13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.1...Ne3+! 2.Kg1 (2.fxe3 Qc2+ 3.Kh3 Rh4+ 4.gxh4 Rf3+ 5.Kg4 Qg2#) Qc2+! 3.Rf1 Rxd3 and White Resigned since if he did 4.Qd7, then 4...Qxf2+! 5.Rxf2 Rd1+ 6.Rf1 Rdxf1#.
1...Bd1! (Zugzwang!!) 2.Ke3 Bxb3 and White resigned.
1...Nf3! 2.Rh5 Nd2 3.Rxf2 Rg6 (Not 3...Rxf2? 4.Rxh6+. Now White has no way to prevent 36...Qa1+) 4.Rhf5 Qa1+ and White Resigned.
1...Nc1! 2.Re8+ Kf7 3.Rd8 Ne2+ and White resigned since 4.Kh4 Rf4+ 5.Bxf4 Bg2+ 6.Bg3 Bxg3 is mate.
1...Rd8! 2.b6+ (2.Ka6 Rd6+ 3.b6+ Rxb6+ 4.Ka5 Rb1 wins for Black. Kb7 3.Kb5 Rd6 4.a8=Q+ Kxa8 5.Kc5 Rd5+ and White resigned as both 6.Kc6 Kb8 and 6.Kc4 Kb7 win easily for Black.
1...Nxf4! 2.Bd2 (2.Rxf4 Qf1+ with mate next move; 2.gxf4 Rf6 followed by 3...Rg6+ winning) Qf1+! and White resigned because of 3.Rxf1 Ne2+ 4.Kh1 Rxf1#.
1...Rb8!! 2.Bxc6 Ba6+ 3.Kf2 Rxb2+ (With 1 piece sacrificed, and another trapped, Black goes even farther by offering his rook.) 4.Bxb2 Rd2+ 5.Ne2 Rxe2+ and White resigned as mate can't be prevented after 6.Kg1 Ne3.
1...Rg2!! 2.Rg1 (If 2.Kxg2, then 2...Qxh4 and 3...Rg8 is unstoppable while 2...Rag8 is threatened, where after 3.Qe1 Qg7 White will be mated on g3, so 2.Rg1 is forced to avoid tripling on the g-file.) Rh2+!! 3.Kxh2 Qh4+ 4.Kg2 Rg8+ 5.Bg4 (5.Kf1 e3 with unstoppable mate) Rxg4+ 6.Qxg4 Qxg4+ and a few moves later, White resigned.
1...Nxe3! 2.fxe3 (2.Kxe3?? drops the bishop.) Kd5 followed by 3...Ne4 and Black has the classic "Good Knight vs. Bad Bishop" ending. Black went on to win this one 30 moves later, in which White played out to mate.
1...Qe6!! 2.d5 (The point!!! The center is now completely closed up.) Qe7 3.Nc2 (The only way to prepare for Black's up and coming attack on the weak c4-pawn.) Nd7 4.Bb2 Ne5 5.Na3 f5 and Black has a huge advantage. With White's pieces tied down to the defense of the c-pawn, in addition to the extremely bad bishop, Black is ready to conduct an attack on the White King. White ended up resigning 11 moves later.
1...Qb2!! and White Resigned as 2.Rxa2 and 2.Rxb2 both lead to back rank mates, 2.Qd1 leads to mate on the second rank, and anything else Black wins a rook.
1...f2+ 2.Kg2 f1=Q+ 3.Rxf1 Nxg4 wins for Black.