AJ's Biography
- Full Name: Alexander James Mclean
- Nickname: Bone
- Birthdate: January 9, 1978
- Birthplace: West Palm Beach, Florida
- Pets: A dachshund named Tobi Wan Kanobi
- Hobbies: Dancing, writing poetry, basketball,
shooting pool, shopping
- Fave Author: Shakespeare
- Fave Musical Instrument: Bass guitar
- Ideal way to spend an evening: "I like to go to the
movies and have dinner, then take a drive."
- Fave color:yellow
- Fave Actors: Dustin Hoffman and Geena Davis
- Scent-sational: CK One
- Foreign city that rocks his world: Paris
- Best Feature: A.J. is the primo dancer in Backstreet
- Scariest Moment: "I once got locked in an elevator."
- Worst Habit: "Picking at my fingers."
- Embarrassing Moment: "Once, on stage, I almost ran off
the end of a runway and had to stop myself. I landed on
my rear end-really hard!-in front of 30,000 people!"
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