LeighAnne lifted her wedding skirt into the air pushing Harold aside. "Excuse me! I'll handle this!"
Kevin turned to his cousin. "What the Sam Hell is she doing?"
Brian knelt down on the tile floor covering his head. "I dunno.... but I've seen that Georigan woman get mad once... and that was enough for me. I'm not gonna' stop her."
"HY-YE!" the bride screamed breaking down the door with a frightening karate kick. Anger danced through her eyes. "BRIAN! Get off the floor- and move! We're getting married-NOW!"
Brian scrambled to his feet placing his tophat upon his head. "Coming, honey."
LeighAnne paused noticing Nick. "AJ!" she shouted.
AJ turned away from the pharmacy machine standing at attention. "Yes, ma'am, LeighAnne, ma'am!"
"Stay here and take care of the blonde kid- my wedding will not get worse!"
"Yes, ma'am."
She took a firm grip of Brian's palm. "At ease, Private McLean."
She faced the eldest bandmates. "Dorough! Richardson! File in order- head march!"
Howie and Kevin formed a line pushing themselves through the doorframe.
LeighAnne clutched her flowers. "Harold, go join the bride's maids!"
"Aye, aye, captain!"
Brian gulped. "Now, may we proceed, dearest!"
"Permission granted!"