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Chocolate Shortcake

Recipe by: Timm

2    cups    all-purpose flour   
4    teaspoons  Baking Powder   
1    Dash    salt   
1/2    cup    white sugar   
5    tablespoons    unsweetened cocoa powder   
1/2    cup    cold butter   
1/2    cup    milk   
2        eggs beaten   
1 1/2    teaspoons  Vanilla Extract   
        Raspberry Sauce (recipe follows)   
2    cups    sweetened whipped topping   
2    pints    strawberries   
        Raspberry Sauce:   
12    ounces    raspberries   
1/8    teaspoon  Orange Extract   

Combine first five ingredients; mix well.  With two
forks or a pastry blender cut in butter until mixture
forms fine crumbs.  Combine milk, eggs, and Vanilla
Extract.  Stir into flour mixture until a soft dough
forms.  Spread this mixture into a greased 9-x13-inch
baking dish (dough will be stiff).  Bake at 425
degrees F. for 8 to 10 minutes or until shortcake
tests done.  Remove to wire rack and cool 3 minutes. 
Cut into equal size pieces (cake can even be cut into
fun shapes like hearts) and place on wire rack. 
Split horizontally then cover with a clean towel and
cool completely.
To assemble, spoon a small quantity of Raspberry Sauce
onto individual serving plates.  Place bottom layer of
shortcake on sauce.  Spoon on some of the whipped topping,
some of the strawberries, top of shortcake, a dollop of
topping, and a few more strawberries.

Preparation of  Raspberry Sauce

Puree all sauce ingredients in food processor or blender. 
Strain through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth
to remove seeds.