“Did you lock the door?” Nick asked, as Kelly walked out of the log cabin carrying her purse and some magazines.
“Yep! I’m all ready to go,” Kelly said happily, although it saddened her to leave the cabin so soon. She had really enjoyed the past few days alone with her husband, away from the pressures of the outside world.
After a long drive to return the rental car and to the airport, they were finally on their way home. As the plane took off, Kelly interlocked her hand with her husband’s for reassurance, and gently placed her head against his shoulder, and fell asleep.
“Sweetheart,” Nick shook his wife gently, removing her head from his shoulder. “Kelly, it’s time to go. Kelly?” Nick continued to shake his wife.
Kelly squinted her eyes and rapidly fluttered them open. She quickly glanced around the plane to see other passengers gathering their things and leaving.
“Are you ready to go?” Nick asked, taking Kelly’s hand into his.
She silently nodded, grabbed her purse and magazines, and followed Nick down the airplane terminal and out to their car in the parking lot.
“Ick! I can’t belive it’s raining!” Kelly exclaimed as the couple rain to the car in the dark, trying to avoid being soaked.
“Yep, typical Florida weather…” he sighed, starting the engine.
“I know…it was so beautiful in North Carolina! Not that I don’t love it here, I just wish it didn’t rain as much,” she frowned as Nick pulled out of the parking lot and guided the car home.
Kelly searched her purse for her cell phone and quickly punched in 7 digits.
“Who are you calling?” Nick questioned, taking his eyes off the road and glancing in Kelly’s direction.
The glare of headlights from oncoming traffic swept across her face, allowing Nick to catch a glimpse of her.
“Brian and Ang. I promised them I would call when we got home,” Kelly informed Nick then spoke into the phone.
“Hey girl! We’re driving down the road now, on our way home. No, no, we’re in Florida now. We’re about 15 minutes away from home now. Yeah, it’s raining pretty hard here. We’ll be careful, I promise. Alright, talk to ya later! Bye!” Kelly clicked off the cell phone and slipped it back into her purse.
“I’ll be glad to be back home, won’t you?” Nick asked, flipping through the radio stations.
“Yeah, sorta. I really enjoyed going to the mountains, though. That was really nice,” she gushed, unwittingly making her husband pleased for having thought of taking her there.
“I did, too. I’m anxious to get home and work on some new lyrics, though,” Nick stated.
Kelly nodded silently and turned her head to look out of the window. The sky was as black as on the night of their anniversary with purplish clouds passing overhead. The wind was blowing so ferociously that the palm trees were whipping violently and bending so much that they looked as if they would snap any moment. Suddenly, there was a loud clap of thunder and a bright white streak of lightning flashed through the sky. Kelly jumped at the sound and quickly turned her head away from the window.
“Hey, you okay?” Nick asked, placing a comforting hand over Kelly’s small, warm hand.
Kelly nodded her head vigorously and noted that Nick was going 15 miles over the speed limit, at a racing 60 miles per hour.
“You should slow down a little, honey,” Kelly commented, looking from the speedometer to her husband’s face.
“Kel, it’s fine. I know how to drive, thank you,” Nick said a tad annoyed. If there was one thing that annoyed Nick, it was being critical of his driving.
“Yes, baby, I realize that, but the roads are slick and it’s hard to see because of the rain. I just think you should slow down a little,” she replied softly.
Kelly could read the annoyed look on his face, but being the sweet person that he is, Nick reluctantly lifted his foot off of the gas pedal slightly, but unfortunately it was too late.