

"You'll see Nick, You'll see." Journey's words ran over in Nick's mind so many times he couldn't believe they weren't his imagination. It had been almost a month since AJ and Journey began dating. Nick didn't want her to be with AJ he wanted her to be with him.

Nick lay on his bunk in the tour bus. His daydreams were interrupted. "Hey Nick, want to go shopping with us?" AJ asked poking his head into the cubical.

Nick sat up onto his elbows. "No thanks bone. I think I'll just stay here."

AJ shrugged. "Okay man, hey listen Journey is still sleeping tell her where we went when she wakes up."

Nick nodded and lay back down. Slowly an idea, actually more of wishful thinking formed in his mind. He stood up and walked the few feet to where Journey was sleeping. He watched her and remembered the touch of her skin. He remembered the smell of her hair as she slept. All he wanted was to feel that way again. He thought again, those things never actually existed although he wished they would.

He watched her shift then open her eyes. "What are you doing." She asked sitting up.

"Just watching you."

She smiled a little. "Nick please we've talked about this. That person will be here soon. And Nick I think you'll like her... She was a catch all right."

Nick put on a fake smile "Okay if you say so."

A few weeks went by, on one Saturday morning Nick, Brian, Leighanne, AJ and Journey were sitting in the TV room of the tour bus. Brian and Leigh sat cuddling on the couch while AJ and Journey were huddled on the chair. The group watched as Nick played video games yet again and yet again played to win on his favorite game Final Fantasy seven.

"Baby can you stand up" AJ said to Journey who was lying in his lap.

"Sure" She sat up enough for him to slide out.

"Everyone I have an announcement." He took a glance at Journey to make sure she was listening. "I have decided on something that will change my life and possibly the lives of everyone in the group. We all know the changes we had to go through when Kevin got married and the changes are still fresh in our minds from when Brian got married. This change is much like those." He looked at Journey again and took a couple deep breaths.

Journey's heart was beating fast with excitement. She stole a glance at Nick and saw depression and fear in his eyes.

"I want to ask Journey Smith, my beautiful girlfriend, to be my beautiful wife." He knelt on one knee and gave her a ring.

Her face lit up,"Yes Alex, Forever yes"

Nick watched as they kissed. It was too much for him. "Well that's enough excitement for me." Nick faked a chuckle and walked out of the room and out onto the pavement of the parking lot the bus was parked in.

He took a couple deep breaths and leaned up against the big silver bus that he and Brian had named Harriet.

AJ got up to go talk to Nick but Journey stopped him. "Let me."

AJ smiled and kissed her romantically. "Okay honey."

Journey walked out and joined Nick. "Nick..."

Nick cut her off angrily. "Why couldn't we have worked things out, we did before. We use to always make it work."

Journey could see a few tears slip down the side of his face. "Nick, that was a different life time. We were given a chance to start over and find another love."

Nick turned to face her and took her hands into his. "But what if we are meant to be together? I mean what if we are soul mates? To be together always? What if you just turned your back on your soul mate?"

Journey smiled and brushed his hair out of his face. "If I just turned my back on my soul mate then don't worry, because we will always be together, but in different lives. Nick you are my best friend. Please if you love me in any way you'll let me be happy. Alex makes me happy."

Nick sighed. "I thought I made you happy..."

Journey smiled. "You did, and you still do but in another way. You make me happy to say that you are and always will be my best friend."

Nick was silent.

"Nick... remember when I said you would be in my life, like I was in yours? And remember the person I was telling you about."

Nick nodded wiping away some tears. "Here she comes..."

Journey pointed towards a car that was parking in the little distance between the bus and the restraunt they were near. Nick gasped the girl he seen shyly walking towards them was more beautiful that Journey. He never thought that would have been possible. But it was, it really was. This girl that walked so gracefully like a model, had shoulder length blonde hair, the color was kind of dark, he guessed honey blonde, she had bleach blonde streaks playing through the strands of her natural color. As she got closer Nick could see the color of her eyes. They were bluish green. The kind of color that changed from blue to green.

She stopped in front of them, Nick took no time in checking over her outfit. She had on a short Jean jacket, a white tube top that reveal her lean sculpted stomach and her tan shoulders and white pants that came just below the knee and a little above the ankle.

"Nick, meet Roxanne."

The girl extended a hand with light pink fingernails. "Call me Roxy."

Nick nodded and kissed her hand. "Nick Roxy was on the beach that night... looking for me. She is my sister, my older sister by a year."

Nick didn't even notice Journey was standing next to them. "You know about everything."

Roxy nodded. "I had seen it all."

Journey smiled, she was happy to see Nick happy. Now she had to let things take their course. Quietly she tiptoed back into the bus. Leaving the two alone.

Nick was amazed at how pretty this girl was. She looked like one of God's angels. He took her hands.

"I... I have never felt so close to someone... like I do right now." She whispered.

Nick smiled, "Do you want to go for a walk."

Roxy smiled. "Yeah"

Nick took her hand and guided her along the side of the parking lot. "So what do you do?" He asked.

Roxy smiled bashfully. "I'm a cook, I work at a little restraunt called 'Ever After' It was my grandmother's and she gave it to me when she died."

Nick nodded. "How about you" She asked.

Nick stopped, "You just asked me what I do..." He laughed.

"Yeah, I know what you do but make something up. It's a game I play with my baby brother" Roxy let herself blush, it was too dark for him to see her red cheeks. She had lied, she didn't have a baby brother. All she had was her half brothers and they didn't even know about her. She couldn't tell him the truth... yet.

"Okay I'm a elementary school English teacher."

He laughed and felt Roxy stop. "Nick did you hear that?"

But by the time Nick heard... it was too late.


