

"Ow!" Nick said.

"Sorry," Sky replied, "I was just trying to see if any little thing I did to myself would effect you too. So, I thought a good experiment would be to pinch myself."

"Yeah, great experiment," Nick mumbled.

"Do you think," Sky looked up at the stars, "that we have a meaning?"


"A meaning. Some sort of purpose. Like, some angel or something has brought us together so we can conquer something."

"I don't know," Nick said softly, thinking about it. He too looked up at the stars.

"Nick?" Sky said a few minutes later.


"I really should be getting back now. But, I want to see you again. In fact, I need to see you again. Where can we meet?"

"Well, I'll be staying at the Destiny hotel for about a week. Me and the other guys are recording our next album."

"Really? The Destiny hotel is where I'm staying at too. I guess it'll be easy to meet then," she smiled warmly at him.

"Yeah." Nick replied. "Well, I guess we should leave he replied a moment later.

"Okay, but wait! How are we going to get there?" Sky asked.

"I didn't think about that. Whatever happened to that nurse's husband, the one who drove us here?"

"I have no clue. It would have been nice of him to stick around and wait 'till we got out, don't ya think?" Sky said, annoyed.

Nick didn't reply, he was looking at something off in the distance.

"What are you looking at?" Sky asked curiously.

"I--I'm not sure. Over there, is it just me, or does that look like a camera?"

"No, you're right. It does look like a camera." Sky stared at the object, unable to believe her eyes. "A floating camera," she whispered.

