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Capital City Young Marines


FAQs About the Young Marines Program

For Parents and Prospective Young Marines

Following is a brief introduction to the Young Marines Program for parents and prospective Young Marines. The best way to find out more is to talk to a Young Marine.

Why does the Young Marines program exist?

The Young Marines (YM) program is the drug demand reduction effort of the Marine Corp League and the United States Marine Corp.

The official mission of the Young Marines is:

· To promote the mental, moral and physical development of its members.

· To instill in its members the ideals of honesty, fairness, courage, respect, dependability, attention to duty, love of God, country, and family.

· To stimulate an interest in and respect for, academic achievement and the history and traditions of the United States of America.

· To promote physical fitness through physical activities, including participation in athletic events and close order drill.

· To advocate a drug-free lifestyle.

What is the nature of the Young Marines Program?

The Young Marines program is run in a military fashion using similar staff structure, courtesies, customs, and discipline as the US Marine Corp. The Marine Corp enlisted rank system is used in the program--Young Marines wear the same uniform and enlisted rank insignia as members of the US Marines Corp, with the addition of Young Marine patches.

Young Marines work toward ribbons for personal achievement similar to badges earned in other youth programs. They also work towards promotions in rank. Rank promotions require positive reports from the Young Marine’s teachers and parents; mastering knowledge and skills outlined in the Young Marine guide book; and meeting physical fitness requirements.

What do children in the Young Marines program do?

Children attend weekly training sessions and many special events and activities. Life skills such as first aid, CPR, camping and survival skills, swimming, etiquette, communication skills, and land navigation are a regular part of the program. Other activities include camping, hiking, boating, orienteering events, obstacle courses, rappelling, participating in parades and civic ceremonies, and community service activities. State and national encampments provide opportunities for special programs such as leadership, scuba diving, aviator training, and historical trips.

The staff is challenged to maintain an interesting, challenging and productive training schedule that will retain the interest of the Young Marines while achieving the objectives of the program.

Is this a boot camp?

No, but all Young Marines start out as recruits and must complete a 13-session training course modeled after the US Marine Corp boot camp. Recruit training includes Marine Corp and U.S. history, close order drill and marching, team building, military courtesy, and physical fitness. This rigorous training program instills a sense of pride and personal accomplishment and improves confidence and self-esteem. At the end of “boot camp”, recruits graduate at a ceremony where they can wear the YM uniform for the first time.

Is the Young Marines program intended to recruit young people for the Marine Corp?


What kind of children is the program intended for?

The Young Marines program is open to all young people, male and female, from the ages 8 through 17. Having as diverse a cross section of young people as possible helps enhance team building and “people skills” training.

Some have the impression that with the boot camp and military discipline, the YM program is targeted for young people with serious behavior or discipline problems. This is not the case. We expect all of our members to strive to exemplify the Marine Corp Values of Honor, Courage and Commitment.

The program is intended for all young people who are enthusiastic about being a Young Marine and value what the YM program stands for.

Does the U.S. Marine Corps run this program?

No. The YM program is sponsored by the Marine Corp League. The Commanding Officer of each Young Marine unit must be a former Marine or an active duty Marine. All staff are volunteers and active duty or retired military personnel, as well as civilians. The United States Marine Corp, while not overseeing the program, does provide logistic and staffing support.

How big is the YM Program?

There are currently over 200 Young Marine units across the United State and internationally, with membership currently at 15,000+ Young Marines. In recent years it has become one of the fastest growing youth programs in the country.

How much does it cost to join?

The CCYM registration fee is $50.00, which includes insurance for one year, a cover, web belt, YM T-shirt, unit T-shirt, patches and guidebook. Parents will also need to purchase a set of cammies, boots, red shorts for physical training, and a gray sweatsuit (for cold weather training). In addition, dues are currently $10.00 per month to cover administrative costs. There is a small charge for some field trips and encampments

How do I join?

Boot camp for new recruits is held several times during the year. Check the website or email one of the staff for the next scheduled boot camp. New enlistees must have basic physical exam before training can begin.