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Welcome to my lovely ladies page. This page is dedicated to who I consider the top ten most beautiful women in the world. Now, please don't get the wrong idea about this site. I am not regarding these women as objects or suggesting that they be so regarded. Rather, this page is about admiration and respect. I respect these ten ladies for whatever talent it is they have, wheather it be acting, singing or what have you. It is a dedication to their talent as well as their physical beauty. So, here they are, from ten counting down to my number one. Enjoy.

By the way, some of the images are fairly large, so allow them to load if you're truly interested, otherwise...don't...I guess...or something....

10. Kirsten Dunst

9. Larisa Oleynik

8. Christina Aguilera

7. Jennifer Love Hewitt

6. Tori Amos

5. Claire Danes

4. Renee Zellweger

3. Natalie Portman

2. Kate Winslet

1. Anna Paquin
