Chapter 11: Proving his Love

The next morning after making breakfast Dylana goes to wake up Nick. He is lying on his stomach she crawls onto the bed, lies on his back, and begins to trace the musical note tattoo on the back of his right shoulder with her lips. This wakes him. He sighs and opens his eyes to look at her. "Good morning." he says.

"Good morning." She raises up so he can turn over. After he does he pulls her down and starts kissing her. "I don't want to go two months without being able to do this." he proclaims.

"Nick please understand why I can't go."

"I do. If people could just see you and not your face."

"But not everyone is like you." she tells him. He blushes. She kisses him and says, "But it's true. Nick you have made me so happy."

"You've made me happier than I thought possible after what happened. I honestly never thought I could love again after I lost Rachel."

"I'm glad you thought wrong." She leans down and kisses him again. She gets up, grabs his hand and pulls him up. "Come on I made breakfast."

After they eat they get ready to go to Nick's . "I have to drop off the new designs at the shop." says Dylana.

"Okay. So I get to meet Tammy finally." states Nick.


"Hey girl." says Tammy when Dylana and Nick arrive at the shop.

"Hey. Nick this is Tammy Cramer, Tammy this is Nick Carter."

"Nice to meet you." says Nick.

"It's nice to finally meet you. You know I was worried but I think you've been really good for Dylana."

"She's been really good for me." he proclaims.

"So you wanna look at the designs?" Dylana asks Tammy.


"I'm gonna look around." says Nick.


Nick sees a woman looking at Dylana with an appalled look on her face, she is also holding a dress. He goes over to her. "That's a beautiful dress isn't it?" he asks.

"Yes it is." says the woman.

"Just like it's designer." he states.

"Oh really? Who is the designer?"

"The blue-eyed, auburn-haired beauty over there." he says nodding his head toward Dylana.

The woman just stares with a shocked look on her face. Dylana comes over and asks Nick, "Ready to go Honey?"


In the car she asks, "What was all that about with that woman?"

"She was looking at you and..."

"Was appalled." finishes Dylana.

"Yeah. Anyway I informed her that the reason the dress she was looking at was so beautiful is because it's designer is."

"You are the sweetest person in the world."

Nick chuckles, "Well I do try."

At Nick's they get his things packed for the tour. He walks into the living room and sits on the couch beside of Dylana. "Okay, so what do we do now?" "I've got an idea." she says then she grabs him and pulls him into a passionate kiss.

"Oh I like this idea." he mumbles against her lips.

The phone starts ringing. "Oh don't answer it." she whines.

Nick kisses her once more and says, "Save my place." "Hello? Hey Leslie. What? Are you serious? Cool! Yeah, I can't wait. It'll be great. Okay see everyone tomorrow."

"What was that about?"

"Leslie's going to be the opening act for the tour."

"Wow! That's great! So you're family's gonna be there for you and my parents are planning a visit, they should be here when you get back."

"Great, I'm looking forward to meeting them. I am going to miss you so much."

"I'll miss you more."

"No I'll miss you more."

"No I'll... you know this is a silly argument." she says.

"Well let's stop arguing and start making out again." he suggests.

"I won't argue with that." she says with a laugh and they start kissing again.

Dylana is playing cards with her parents when her phone rings. "I'll be right back. Don't anybody cheat." she says. "Hello?"

"Hey Baby." says Nick.

"Hi Sweetie. I miss you so much."

"I know. I miss you too." He laughs. "Is it just me or do we have the same conversation every night?"

Dylana laughs too. "It's not just you. But at least it's just one more week."

"Yeah. I can't wait to meet your folks."

"They're anxious to meet you too."

"Hey listen we're doing an interview tomorrow in London that will be shown live on the Internet."

"Great. What site and what time?"

He gives her the address. "It'll be at 10:00 am your time."

"Okay, I'll be watching."

"Nick come on we got a show to do." calls Kevin.

"I'm coming. Talk to you later Baby. I love you."

"Love you too. Bye."

