


Today I added the start of Nicky's new story Rich Boy, Bad Girl. I'm still working on the sequel to Wishing, and this weekend I'll have more of Don't Want You Back. I have left school now and I don't have any exams for over week, so I should have plenty of time to work on my stories now, at last!



Well today, I added another chapter of Linda's excellent Heinous Deeds. And I updated the page of Story Notes. More updates coming tomorrow, that's all for today.



New (complete) hosted story You've Got A Way and another chapter of His Own Well Being. I've just started writing a sequel to Wishing, you guys might like to know. It's far from finished yet but I hope to have it completed and up on this site within the next few weeks. So look out for that!



OK here's a new hosted story. It's a short story (five chapters) by Carolina called Changes. She sent me another story too (You've Got A Way) which I'll have up soon, as well as another story by Nicky called Rich Boy, Bad Girl and another chapter of Linda's Heinous Deeds.



Another chapter of Don't Want You Back.

OK, I've made a start on the hosted stories update. I added a new story by Nicky called Lost Affection and I added the second chapter of His Own Well Being. I have another story by her still to come. Also to come, either later today or tomorrow are two new hosted stories called You've Got A Way and Changes, and another chapter of Heinous Deeds. Today I announced this week's Story of the Week.



Sorry about not having any updates today or yesterday, but I will have some tomorow. I have lots and lots of hosted story updates for you all- new chapters and some brand new stories. I'll have some kind of hosted story update tomorrow. I'm also working on the next chapter of Don't Want You Back which I will hopefully have finished by Monday. The story has six more chapters to come. I'll also have the Story of the Week contest tomorrow, if you haven't already nominated your story mail me today before it's too late for this weeks contest! I should have more updates than usual within the next couple of weeks cuz I leave school next week and then I only have my final exams so I won't have any schoolwork in the way. No more school again ever after next week, I can't wait!



Another (complete) hosted story, Soul Mates by Nicky (author of Always and Forever) and the start of a brand-new story by Amy (author of Sweet Endings) called His Own Well-Being.



One hosted update today, more coming soon. I put up the start of a new story by Ali called Things Didn't Happen Like I Planned.



Just one more chapter of Don't Want You Back today. I'll have some hosted updates next time.



Today I added a completed hosted story by Nicky called Always and Forever. I have another of her stories to put up soon. I also added another chapter of Don't Want You Back



I'm making changes to the layout of the site. I also announced this weeks' Story of the Week and added another chapter of Don't Want You Back. I have new hosted stories to put up, I'll try and get started on them tomorrow.



New hosted story by Linda, the author of Millennium, called Heinous Deeds.



More of Don't Want You Back today. I'm coming along with it pretty well and I hope to have it finished with a couple of weeks. Be warned, this one will be pretty eventful! I have a new hosted story to put up soon, hopefully this weekend, plus another awesome story by Linda, the author of Millennium. If you were wondering when more from Crystal, Ali and Amy's stories are coming, don't worry they haven't stopped writing them! All three have been busy recently but I can assure you that more from their brilliant stories are coming, be patient!



First chapter of new story (third story in my series) Don't Want You Back.



I changed the format of the page and added another chapter of Amy's story Sweet Endings. I have the third story of my series planned out now so look out for it soon.



The last chapter of Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely is now up! The next (and last) story in the series will be coming soon. I also re-did the format of my first story Wishing.



More of Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely. It's almost finished- then I will start the last part of the series.



Finised putting Millennium up. Check it out! I also got up one more chapter of Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely.

A new hosted story by Amy called Sweet Endings. I also announced this weeks winners of the Story of the Week contest.



Three more chapters to my story Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely.



No more of my own story Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely today, but more of hosted stories Millennium and Love Comes From Hate.



I'm on Spring Break at last! Today I have one more chapter of Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely. I have more of Millennium and Love Comes From Hate to put up soon too. Also today I announced the winners of the first Story of the Week contest and updated the Links and Story Notes, and moved old updates to another page.



Just put up two more chapters of Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely.

More of Love Comes From Hate and Millennium.



Today I have four more chapters of hosted story Millennium up. I'm on spring break next week and the week after so I should have plenty of updates then.

There is a link on the main page to the Fanfic Awards where you can nominate stories and authors for awards. If you have enjoyed a particular story on this site by myself or one of the hosted authors please nominate it! 



I've been sooo busy recently- sorry for the lack of updates. I'm behind in my hosting stories, as the authors have sent me a lot but I've not had the chance to put most of it up yet. I'll be putting a little up at a time throughout the week. Today I have two more chapters of Love Comes From Hate and one more of Nick's Angel. Hopefully on my next update I'll have more of Millennium and my own story Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely.



Some more of Millennium today. I've pretty busy this weekend so don't expect much more until Monday- maybe something tomorrow if I get time, hopefully I'll get the chance to put up more of Love Comes From Hate



Today: One more chapter to Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely and two to I'll Be The One. Check 'em out!



I have quite a lot to put up at the moment so I'll do it in stages over today and tomorrow. Right now, I have up the new hosted story Millennium by Linda. She has sent me the whole story but I have not got it all up yet. It's excellent- I recommend it! Look out for more of it tomorrow. Also right now I have another chapter of the excellent I'll Be The One. Later on I may have more of If You Knew What I Knew, if I get time. Plus I have more of Love Comes From Hate to put up.



The first chapter of Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely is up now! I will start putting up the new hosted story I mentioned tomorrow.



The follow up to If You Knew What I Knew will be called Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely and I will start it next week. Today I have two hosted story updates- one more chapter for both I'll Be The One and Love Comes From Hate.



Hi everyone, hope nobody fell for any April Fools jokes today! Today's update is the last two chapters of If You Knew What I Knew. Remember, it was the first in a series of three. I'm starting on the second story of the series next week. Also coming next week is the second chapter of Love Comes From Hate, which Ali has already sent me, plus a brand new hosted story!



