


'Good morning class. Today's subject is the Inca Revolution.' The history teacher, Mister Grunwald said.

It's a normal Monday morning. Everything's going according to Mister Grunwald's plan and he is exceptionally happy this morning.

'Sir, we finished that chapter last Friday.' Ina Weatherman said.

'Is that so Ina.' Mister Grunwald repeated. He picked up his notebook and flipped through some pages.

'Ina's right.' Jody Fisher added. 'We've been through that already.'

'You girls are absolutely right.' Mister Grunwald admitted. 'My mistake. Eh, we'll continue on chapter 12. Eh... Mister Friday! Would you please be so kind to read the first text for us.' Laurence Friday shot up and searched through his book. He wasn't paying any attention, and therefor he didn't know which chapter the teacher was referring to.

'I'm sorry Sir.' He said. 'I'll pay attention next time. Which chapter are we at?'

'Chapter 12, Mister Friday.' Mister Grunwald said. 'If you don't start paying attention, I'm forced to split you two up. You talk to much. That goes to you too Mister Dante.'

'I'm sorry sir.' Joey Dante said.

'Jennifer, could you please read the first chapter for us?'

'Yes, of course.' Jen said and started to read. She'd been reading for 10 minutes and she was halfway down the text when the door suddenly flew open. Mister Grunwald looked up in anger to see who was there.

'Mister Richardson.' He growled. 'Look everybody, look who finally decided to grace us with his presence.'

'Great...' Laurence whispered.

'Could you repeat that please Mister Friday?!' Kevin asked as he turned to face Laurence.

'Mister Richardson. Why are you so late?'

'I'm really sorry sir.' Kevin uttered and turned around. 'There where some family obligations I had to take care of before I could attend school. It won't happen again.'

'It better not. Sit down.' Mister Grunwald said and turned his face to the blackboard. Kevin turned around and faced Laurence again. He shot him an evil glare before turning to his books.

'Class dismissed. And remember; I want that essay done by tomorrow. No exceptions!' Mister Grunwald said after first period. Kevin stashed his books away and walked up to his friends.

'Hey Kev!' Mike said and shook hands.

'Hey guys. How've ya been?' Kevin asked as they left the classroom.

'Pretty good. You?' Mike asked. Kevin smiled.

'Family obligations?!' JC smirked. 'It's the best one up until now Kevvy! You've outdone yourself... again!'

'I know, I know.' Kevin admitted.

'You where wonderful back there baby.' Jody said. Her and Laurence where with the last few people that left the classroom.

'Yeah, I tried real hard. And then he just, passed me the winning goal. What was I supposed to do? Pass it by?! I don't think so.' Laurence admitted. As soon as he finished his sentence... he saw him, standing just a few steps away. 'Fuck. Let's go.' He grabbed Jody's hand and pulled her along.

'Hey, isn't that fucking Friday?' JC wondered. Laurence hid his face and tried to push himself by passed Kevin and the others as quick as he could.

'Yeah, it is. But he's not goin' anywhere.' Mike smirked. An iron fist grabbed Laurence by the straps of his backpack.

'Not so fast Friday.' Kevin said and pulled him near. 'Was it my imagination, or did you say something back there?'

'Nothing. I said nothing.' Laurence said.

'You're lying.' Mike said. Kevin nodded.

'I hate liars!' Kevin said. 'Did I mention that I hated liars?'

'Yeah, ya did.' JC admitted.

'See Friday, I said it once. And I just said it again. When will you learn?' Kevin asked as he pulled Laurence of off the floor. 'Or am I gonna have to rearrange your face in order for you to understand? It would be my pleasure.'

'No, I'm sorry.' Laurence said.

'You'd better be!' Mike yelled.

'Mike! Keep your voice down.' JC growled. Mike shot him a look and focused back on Kevin.

'My dear Jody. Why is it, that you're dating below you're standards?' Kevin wondered as he examined Laurence. 'When you where mine, you didn't even know this guy was alive. We where good, weren't we. Why did you leave me again... Was it... to be with this lowlife?'

'Kevin, quit it!' Jody said. 'It's enough!'

'Oh no baby, that's where you're wrong. It's never enough.' Kevin smirked.

'Remember Friday, nobody talks unless I tell them to. That goes for you too!'

'Whatever.' Laurence replied, struggled free and walked away. Jody ran after him and grabbed his hand.

'Look at the two of them!' JC exclaimed. 'Aren't they perfect for each other?'

'Yeah, made out of the same wood.' Mike added and smirked.

'You're right guys.' Kevin admitted. 'She doesn't deserve any better than poor losery Friday! He's a lowlife scum! What was I thinking when I dated her?! Those two deserve each other.' Kevin turned around and motioned the others to follow him.

Gavin: Kevin, oh Kevin! You need to punish Friday some more Kevin! What... I didn't hear you? You already punished him?! That was punishing to you! That was nothing! There needs to be blood in order for the punishment to work. When will you learn?! Sometimes you're such a loser Richardson!

Kevin tried to push the voice out of his head, but he couldn't. It remained right where it had been for the last 12 years.

'Yo Kev! Look who's there.' Mike said and pointed into the crowd. On a bench under the big tree, was Jennifer. She was eating her lunch while reading a book.

'Doesn't she look fine?' JC asked.

'Oh yeah. She looks more than fine...' Kevin admitted. Looking at her was enough for Kevin to want her. He just stood there, staring at her. JC glared at him and punched his shoulder.

'Kev! Wake up man!' he shouted. Kevin turned around and looked down on him, JC was a few inches shorter than Kevin.

'What?!' Kevin exclaimed.

'Let's go eat lunch.' JC said. Kevin nodded, playfully punched JC back and starting walking into the direction of the cafeteria.

'So, do you guys have prom dates yet?' Toby French asked. JC turned around to face him and just stared him down.

'Who allowed you to sit here?' he wondered. 'I sure didn't.'

'Me neither.' Jake said. 'You Mike?'

'Nope, not me. I happen to use my brain once in a while.' He smirked.

They all turned around to face Kevin, who was staring into nothing again. 'Kev! Is he allowed to sit here? Did you tell him to sit here?' Mike asked.

Kevin glanced at the guys and frowned his eyebrows. 'I don't recall allowing him to sit here. No.' He finally said and turned away.

'You heard him. You're not allowed to sit here.' JC said.

'SCRAM!' Toby packed his lunch and left.

'What did ya do that for?' Kevin asked JC, who stared at Kevin, more shocked than surprised.

'Am I hearing this?' he wondered. 'Did you just ask me, what I think you did?!'

'What's wrong with you JC?' Kevin wondered.

'What's wrong with YOU would be a better question.' Jake said. 'A question all of us would love to hear you answer.'

'I'm you're leader for God's sake! I own you guys! And all the other pathetic losers around here!' Kevin uttered. 'I never asked you to send him away. Did I?' JC shook his head. He was insulted but too scared to get into an argument with Kevin. You see, Kevin's not the type of guy you would want to fight with. He'll take you down... with one strike.

'You're right Kev.' Mike said. 'Should I go get em?'

'No, next time be a bit nicer to Toby. He's trying his ass of to join us.' Kevin ordered. 'Let him break sweat a little.' The guys looked at Kevin and saw the o-so-familiar grin returning.

'We'll kick his butt later!' he added.

'That's ma boy!' Jake exclaimed. 'I thought I lost ya back there.'

'Lost me? Come on! I do not get lost! Losers get lost. I don't... we don't!'

Kevin said and smiled broadly at his friends. Their fearful leader was back!


