

" Yes, you will. Don't say that. Do you want anything?"

" I don't know."

" Well, are you allowed to eat?"

" Ask the doctor."

Nick went out in the hall and found the doctor. " Is Denise allowed to eat anything?"

" Yeah, but not a lot. Her heart can't handle a lot of stuff anymore." Dr. Snow said.

" Okay, like no grease, salt, sugar?"

" Exactly. Crackers and bread are allowed. Maybe a sweet or two here and there. Not everyday though."

" Okay, thank you." Nick went to a vending machine. " Um, let's see." Nick found some crackers. He put in some money and got some crackers. Then, he put the change in and got some chips for himself.

Nick went back in the room. AJ was in there. " Hey, J." Nick said.

" Hey, man. I heard what happened." Aj said. " Kinda freaked you out there, eh?"

" Yeah."

" What you got in your hand?"

" Crackers and chips." Nick handed the crackers to Denise. " The chips are mine, not yours. You can't eat them."

" Man! Okay, jeez." Denise said.

" You're heart can't take the sweets anymore."

Brian walked in with Kevin and Howie. " Hey, Nicky." Kevin said.

" Don't call me Nicky!" Nick whined.

" Sorry."

Later that day, Nick went to his family's home. He was making funeral arrangements and calling people. He was busy. " Yeah, I'll see you in a few days. Bye." Nick said over the phone. Nick just got done calling the last person on his list. " This is gonna cost a lot of money."

Nick got up and walked to the kitchen. He opened the fridge. He grabbed the CoolAid that was left. It was Aaron's favorite. Black Cherry. Nick sighed. " Oh, Aaron." Nick said to himself. He poured some and put it back in the fridge.

He went to what used to be his room. It still had his stuff in there. Nothing was touched, moved, or even had a fingerprint on it. He saw a picture of him and his family. A tear ran down his face. He turned away. His mom had a bunch of Backstreet stuff on the walls. Pictures, articles, even a Backstreet Project comic book excerpt.

Nick's eye got caught on a picture. It was of him and Brian messing around. Brian was on top of Nick. He had a devilish grin on his face.

Nick walked out of the room and downstairs. He turned the TV on. " This is MTV's Kurt Loder. Backstreet Boy Nick Carter's family had gotten into a terrible car accident yesterday night. Carter wasn't along with his family at the time. Carter's sister, Denise, was the only survivor. Sources say Denise may not make it. She's in need of a new heart and is paralyzed from the waist down. Carter was last seen on tour with the rest of the Backstreet clan." Kurt Loder said on MTV's Total Request Live.

" We'll keep the Carter's in our prayers." Carson Daly said. " Now it is time for the number one video on today's countdown. It is BSB with " Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely".

Nick shut the TV off. He heard the phone ring. He didn't feel like answering it. The answering machine went on. " Nick, it's Brian. Listen, Denise is like crying for you to come down here. I don't know what's wrong with her. Come down here when you get home. Bye." Brian said.

Nick sighed. " I hope this is over with soon." Nick said to himself.

Nick drove to the hospital. He had stopped at a Burger King on the way. He picked up a CD for Denise and some Backstreet Project toys for her.

When Nick got to the hospital, Brian was waiting outside. Brian was sitting down with his head in his hands. " Hey, you okay, Bri?" Nick asked.

" Yeah, just waiting for you." Brian replied. " What's in the bag?"

" Stuff." Nick opened the bag to show Brian.

Brian chuckled. " Well, I guess you went all out."

" Why are you sitting out here?"

" I couldn't breathe in there."

" Oh, are you okay now?"

" Yeah. Denise said that she wants some food. Like real food, not just crackers and bread. I think she may want soup or something."

Nick sat down. " Does Kevin have his cell with him?"

" Yeah, he should."

Nick pulled out his phone and called Kevin. " Hello?" Kevin asked.

" Hey, Kev, is Denise awake?" Nick asked.

" Yeah, she's hungry."

" I want to talk to her."

" Hello?" Denise asked.

" Hey, sis. How are you?"

" I want you to get me some food."

Nick laughed. " I know. What do you want?"

" I don't care. Something other than this nasty hospital food."

" Okay, I'll see what Dr. Snow says then I'll get you some."

" Okay. Love you."

" Love you too."

" Where you at?"

" Outside the hospital with Brian."

" Why?"

" We're just talking."

" Okay."

" If you want some food, I'd better go. I'll see you in a few minutes. I also have a surprise for you."

" Okay, bye."

" Bye."

Nick and Brian went in the hospital. Nick found Dr. Snow. " Excuse me, Dr. Snow?" Nick asked.

" Yes, Mr. Carter?" Dr. Snow replied.

" Um, Denise said she's hungry. Is she allowed to eat like soup?"

" Oh yeah. She can eat that."

" Can I go home and make her some then bring it here?"

" Yeah, sure."

" Thank you."

" I'm going up to see your sister now, do you want me to take your stuff to her room for you?"

" Yes, can you give it to her and tell her it's from me?"

" Sure thing." Dr. Snow took the bag and looked in it. There were 5 toys and a CD.

" Brian, you want to come?"

" Sure." Brian replied.

Nick and Brian exited the hospital. Nick and Brian got in Nick's car and drove off. Brian didn't recognize where they were going. " Nick, um, where are we going?" Brian asked.

" To my house. My parents house."

" Oh, why?"

" I don't know. A change of scenery."

" You miss them, don't you?"

" Yeah." Nick started to cry.

" Don't cry, now. Nick, please. It'll be okay."

" I know. It's just that before I got a phone call from you, I was watching MTV. They knew, and I just couldn't stand it. I hate this."

" I know Nick, I know. Don't worry."

Nick pulled up in the driveway. They got out and went up the porch. Nick stopped to let the warm Florida wind blow across his face. He unlocked the door and let Brian in before him.

Nick went into the kitchen, Brian followed him. " Have a seat, Brian." Nick said. Nick was opening cupboards and slamming them shut.

" Nick! Why are you slamming?" Brian asked.

" I don't know!" Nick opened a cupboard and found some chicken soup. " I knew they had some."

Nick turned the stove on and put the soup in a pot. Nick sat down next to Brian and fingered his hair through his fingers. Nick suddenly got up and got two glasses. One Nick put some Red Pop and in the other he put Red Pop and a Honey Lemon cough drop. Brian laughed. " Nick, what's the cough drop for?"

" It's Denise's favorite drink. I like it. You want to try?"

" Couldn't hurt." Nick gave Brian his glass. Brian took a drink. Brian made a face. " I don't think I like that much." Brian pushed the glass away. Nick took the glass away and gave Brian the other one. Nick sat down.

The newspaper arrived at the door. Nick went and got it. Nothing to his surprise, in big bold letters, was " Backstreet Boy's Family Dies In Crash, One Survivor". Nick sighed and slumped down in the chair. " I'm not even gonna read it." Nick said.


