

"Oh my God! Sky, you're bleeding!" Sky's friend Lisa cried.

And so she was. A split second earlier, Sky had gotten a sudden pain in her top lip, and now it was clear that it wasn't her imagination playing games with her, but she really was hurt.

"Come on, there's a nurse's office somewhere on this boat, we can get you some help there." Lisa said, grabbing Sky's hand and dragging her through the mist of guests. "What did you do anyway, to make your lip bleed like that?" she asked a few seconds later.

"Nothing." Sky replied gently touching her lip. She quickly drew back her finger, which was now covered in blood.

"Yeah right! You must have done something!" Lisa scoffed.

"No...I didn't do a thing."

"Whatever...wait, here's the nurse's office." Lisa pulled Sky in.

"Hi, my friend here cut her lip, can you help?" Lisa said.

"Well, let me take a look at it." The nurse replied.

Sky sat down in a chair next to the nurse.

The nurse examined Sky's lip with an odd expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" Sky asked.

"How did you hurt yourself?" The nurse asked, sounding sort of suspicious.

"I'm really not sure," Sky replied, "why?"

"It's just, you're going to have to get about six stitches and well... this young man came in no more than a minute before you did, and his injured lip looked identical to yours."

"Nick..." Sky murmed.

"Nick?" Lisa looked puzzled, "Who's Nick?"

Sky ignored Lisa and looked at the nurse, "He needed six stitches too?" she asked.


They were all silent a moment before the nurse said, "Honey, you should go to the hospital before that bleeds anymore. Here, put this cloth on it. My husband was going to drive that young man to the hospital, I'm sure they haven't left yet. Come with me, we'll go find him and he can drive you too."

"But, what about my Father..."

"Don't worry, I'll tell him Sky." Lisa spoke up.

"Thanks Lis," Sky said, walking out the door with the nurse.

