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Once each quarter the Assembly gathers with their ladies to in a social gathering.  It gives us time to share family and friends.  The family is the pillar of Mother Church which is our Holy Family. 

Our next event is in March.  We are off to Oyster Bay #2 of Hillsborough Restaurant.  Watch this site for upcoming social, fraternal and just plain getting together info.

Social Regalia is optional for Assembly Socials.  However, "the appearance of Sir Knights in social regalia can often light a spark to get someone to join the fourth degree."  It also is who we are and what we arel about.  Time to dust off the tux!

March April May
23rd Assembly Social  27th Assembly Meeting 25th Assembly Meeting
Map to Social

If you are not a member of our Assembly, but are a 3rd Degree Knight in good standing, you may join us at any social event and learn more about the Fourth Degree in a social setting.  We welcome Knights from Chapel Hill, Hillsborough, Durham, Roxboro and Burlington.  If you live outside of these communities but would like to be part of the Burlington Assembly, that is possible, too.  Just contact the hosting Sir Knight by clicking on an R.S.V.P. e-mail icon for the current event.  Let us know your Council number and tell us a little about yourself.