

"All...done! See that wasn't so bad, now was it?" the doctor asked Nick.

"Not as bad as filling out all that damn paper work." Nick muttered, referring to the forms he'd had to fill out before they could give him stitches.

As soon as he could, Nick got out of there. 'I hope she's still waiting for me' Nick thought as he ran out to the parking lot.

He stopped short when he saw her, and let out a sigh of relief.

"I was so afriad you'd left!" he told Sky.

"Would I really do that to you?" she grinned.

"I guess not."

Once again there was a long pause before either of them spoke again. Finally, Nick got up enough courage to say, "There's something about me and you...something weird that's--"

"Indescribable," Sky finished for him. "Something so great, so powerful that it's scary but exciting all the same."


"Something made me come over to you before...Sometihng inside of me was like 'Go! Go over to that girl NOW.' It was this incredible feeling, like I knew you...Like I'd known you forever. Just like, like, we're connected!"

"Yes," Sky agreed, "connected."

And somewhere someone watched Sky and Nick and said, "And all goes according to plan..."

