

Denise was lying in her hospital bed. She was scared of the heart operation she was going to have. She had always been thinking of her favorite Backstreet Boy, Brian, because he had just had surgery. She was about to feel how he felt. She was scared to death of being cut open. This would have been her second time. The first time though was when she was 6 months old. Denise's friend was sitting in the room next to Denise's bed.

"Nicole, what are you doing?" Denise asked. Nicole was looking out the door.

Nicole stuttered. "Brian from the BSB is out there! Along with the others! Oh my God! I wonder what they're doing here." Nicole screamed loud enough for the whole floor to hear her.

"Calm down. See which way they're headed and then follow them."

Nicole looked out the door. They were walking towards Denise's room. She ran back into the room. "They are coming this way." Nicole said between her teeth. She turned around to see Brian's face to her's. "Uh, hello."

"Hello." Kevin said. He walked over to Denise's bed. "So, you must be Denise."

Denise was excited. "Um, uh, um, yeah! What are you doing here!" Denise said.

"We were invited to come and see you. Brian really wanted to come see you." Kevin said.

"Hello, Denise. How are you?" Brian asked.

"Not so good." Denise replied "Oh, why not?"

"I have to have surgery and I'm scared."

"Oh, you'll be just fine. I had surgery and look at me now! I'm sure you'll be okay. Right guys?"

"Oh yeah, she'll be fine!" Nick said walking over next to Denise. "Hello, I'm Nick."

"I know. I know who all of you are. Am I freaking you out AJ?"

"No, why do you say that?" AJ laughed.

"Because you are by the door. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm can barely move. You too D."

Aj and Howie both walked to where Kevin and Nick and Brian were standing. Brian found Denise's copy of Millennium. "You want us to sign this?" Brian asked.

"Could you please?"

Nicole was staring at Nick. She was in love with him. He didn't seem to mind. He was used to it by now. Well, he should be. "Denise, when do you have the surgery?" Nick asked while signing the CD.

"In about an hour. I'm scared really bad."

"I can be here when you come out. It isn't a problem." Brian said.

"You will? Thank you!"

"No problem. I know how you feel."

"At least someone does."

"So, where are your parents?"

"I don't have any. My mom left me at my grandparent's house when my dad died. Then, my grandparents died and I got put under the custody of Nicole's family."

"Oh, I'm sorry. That's too bad. I would have liked to talk to them."

"It's okay." Denise saw he doctor behind Brian. "Um, you had better go. My doc is right behind you. I'm guessing it's time. You're gonna be here when I come out, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I will."

"Bye." Denise said to everyone giving him or her a hug.

"Denise, we have to do the surgery early. Is that okay with you?" Dr. Bob asked.

"Yeah, I guess."

"We need you to get on this cot and lay as still as possible. Then, I'll give you a medicine and then you will not feel anything and you will fall asleep. Okay?"

"Yes." Denise said nervously.

"Okay, here we go." Dr. Bob and some other nurses pushed Denise down the hall to the big elevator. She was asleep fast. She was pushed into the double doors. As a sign of good things happening, 'I Want It That Way' was playing.

Brian went and sat in the waiting room with Nicole and her parents. "So, Nicole, how long have you and Denise been friend?" Brian asked.

"Since the first grade. We haven't had a fight since. We are really good friends. Why did you offer to stay when she came out?" Nicole said.

"Don't tell anyone but me and her are related."

Nicole's eyes grew wide. "You are? How?"

"We're cousins. I know it's ironic but it's true. She doesn't know anything about me. Well, you know what I mean. Her mom's sister is my mom. I don't know why she doesn't know. I was there when she was born and all but I guess she doesn't remember me. I'm gonna tell her later."

"You best tell her! She always dreamed of being like your sister or something. She is gonna be so happy."

"I just don't know how to tell her."

"Don't ask me. I'm already her best friend. I can't tell her. She won't believe me. You are her cousin, you tell her."

Brian sighed and sat back and started to think about how to tell Denise.


