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Appreciation Page

Welcome to my LUNAR: Silver Star Story Complete appreciation page. As before I will mainly be focusing on the story and characters in this great RPG. Lunar is once again on the Playstation but it was originally released as Lunar the Silver Star for Sega CD years ago. For the Playstation remake, the entire game was redone...story, graphics, music, video name it. And yet, with all these changes, the designers still managed to keep the heart and feel of the original intact. Enjoy the page.

The Story

The story of Lunar revolves around a young man named Alex. Alex longs for a life of adventure and excitement. Eventually, he gets his chance.

The world of Lunar is a vast and epic world. The inhabitants of the Silver Star all seem to live in the past and worship the legend of the Four Heroes who once saved the world years ago. Alex's personal favorite of the heroes was Dragon Master Dyne. Alex aspires to be the next Dragon Master, a warrior who protects the world of Lunar with the power of dragons. Eventually Alex becomes the Dragon Master and saves the world from the evil Magic Emperor. But, beneath the task of becoming the Dragon Master is an awesome love story, which is truly the heart of this game.

The Characters

Nall: Flying Furball

When Alex was a child, a mysterious man gave his father this strange, winged, catlike creature that unfortunately grew up with a bad attitude. He tends to get Alex into a lot of trouble by smarting off at the wrong time. But he'll get whats's coming to him...sooner or later!

Alex: Yearning Youth

Alex dreams of one day becoming a Dragonmaster like his hero, Dyne. But to fulfill his dream, he must leave behind all that he holds dear. Much more is is store for young Alex than he realizes. Hopefully, he'll live long enough to tell about it!

Luna: Blossoming Babe

Alex's parents have taken care of Luna since she was a child. She is Alex's childhood sweetheart, though she'll never admit it. No one can match the power of her magical songs. Like most adolescents her age, she has many questions about herself. Unfortuantely, they're about to be answered...

Kyle: Boastful Brigand

After winning the approval of Master Mel of Meribia, Kyle was put in charge of protecting the Nanza Barrier. Despite his youth, he is a master swordsman, and well respected by hi loyal followers. He can't help but find himself attracted to Jessica, even though she can't stand his chauvinistic ways. He only has one flaw...his ego!

Jessica: Spunky Spellcaster

Jessica is the daughter of Master Mel, one of the Four Heroes, and the governor of Meribia. As an apprentice priestess at Althena's Shrine, she is a master of healing spells. Don't let the sweetness she displays around her father fool you; Jessica is a very brave and independent woman. She is at constant odds with Kyle, hoping that one day he will treat all women as equals. (Yeah, right.)

Nash: Macho Mage

This extremely overconfident magician's apprentice is an understudy to Ghaleon, the most powerful magician in Vane. If he isn't studying for his latest exam at the academy, he can be found trying to impress the woman of his dreams, Mia. Too bad Nash isn't as successful at trying to win Mia's heart as he is with magic.

Mia: Distinguished Daughter

Mia is the daughter of Lemia, one the Four Heroes, and the leader of Vane. Lemia has protected Mia from the outside world for so long that she is oblivious to the joys and hardships of found in the world below. Despite her mild nature, she is actually, a very powerful magician. If she could learn one new magic trick, it would be making Nash dissapear.

Royce: Divining Diva

Royce is a constantly busy prognosticator of the future who operates a small shop on Black Rose Street and consults with Lemia Ausa, the leader of Vane and the Magic Guild. While she doesn't mind peering into the lives of others, she keeps her own life to herself. Stangely enough, she and Nash seem to have a special bond...

Phacia: Althena's Alternate?

Phacia is the head priestess of Althena's Shrine, located at the foot of the Goddess Tower. Much like Althena, she has a friendly demeanor and a hupnotic beauty that dazzles anyone in her presence. In fact, many of the Shrine's inhabitants are under the impression that Phacia is the physical representation of Althena herself. Could it be true?

Xenobia: Chesty Cretin

Xenobia is the leader of the monstrous Vile Tribe that inhabits The Frontier. The Magic Emperor, for whom she holds a serious infatuation, has given her extremely powerful magical abilities. One of her favorite spells allows her to mimic the physical appearance of another person. This hotty is going to make Alex's life very difficult.

Magic Emperor: Epitome of Evil

With the assistance of Xenobia and the inventor Taben, the Magic Emperor has already set in motion his plans to rule the world of Lunar. As his power continues to grow, only a Dragonmaster will be able to stop him before he destroys all the Althena has created. Will Alex become the Dragonmaster in time?

The Four Heroes (from upper left as follows:)

Mel: Reformed Rascal

As the leader of Meribia, Master Mel has earned the respect and loyalty of the townsfolk. He is known for his ferocious fighting style, which earned him the nickname "Hell Mel." After life in the spotlight as one of the Four Heroes, Mel settled down and fathered a daughter by the name of Jessica. Jessica is Mel's pride and joy...his life.

Ghaleon: Somber Sage

Ghaleon is the premier of the Magic City of Vane, and the most powerful magician in the world of Lunar. He has never been the same since the death of his dear friend, Dyne. Having felt that a part of him also died on that dark day, Ghaleon looks forward to the time when he can avenge his fallen comrade. Is that time at hand?

Dyne: Dead Dude

Dragonmaster Dyne had the ability to command and use the power of the four Dragons in order to protect the Goddess Althena. Unfortunately, none of these powers could save him from perishing under mysterious circumstances. With each passing year, the legend of Dyne coninues to inspire the boys and girls of Lunar.

Lemia: Crabby Chick

Lemia is the leader of Vane, and the founder of the Magic Guild, which instructs others on how to unlock their magical abilities. In recent weeks, Lemia has been on the cranky side, becoming quite harsh in her treatment of Vane's citizens. Even her own daughter, Mia, wants to know what's going on. Is it menopause of madness?

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