“And spread sunshine all over the place. Just put on a happy face!” I sang, raising my arms in the air to end my mini performance.
“Very nice. Very nice, Kelly,” my voice teacher smiled at me, clasping her hands together.
“Thanks,” I smiled, shrugging my shoulders timidly.
“So, when are auditions?” she questioned, standing up, handing me my music books.
“Next week. I’m really nervous,” I told her, as we walked side by side to the door.
“Oh, don’t worry, you’ll do fine. Just remember everything we’ve been over and keep practicing,” she reassured, placing her hand on my shoulder.
“Okay, thank you. See you later,” I called, stepping out of her massive home and heading across the street to my car.
I sat down in the seat and let out a big sigh and started up my shiny black BMW.
“You are my fire, the one desire. Believe when I say, I want it that way,” Brian Littrell’s voice blared through my speakers.
“Why couldn’t I just be able to sing like the Backstreet Boys?” I said aloud to myself, rolling my eyes. “I mean geez…that part would be in the bag, if I had a voice like that!”
I sang aloud to my favorite group’s new single as I sped down the road heading to the nearest MickeyD’s to grab some food.
“Hi, welcome to McDonald’s. Could I take your order please?” a voice questioned through the speaker.
“Yeah, um…a cheeseburger happy meal, please,” I said, getting out my purse.
I pulled up to the window and handed the guy my money. I was waiting for my order and listening to TLC’s new song.
“Here you are, m’am,” the guy said handing me the happy meal.
“Thanks!” I smiled, sitting it in the passenger seat and letting my foot off of the gas pedal.
I looked up and slammed on the brakes. My heart leap into my throat as I heard a puppy’s high pitched squeal.
“Ohmygosh!” I yelled, putting my car in park and jumping out of the car.
I ran over to find to puppy lying in front of my car. He was still alive, thank goodness, but was obviously hurt. I looked around to find an owner somewhere nearby, but didn’t. The dog had a tag around his neck that read:
“Hi! My name is Houston. I belong to N.C.”
N.C.?? North Carolina? No, no, wait…the owner….
“Oh well, come on Houston. Let’s get you to a vet…” I said to the puppy, picking him up into my arms and placing him gently in my car.