


"Hey it's Scott. I just felt like calling you. Where have you been all day?"

"UmmI was at that café we went to last night. I was there with a friend of yours. Nick." I heard something drop in the background but I didn't say anything.

"Really? How did you know we are friends?"

"He told me. Scott I really like you but only as a friend for at least right now. I wanted to know if you want to hang out sometime. I thinks its cool hanging out with you, its fun."

"If I'm fun to hang out with then why don't you want to go out with me? I can't believe Nick told you that I liked you." I could tell he started getting mad.

"I have a boyfriend that's why we can't go out."

"Nick asked you out?! He's so dead. You know he doesn't just go out with you but he's living with another girl. Her name is Michelle."

"Wait a minute. I don't go out with Nick. I have a boyfriend in North Carolina."

"Oh. Well that's different. Ok. We should hang out tomorrow or something."

"Jennifer! Dinner's done!" My Dad can be so annoying.

"That would be great call me tomorrow morning. Bye"

Dad and I ate in silence. Every once in awhile one of us spoke about what we did that day or whatever came to mind as long as one of us said something. I was done with my dinner in 15 minutes. I was still full from that lunch with Nick so I didn't eat that much.

I sat on my bed and looked for a book to read. I know there had to be something in here worth reading. The only thing I could find was Black Beauty. Might as well I've seen the movie. It was ok. I started the first page when the phone rang. Yeah it's Nick.


"Hey babe. What have you been up to?" Great it was Brad. How did he get this number?

"Hey. How did you get this number. I don't remember giving it to you. So far, it's been fun. I went shopping, ran into a major teen idol, had lunch with him, went home ate dinner, and now talking to you."

"Really Mr. Teen Idol isn't there now is he? I got this number by calling directory. Your Dad is listed."

"Of course not. I was just about to read a book. Black Beauty. It's about a horse's life."

"Sounds fun. I didn't know you read books without killing in it, especially classics."

"I'm going to get over that. I don't know why I even read some of those books. They were freaky."

Brad and I talked for hours. Every idea of Nick vanished. I even forgot that he was going to call me. I'm guessing my Dad didn't have call waiting our maybe he never called. Great not I'm thinking about him. What if he heard a busy tone. He might have thought I was screening my calls. Oh wells. I got off the phone at midnight. I went to sleep as soon as I closed my eyes.


I woke up later than usual. Around 11. I got up slowly. I had the worst headache. I went and took a shower I came out and picked something to wear as soon as I was done with that I fell back on my bed and went to asleep again. I woke up again at two. I finally made it downstairs. I ate a sandwich that was in the fridge and I sat down on the couch while eating. Where's Dad? Whatever. I can finally watch TV now. I turned it on and switched it to MTV. There was some boy band talking bad about BSB. I just got bored and switched it off. Maybe I'll take another nap. I saw the red light blinking on the answering machine. Well it's my house too I might have a message. I went up to see. It said five messages. The first three were for Dad the other two were Nick and Scott. Nick wanted me to call him back. Scott wanted to know if I wanted to do anything today. I just erased their messages and went upstairs to take another nap.

*RING* *RING* Who's calling me now? I let it ring until the answering machine picked it up.

"You know what to do. Well at least I hope so." *BEEP*

"Jenn? Hello? This is Nick. I'm having a party tomorrow night at eight. I want you to come over. Bring Scott so that you'll have a date and be able to get there. Ciao."

I wonder who's going to be at the party? I'll probably meet his girlfriend, Michelle. She'll be a model or a singer like all the pop stars want.

