

"1365," Nick read aloud as he opened the door to Karen's room.

Karen crashed on the bed. "Thanks for packing my stuff."

"Anytime," he replied sitting near her. "Pollyanna said she'd be back in about an hour."

"All right," she whispered as she sat up. "What time is it?"

Nick glanced at his watch. "10:30."

"I better take out my contacts and slip into my pj's before I dose off."

"That's a good idea, considering you didn't handle the plane ride too well."

Karen grabbed a blue suitcase and stepped into the bathroom. "I't'll only be a minute."

She returned in baggy blue fannels and a blue tank top. Wearing her glasses and her hair pulled into a sloppy bun.

"You look lively," Nick teased.

Karen laid down on her stomach. "Hey, don't forget I saw you in your boxers, Carter."

"Good point." He sat beside her as she curled up with her stuffed Flounder from 'The Little Mermaid'. He noticed her toy. "Where'd you get that?"

"Kevin got it for me when he went to the mall this afternoon. He knew 'The Little Mermaid' was by favorite movie."

Nick playfully crossed his arms. "Why does he know things I don't know?"

"Simple. You didn't ask," she answered.

Nick shrugged. "Guess I should've asked, huh?"

Karen twisted around and whinced.

"What's wrong?"

She sighed. "I'm really sore. My back hurts so bad."

Nick slid off his jacket. "I'll give you a massage." He ran his huge hands over her shoulders. "You're really tense, and your skin feels like it's on fire. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, Nick." She relaxed at the feel of his touch. "What are tomorrow's plans?"

"We leave the hotel at noon, and meet in the arena. Well, actually you and Howie will be doing some tutoring on the bus. While the rest of us do various stuff."

"Why so early?"

"We have to have everything at the arena, so, we can speed off. We have to be in Maine tomorrow in the morning. We're driving quickly overnight. Got it, Karen?..... Karen?"

Nick glanced at her face to see she had fallen fast asleep. Nick couldn't help but feel pity for her. Realizing how much she had to do the next day.

Howie shivered as he opened his planner to start Karen's lesson. "Gosh, it's cold. I better turn up the space heater, or we'll both catch pnemonia."

"Oh, Howie, please don't turn it on. I just turned it off. It's so hot."



"Whatever you say," he zipped up his jacket. "Let's begin on page 217 of your history book. He looked at the chapter. "This is about Greek culture. So, why don't we just go over questions 1-10." He read the first question aloud. "Why is mythology traced back to Greek history?"

Karen said nothing, but laid her head down on the table. "Karen?"

She sat up slowly. "I'm sorry. Did you say something?"

Howie shut his planner. "This is useless today. I think you better spend the rest of the day in bed."

Karen rubbed her eyes. "I'm sorry, Howie, I'm fine, really. I'll pay better attention."

Howie put his hand to her forehead. "You're burning up. You lay down." He helped her up and into bed. He wrapped the covers around her and kicked on the heat. "You just rest. I'll go let the guys know you're ill, so they won't disturb you."

She shook her head. "No, that's not necessary. Please don't make a big deal out of this."

Howie turned off her lamp. "It is necessary. You rest up."

"But----," she yawned, "I---," she drifted off.

"Hi everyone," Howie said as he entred the arena.

"I thought you were tutoring Karen," Kevin remembered.

"It was useless, she's entirely too sick to take in anything."

"Too sick?" Brian repeated.

"Yeah, she has a fever and seems pretty drained."

Brian grabbed a drink. "Does Nick know she's ill?"

"I don't know."

"Does she need a doctor?" AJ asked.

Howie shrugged. "I'm not sure."

"Please don't let it be her appendix," Kevin sighed recalling Leslie's attack and his own.

"Where's Nick?" Howie wondered.

Brian explained. "He and Pollyanna went to get lunch."

At that moment they returned. Pollyanna passed out their meals. Nick faced Howie. "Aren't you suppose to be with Karen?"

"She's sick today."

"Sick? I better go check on her," Nick said turning toward the door.

"Hold on. She's asleep right now."