During the interview all the guys talk about their wives and kids. The interviewer asks Nick, "We all know that you lost your wife Rachel tragically over a year ago. How have you been?"

"It's been hard but I have moved on."

"There is someone new in your life?"

"Yes. Her name is Dylana and she's supposed to be watching now so... Hi Honey." he says waving to the camera. He smiles thinking about how Rae set them up. "I know that Rae is happy for me."

"I still have trouble believing that story about his wife's spirit." says Mason.

"Daddy it happened." declares Dylana.

"I think it's sweet." proclaims Anna. "I mean she loved him so much that she wanted to make him happy even in the afterlife so she led him to Dylana."

"Plus he has been wonderful for me too. I mean no one else would be as sweet and lovely to me as he has been."

"We'll see what his agenda is when he gets here." says Mason before leaving the room.

Dylana shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "He means well Honey." states Anna.

"I know but..." she sighs. "Nick really loves me and he'll prove it."

"Oh gosh I have missed you so much!" exclaims Dylana hugging Nick tightly.

"I've missed you too." says Nick.

"I didn't think I'd see you until later."

"I wanted to surprise you." He begins kissing her.

"Ahem." Mason's voice startles them making them jump.

They turn to see him and Anna. "Daddy, Mommy this is Nick." says Dylana.

"I should hope so they way you two were kissing." says Anna with a laugh.

She holds out her hand to Nick. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"It's nice to meet you." Nick says shaking her hand.

Mason just glares at Nick who becomes noticeably uncomfortable. Anna elbows her husband in the arm. "Mason." she murmurs.

He stretches his hand out to Nick and grumbles, "Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure to meet you Sir."

"Daddy, you and Nick have something in common. He loves basketball too so why don't you men go outside and shoot hoops while we women fix dinner?"

"All right." says Mason then he heads outside.

Nick whispers to Dylana, "Lani I don't think he likes me."

"He will when he gets to know you. He's just very protective of me." Nick in still uneasy. "Go on, he won't hurt you I promise."

Nick laughs. "Okay. Basketball isn't the only thing we have in common; we both love you very much." Dylana smiles and Nick kisses her nose before going to the backyard.

"Wow! You're great!" says Nick in awe of Mason's basketball skills.

"Thank you. I played all through high school."

"I didn't go to high school because I joined the group right after junior high. But I do play b-ball a lot; I play in every charity game I can." Nick says making a shot.

"Is that what my daughter is to you?" asks Mason sternly.

"What?" replies a bewildered Nick.

"Do you think of Dylana as charity?"

Nick is completely stunned by the question. "NO! I love Lani with all my heart and soul."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. I am not with Lani because I pity her. When I look at her I don't see her scars I see the person she is on the inside. I pity the people who shun her because of her looks for not taking the time to get to know her because they are missing out on something wonderful."

Mason realizes that Nick is telling the truth. "I'm sorry Young Man. I know how my daughter loves you and I just had to see for myself that you share her feelings."

"I understand." Nick assures him. "You just want what's best for her."

"And I now see that you're it." states Mason. Nick smiles. "Come here." says Mason opening his arms to Nick. The two men hug.

Dylana sees this from inside the house. "Mother come here. Am I seeing what I think I am?"

Anna smiles. "Yes you are."

"I told you Nick would prove that he loves me."

Back outside Nick says to Mason, "I will always treat her right."

"I know you will." He puts his arm around Nick's shoulders, pulls him close and tells him, "But if you don't you'll answer to me." He smiles and pats Nick on the back.

Nick laughs. "Don't worry. I love her, I'll do what's right."

"Dinner's ready." calls Dylana. Mason and Nick head for the door. Dylana moves so Mason can pass but she pushes Nick back and steps outside. "I knew they would love you." she says smiling. Nick just looks at her and doesn't say a word. "Aren't you going to say anything?"

"Seeing you smile makes me so happy." says Nick pulling her into his arms.

"I smile because *you* make me so happy." They kiss for a moment before heading inside.


Chapter 12