

He's a straight "A" student. He's everybody's favorite. All the guys are scared of him and envy him because of his size, power and strength. All the girls adore him because of his extremely hansom features. But there is more to Kevin Scott Richardson than meets the eye. This 18 year old teen from Lexington, Kentucky has a very serious "disease" which makes him not just dangerous to the people around him, but also to himself...







* Mister Steve Grunwald - Kevin's history teacher.

* Mister Travis Jump ­ Kevin's basketball coach. Travis is the only one who can get through to Kevin. He tries to keep the boy straight, but the harder he tries, the harder it gets for Kevin to control his "disease".

* Miss Dana Scully ­ Kevin's chemistry teacher. Kevin has had a crush on Dana from the first day of high school. Dana uses this factor to control Kevin. He adores her, he'll do anything to please her.

* Miss Antoinette de Modes ­ Principal at Kevin's school. She knows Kevin, and she also knows his history.




* Mike Wheeler ­ Kevin's best friend and basketball-buddy.

* Josh "JC" Chasez ­ A new kid who just moved to LA, he mingles into Kevin's group like he was there from day one. He becomes instant friends with Mike and Kevin.

* Toby French ­ A very intellectual kid who wants to join Kevin's group more than anything. But will they let him??

* Jennifer "Jen" Cleveland ­ Kevin's latest crush! He adores this girl and he will go through anything to get her. But Jen doesn't even know he's alive.

* And many others.




* Jody Fisher ­ Kevin's high school sweetheart. They were together through the first years of school. Then their relationship turned bad. Kevin broke up with Jody and she turned against him. Something she would, in the end, pay for with her life.

* Terry D ­ Jody's best friend.

* Laurence Friday ­ Kevin's worst enemy. Laurence has been trying to push Kevin of the "throne" since day one. Laurence is also Jody's new boyfriend.

* Keith Coney ­ A new kid in school who immediately took a strong
disliking to Kevin and his group. He's determined to take him down, in the most literal meaning of the expression. Him and Kevin had been in several fights over the last couple of weeks. The two enemies spend many hours in Miss de Modes' office... on detention.




* Ann Richardson ­ Kevin's loving mother. She loves Kevin, no matter what he does.

* Jerald Richardson ­ Kevin's father. (In this story he's still alive) He wants his youngest son to be happy, and he will do anything to make sure of that.

* Tim Richardson ­ Kevin's oldest brother. He learns Kevin how to play basketball and he teaches him to stand up for himself.

* Jerald jr. Richardson ­ Kevin's worst nightmare. Jerald is a bully! He torments and teases Kevin, forcing him to use the skills learned from Tim. Jerald will eventually turn Kevin into a mean person full of hate.




* Kevin Scott Richardson - a fucked-up teenager who was moved from Lexington, Kentucky to Los Angeles by his parents, who thought it would be for the benefit of their son. Kevin's also the leader of the high school gang. Where he goes, they go. He basically rules their lives and controls their every move.

* Gavin ­ The little voice inside Kevin's head. Gavin tells Kevin what to do, who to trust and he occasionally takes over. He pushes Kevin away in order for him to take over Kevin's life. Kevin has been depending on this little voice since he was 6 years old. It never failed him once...


