

(AN: this chap is extremely short! This takes place one year after Sam and Nick had gone on tour. This is just to wrap up things between them.)

Nick had tried hard to concentrate on the European tour. Hearing her song on the radio and seeing her face on every magazine, it was hard to think of her. Or what she was doing for the first 5 months he made his life a living hell by shutting everyone out. Also making the other guys feel like they were living in a hell hole. Lisa stayed away from her cousin knowing she was the clostest person to Sam on that tour.He tried contacting her every way possible at first. Calling her cell phone, leaving voice mail, e-mail, calling Donna's cell, Eric's cell. He never heard from her though he only cried on her voice mail hoping to her voice one day.As for Sam she was rising high, everything she wanted was coming true. The only person she wanted to share that with she couldn't. For interviews T.V talk hosts, she tried acting happy. Whenever "boyfriend" came up she lied and said what she was suppose to, there's no time for that stuff on tour, keeping a REAL relationship was hard. Donna, was about the only person who put up with her on the tour, she tried getting her out but all Sam really seemed to want was to be alone.

After 5 months of torture Nick kept to himself for the next 3 months pretending he didn't care anymore. And for 4 months he did everything in a guy's nature to get over Sam.

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I finished packing and was waiting for the front desk to call me down. After waiting for what seemed like forever I took my own bags down and waited in the lobby. Getting to the airport made me think about everything had happened before I left, what was a year seemed like an eternity away from the terrible truth of my past.

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"Well it's nice to know that we're done in two days." Brian walked over to the couch I was sitting on and took a seat. "I guess so...It'll be nice to be home...." I lied it's going to be horrible. For the most part having a home-cooked meal was just about the only thing I was looking foward to.

"I can't wait to be in my own bed." I nodded that was another thing that would be nice.

"Brian I think I'm going to get some shut-eye before the next show."

"Alright, you ok?" I sighed "Could be better, but I'll be fine." I stretched out on the couch and glanced at the clock 3:30 at 4:30 was the sound check just an hour of sleep... I closed my eyes and the bus was a little shaky as we made our way to the arena but I managed to fall asleep.

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"Lower..." I moaned softly into Kevin's mouth. My hands travelled up and down his back. He slowly rubbed the back of my thighs...He lifted his head to undo my pants, he glanced towards the clock. "Shoot...It's 4:35" he started buttoning his shirt back up.

"What are you doing?"

"Sound check started at 4:30, Lisa." I sat back on my heels. He grabbed his bag and made his way across the parking lot to the arena. I got dressed and was by myself. I wonder why he didn't hear the other guys leave. But it doesn't matter cause there's no more bus by tommorrow, and I'm psyced! I started getting ready for the concert cause I needed to finsh with the guys hair..I did both hair, costume design, the works, Caitlin was fired after she found Kevin and I together.

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"OK BACKSTREET THIS IS THE LAST SHOW LET'S MAKE IT A GOOD ONE!" after the before-concert ritual, we got pumped and worked up for the show. I was ready for not being on tour anymore but I wasn't looking foward to being home. Getting ready to surf on out into the audience, I got a funny feeling in my stomach.