"Oh," he sighed, "guess I'll wait."

AJ unwrapped his burger. "Don't worry, Nick. I bet she just has the flu."

Nick sipped his soda. "I'll take her some supper tonight, and check on her."

That evening Nick stuck to his plans and brought Karen some supper. "Karen...Karen...."

"Hmmm...." she moaned.

"I brought you some food, feel like eating?"

"Maybe later," she whispered.

Nick sat down. "How 'ya feeling?"

"Much better," she replied sitting up, "what time is it?"


She pulled back the covers. "In that case I better get ready. I go on in an hour."

"Karen, perhaps you should rest," he suggested.

She stood. "I'm okay now."

"You're sure?"


Nick felt her forehead. "You're still awfully warm."

"Like you haven't gone on when you were sick before?"

Karen stepped off the bus, with Nick behind her. She entered the arena, then came to a sudden stop. She held her head in her hands.

"Karen, what's wrong?"

She shook her head. "Nothing. I just got dizzy for a sec." Karen stood infront of a mirror brushing out her bed-hair.

Kevin stood beside her. He noticed her flushed complexion. "Karen, are you sure you're up to this?"

She pulled her hair back into a ponytail. "Of course." Karen glanced down at her sweats. "I gotta' go change."

Kevin spoke to Nick as Karen walked off. "She is not well, it's obviously as hell, bro."

"I know," he sighed.

Kevin glanced at a copy of the new scheudle. "Well, I hope she gets better, man."


Brian entered chatting on his cell phone. "Leigh Anne, how's your family doin'? That's great, babe. Me? Oh, I'm good." Brian noticed Nick's expression. "Hey, Leigh Anne, I'll call you back right after the show. Okay. Great, I love you, hon. Bye." he put up his cell. "What's wrong, Nick?"

"It's Karen, she's really sick."

Kevin nodded. "He's not joking. She looks pretty bad."

"Is she in bed?"

"No, she's getting ready to perform. Can you believe that?"

"It proves she's dedicated," Brian responsed.

Karen re-entered in a new outfit. "Hello," she coughed.

Brian's eyes widened as he saw her ghost-like appearance. "Karen, why don't you sit down?"

She shook her head. "That's all right." She paused. "Do you think it would be all right if I didn't dance tonight?"

Nick took her hand. "I'm sure that would be fine." He rubbed her palm. "Your hands are like ice."

"It's just nerves," she said shivering.

Kevin stood up and wrap his jacket around her. "Here, sweetheart. Are you sure you're okay?"


Brian walked over to her. He placed his hand on her forehead. He turned to Nick. "She's burning up."

"You don't have to perform," Nick reminded her.

Karen began to speak, but decided not to. She started to feel a little dizzy and began to lose her balance. Kevin quickly braced her as she fell against him. Then took charge. "I'm sorry, Karen, but you are not performing tonight. I'm afraid you'd pass out onstage."

Karen nodded feeling too weak to debate with him.

"I'll go get Pollyanna," Brian said hurrying off.

Kevin kept Karen balanced. "Do you want me to go get a paramedic?"

She spoke slowly. "No, that isn't necessary, thank you."

"In that case, I'll arrange to have a doctor see you."

Nick noticed the fear in Karen's eyes. "Why don't we hold off on that, Kev. I'll help her back to the bus. It'll be quieter there, and she can rest."

"Well, grab some extra blankets."

"Got 'ya, Kev," Nick took her arm and helped her outside. She stopped suddenly. "Nick, my legs are shaking so bad, I can barely walk."

"You don't have to walk," Nick said scooping her up in his arms. He laid her down in the tiny tour bus, then slid a thremother under her tongue. He read the reading aloud. "103*." He stood up. "We need a doctor."

"No, Nick," she begged.

"But--," he sighed, "all right. I'll have Pollyanna stay with you after her set. And I'll sleep on our tour bus tonight, to check on you through the night."

"Thanks," Karen whispered as she began to drift off.

Nick kissed kissed her warm forehead and returned to the stage unwillingly.

