Recipe by: Pat

3 c. sugar
6 eggs
4 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 1/2 c. cocoa
2 1/4 c. flour
1 c. chopped nuts
2 Tbsp. vanilla instant
pudding mix
5 1/2 c. confectioners sugar

Cream 1 1/2 cups softened margarine with sugar in bowl.
Beat in eggs 1 at a time. Stir in 1 tablespoon vanilla. Sift
in 1 cup cocoa, flour and 1 1/2 teaspoons salt; mix well. Stir
in nuts. Pour into 2 greased and floured 10 x 15-inch baking
pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Cool.
Blend 1/2 cup softened margarine, 3 tablespoons milk and
pudding mix in bowl. Add 2 cups confectioners sugar; mix until
of spreading consistency. Spread over cooled layer. Let stand
until set. Blend 1/2 cup cocoa, 3 tablespoons melted marga-
rine, 1/3 cup milk, 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla, 3 1/2 cups confec-
tioners sugar and dash of salt until of spreading consistency.
Spread over vanilla icing. Cut into squares when set.
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