

Nick rushed over to Karen's bus as soon as they reached Maine. He knocked on the door. Pollyanna answered half-asleep in her bathrobe. Nick rushed his speech. "How is she?"

Pollyanna rubbed her eyes."Nick, how would I know, honey? It's four AM, she's sleeping."

Nick turned away blushing.

"Wait!" Pollyanna called. She yawned. "Why don't you come in and catch some zz's in one of the extra bunks."

Nick climbed up the stairs. "Thank you, Polly."

She laid back down. "It's okay, Nicky. The last time I checked on her she had a high fever and chills. She seemed to ease up through the night."

Nick gently touched her forehead. "She still has a fever, but it's not too high, I guess."

"You should try to get some sleep. You have a big day. You and Brian are speaking at a middle school at eleven," Pollyanna reminded him.

"Oh, yeah," he remembered. "Howie's going to the elmentary school and Kev and AJ are hitting the high school in town."

"No, Howie's staying here. I"m going in his place, he has a meeting about a movie deal."

"Oh, yeah," Nick replied.

Pollyanna shut her eyes."Get some sleep, Nick."

The next time Nick woke up it was 9:30. He slid off the top bunk and stretched out. He noticed Karen still sleeping. Pollyanna entered whispering. "Let's go. Howie said he'd check on Karen after his meeting. He'll be here soon."

Nick sighed as he kissed his girlfriend's cheek. "Okay, I'm coming."

When Howie returned, he realized that Karen had awaken. She sat in her bed shivering. Her skin pale and her eyes bloodshot. Howie handed her a glass of water. "How 'ya doin', sweetie?"

"I'm so sore," she managed to whisper.

"Do your joints hurt?" Howie asked figuring she had the flu.

Karen took a sip of water. "Everything is throbbing."

"Where does it hurt the most?"

"My back."

"Your throat or ears bothering you?"

"Not really."

"That's odd." Howie felt her forehead. He turned pale. "You're burning up, sweetie. Were you this bad during the night?"

Karen shrugged. "I was just restless."

"We better get you to a doctor," Howie decided.

"No," she said fighting tears, "I'm sure I'll be fine. Probably just the flu."

He handed her some Advil. "Well, you should go just to make sure, Karen."

She swallowed her pills. "I'd prefer to wait it out."

"But you fever is so high," Howie cut himself off. He noticed a single tear running down her cheek. "What is it?"

The redhead whispered, "I have a HUGE fear of doctors, and mainly hospitals. I hate them." By this time she was shaking.

Howie wrapped his arms around her. "It's okay, sweetheart. We'll try to avoid it, if at all possible."

An hour passed and Howie was still at Karen's bedside. She cleared her throat. "You don't have to stay with me."

Howie looked up from his paper. "Well, you have your choice: go to the emergency room, or put up with me 24/7."

"24/7 sounds good," Karen coughed.

Yet another hour passed and Karen was beginning to resemble a zombie. She had become silent and motionless. It became obvious her condition had worsened.

"Howie-----" she moaned, "please-----get me the------trash can."

Karen leaned over her bunk and vomited profusely. Howie smoothed her hair back. "It's okay."

Slowly, Karen finished and laid back down. Howie glanced in the container and gasped. He noticed Brian outside the window. He stood and ran to his friend.Within seconds they returned to Karen. Howie pointed to the container and Brian took a quick peak. "That's pure infection and blood. We've gotta'
get her to a hospital."

"No-oo," she begged.

Howie grabbed a blanket. "I'm sorry, hon, but Rok's right."

Brian knelt down beside her to help her up. He noticed her dry white lips, which resembled chalk by this point. He pulled her to him. "We've gotta' hurry. She's dehydrated." Carefully, he and Howie helped her to her feet.

Suddenly, her eyes rolled back in her head and she tumbled towards them. Brian lifted her into his arms giving Howie his keys. "You drive. I got her."

