

Nick was in the hospital sitting by Denise. Her heart monitor had a steady beat, she had an oxygen mask on, and an IV line in her arm.

" Hey, how you doing?" Brian asked quietly.

" What if she doesn't live, Brian?" Nick cried.

" Aw, she'll live. Don't worry buddy."

" She's the only one that survived."

" Come here." Brian gave Nick a hug. " I'm so sorry, Nick. I'm so sorry."

Nick let go. " Look at her. So pale, so dead looking. She has an IV line in her arm. A heart monitor. Oxygen mask. Me and her are the only one's that are here. Mom, dad, BJ, Aaron, Angel, Leslie all died in the crash. I don't want her to die, Bri."

" She won't, Nick. She won't."

Kevin came in the room. " I'm sorry, Nick." Kevin said giving Nick a hug.

Howie walked in. " Hey, Nicky."

" Hey, D."

" How's it going?"

" Bad."

" I know, Nick. I know."

Nick slumped down in the chair he was sitting in. Dr. Snow came in the room. She was about 30 to 35 years old. Blond hair. She was about Brian's height. " Hi, I'm Dr. Snow. I'll be taking care of Denise during her stay here at the hospital." Dr. Snow said.

" Hello." Nick shook her hand.

" Mr. Carter, Denise has suffered a minor trauma to the brain. She'll remember thing, but she may not be able to move anything for a short while.Her legs are paralyzed from the waist down. She'll have to be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. She needs a new heart. Mr. Carter, I'm so sorry your family died. I know it's hard. You're lucky your sister survived. She almost didn't make it."

" Thank you." Nick was crying. He knew he had to be there for Denise. He was gonna be there 24/7 if he had to. The doctor left the room.


