

I giggled a little, "Well at least I know she won't be bored tonight, if she's with him."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well last night Brian and Nick seemed to be a lot of fun to be around so I figure that tonight wil be fun for Sam, at least."

"Why are you not having fun?"

I nodded, "No of course I'm having a great time. Talking with you. Although it seems everyone else is doing their own thing."

"Well Howie is very into his cell, and Lisa well..." he came closer and whispered "she's as annoying as they get and I don't really like her at all, just don't say anything. Kevin thinks he's in love but really she's only in love with the money and gifts she gets whenever he's home, THAT'S! what makes them so inseparable, them and the mall of course." I laughed softly again

"Well I will agree with you on not liking her too much but I shouldn't really judge her."

"Why not all the other guys do, they just don't have the balls to say anything to him?"

"And you have?"

"Yeah, for awhile we really weren't on speaking levels, but after awhile I guess you just gotta love me."

I grinned. "I see..." I smiled back and the waitress came back to take down our dinner orders.




It was the cutest little mini golf place I've ever seen. I was wondering why I hadn't come across it before. I guess it's cause I don't do too much mini golfing. When we all got our golf clubs and score cards, we were ready to play. Although Alyssa was mad because Nick did pay more attention to me (not to sound conceiteded I guess) She still tried to have a good time and I did make it an effort to talk to her. She didn't however make the effort to talk back to me.

"OK this would be hole number one who would like to go first??" I put my arm on Brian's shoulders I was about the same height

"Are we going to play with teams? Last time I played that's what we did. Remember Lyss??"

"Yeah with Chris and John."

"Yeah." I looked over at Nick who was sitting on a bench watching me. I looked at him funny


"Nothing...." I grinned. "so Bri what are we going to do?"

"Do you all want to play with teams?"

They all just shrugged "Ok than, let's see since Alyssa and Nick are being very unenthuseastic you two can be on a team and me and Sam will be on a team, cause when you play with Nick most likely ahem, you'll lose."

I flashed a cheesy grin. "No offense Alyssa." Of course she brightened up right away.

"Non-taken believe me." She sat next to Nick. "You guys can even go first."

"Well that's good cause that's what I was playing." He laughed. And placed his blue golfball on the green wholey thing. He took a few over exaggerated 'practice swings'

"C'mon Bri we don't have all day." I tapped my foot, like an impatient parent. He laughed and lightly swung at the ball. And what would you expect from Brian but a hole in one.

"ALL RIGHT! HA BEAT THAT NICKY BOY!" Nick just clapped his hands and watched as I got up to the...thing where you put your ball...

I swung and landed pretty close to the hole but not a hole in one.

"Sorry Bri to dissapoint you." I tapped the ball in, with an even score of swing storkes for the first. Nick got up and shook his butt, jokingly did a whole "before the swing" routine and hit the ball with a score of another hole in one.

"Ahem Brian I think I...tied you score?..."

"Sure let's just see, that was only the first." I smiled they were so stupid, in a funny way of course. Alyssa got up she's not what you would call athletic and she got the ball in after her fourth stroke, but Nick was a good sport about it and told her she did a good job. Brian and Nick though fought about everything. I had to cut in before they killed eachother, I mean they were only kidding around but it started to scare me

"I think you guys take you miniture golf just a little too seroiusly." and in unison they both replied "No we don't." and went back to bickering over nothing. After 5 minutes Alyssa and I were ready to take off on our own game.

"Ok Brian can you just go who cares!"

"OK sorry Sam." I smiled, and he went up. I sat down on a bench, and Nick sat next to me.

"So what does the winner get?" I looked at him suprisngly,
"What's the winner suppose to get?"

"I thought between me and you we could make a bet."

"Really? And what might that bet be?"

"Hmmmm....how about if you win I'll give you a back massage.... and if I win..."

"I'll give you a back massage." I shook his hand

"It's a deal." He grinned. "Looks like you're up Nick." He got up and did the same thing for the other 4 holes and the way this game was going, it look like the 18th hole was years away.

"Guys sorry to ruin your miniuture golf quarelling but by the time we get to the tenth hole it'll be midnight."

"Sorry Sam, we'll stop." They were acting like such goofballs. Needless to say we got to the 18th hole by 9:30. It was the last hole, it was the ones where the ball goes in the hole and never comes back. Nick was the last to go up and made another hole in one. We won by 19 stokes Nick made 16 holes in one and the other 2 made it in 2 Brian had 17 and I had 4, I guess you could say I did bad next to them. But I've never seen so many holes in one in all my life. When we were getting into the car Nick and Brian were laughing to themselves.

"What are you guys up to?"


"What, have you guys been here already, more than twice?" Nick started laughing. I looked at Brian

"OK this is the only golf place we go to cause it's the nicest and every time we're off we come here and yeah we've been here way more the twice."

"You guys are such losers." I pushed Nick up against the window and they went to Alyssa's to drop her off first.

"Bye Il call you when I get home." She nodded and walked up her walk-way. After she got in her house Nick looked at me

"No you won't."

"No I won't what?"

"Call her when you get home."

"And why not?" I raised my eyebrows. "Cause You'll be on the phone with me." I laughed

"Oh I will?"

"Yeah" I smiled at him and we pulled up into my drive-way. "Ok Last stop All Aboard please DEPART!" I laughed as Brian finished yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Thank You Mr. Littrell."

"Ok Bye Sam maybe we can Hang out again tommorw." Nick just sat there quietly.

"Ok Bri, Gimme a call than" He hugged me from over the seat.

"Bye Nick." I started getting out of the car when he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap.

"You thought you were getting away that easiley didn't you?" I giggled and he whispered in my ear.

"I'm gonna call you as soon as I get home ok?"

I nodded my head grinning like an idiot. I got out of the car. And looked back at the JEEP, Nick and Brian looked like they were talking, I smiled to myself, and got home, taking a quick shower I slipped into bed, falling alseep thinking about what happened tonight.

