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  Our Flag


It’s the “Stars and Stripes”.

The red, white and blue.

But it’s more than a pattern,

A print or hue.


Our flag is a symbol

Of a nation that’s proud;

As it silently waves,

Its message is loud.


We are the home

Of the brave and the free.

A promise for all.

Hope for you, hope for me.


This country was born

Of dispute and debate

But lives on for two centuries

And still remains great.


And even when villains

Spread division and fear,

The silent flag’s message

Is still ringing clear.


This nation of many,

United as one;

To God be our pledge

‘Til the journey is done.


-          Dan McCusker

-          Member 2001, 8th Grade Graduating Class

-          Blessed Sacrament School, Burlington, NC