Nick's Biography
- Full Name: Nickolas Gene Carter
- Nickname: Chaos, Kaos, Nicky, Frack
- Birthday: January 28, 1981
- Birthplace: Jamestown, New York
- Star Sign: Aquarius
- Family: Nick has three sisters and one brother
- Pets: Terrier Boo Boo and cat Pinky
- Fave Color: Green
- Fave Musical Instrumental: Drums
- Sports: Basketball, football
- Fave Cologne: Gravity
- Celebrity Crush: Christina Ricci
- Fave Actors: Sigourney Weaver
- How he describes himself: "I'm shy, funny and sometimes
- If he wasn't a Backstreet Boy: "I'd become a Navy
Seal or join the Special Forces."
- Cool Night Out: Going to the movies or walking on
the beach.
- Worst Habit: "Sometimes I bite my nails."
- Embarrassing Moment: "I was dancing on stage with
my fly undone!"
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