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Hello, welcome to the NEW and IMPROVED Dark Universe! I have taken away most of the mess that was on this first page in option of a more simplified look. I think you'll find that this new format is easier to navigate and not very hard to get lost in or miss something. For those who knew the site the way it was before this, i'm sure this is much better for you...and for those who didnt..haha...have fun!

First of all, let me explain a little about myself. My name is Jason, I'm 25 and I currently reside in a real dump of a growing town dubbed Greensboro, NC. Heard of it? I'm not surprised. I have many interests and hobbies, all of which I'll try and cram into my web page here. I love movies above all. If I could truly do one thing with my life, it would have to do with making movies. But that isn't going to happen (let's be realistic here). I also love music of all kinds, except country! I detest it! I loathe it! But my favorite kind of music is metal. I'm also really into video games, I have been since I was a kid and that will probably never change. Other than that there really isnt that much to me. I work, I sleep, I play when I can, I try to go out and have fun, but that's kinda rare. Anyways, welcome to my page and enjoy....oh, tell your friends....he he he.

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Please Click On One of the Following Links

More Movies
Even More Movies
Yet Even More Movies
Video Games
More Video Games
Even More Video Games
My Final Fantasy VIII Appreciation Page
My Xenogears Appreciation Page
My Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Appreciation Page
My Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete Appreciation Page
My Groovy Links Page
The Dumb Nebraskans Page! (ha ha ha)
Click Here for Pics of Me!!!
The Extreme 80's Page!!!

Comming Soon

  • My Own Personal Artwork
  • My Favorite Bands and Music Page
  • All Things Dark and Evil
