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Lady Liberty's Cybertemple

"Nevertheless, Liberty Persisted" sketch by: Ginger Strivelli
Lady Liberty is the ancient Roman Goddess, Libertas, who was also known as Eleutheria, by the ancient Greeks.
She has been worshiped since Roman times as the Goddess of freedom.

The famous Statue of Liberty was donated By France to the USA in 1886. It was erected on Liberty Island just off the coast of New York City.
The USA donated a smaller copy of it back to France in 1889
which was placed on an island in the Seine river in Lle Aux Cygnes, France.
There are several other copies of the Statue of Liberty around France and in Denmark, Ireland, Germany, Norway, Brazil, Mexico, and several other countries.
The Statue of Liberty is a favorite muse of mine. Here above, and below, are a few of my artwork depictions of Her.

There were ancient Temples to Libertas on Aventine hill and on Palitine Hill, both in Rome.

She is worshiped today more so than many other ancient Goddesses because of Her being a political icon
of democracies all around the globe, not just in the USA.
Liberty is also the basis of the American 'Columbia' Goddess figure and the French figure 'Marianne' which are both national archetypes of freedom and liberty.

She appears on several US coins as well as coins from other countries.
Liberty also appears on bank notes in Switerland,
and was historically on banknotes issued by private banks in the US state of North Carolina,
where She also appears on the official state seal along side Her sister Lady Plenty, or Opis as the Roman's called Her.

A photo I took of the Statue of Liberty on a trip to NYC in 1989


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