this place some more. I'll see you later."

And with that, she was gone.

Nick sighed and went to get himself a drink.

He pulled a few strings and manged to get himself a coke insted of wine.

He put the glass to his lips, not seeing that it was chipped. The glass cut his lip, and immediately it started bleeding.

